Jeff Patterson's J-PAT SPEC Rifles

Well now, 99%? I tend to doubt it’s anywhere near that. There are more than a few examples of great shooters with great guns and low and behold, barrel goes off, gets damaged, performance goes down substantially. I suspect it’s closer to 50-50 but just guessing.
That said, what part of the equation gos to ammo lot selection, in bigger matches it’s big….very big, I’ve seen guys shoot way over their pay grade with fantastic ammo, getting harder and harder to secure. Best guys with best guns aren’t doing jack without that elemen secured.
It takes everything, no doubt...but overall, I'll take a solid but mediocre gun that never has the trigger pulled at the wrong time over a super gun that gets the trigger pulled in multiple switches. It all matters, though. The bigger the match, the more likely you are to be shooting against people that are both "on their game" and are tuned to the hilt.
Simple math there. More shooters equals more people tuned and on their game.

At a club match, anyone (almost) can be on top of everything and win. At a national level match, you might have 6-12 people tuned up and on their best game. Ya gotta beat them all, on their best day, at a big match.

If it's you day at a club match you can win. If it's your day at a big match, it's also 10 other people's day.
Well now, 99%? I tend to doubt it’s anywhere near that. There are more than a few examples of great shooters with great guns and low and behold, barrel goes off, gets damaged, performance goes down substantially. I suspect it’s closer to 50-50 but just guessing.
That said, what part of the equation gos to ammo lot selection, in bigger matches it’s big….very big, I’ve seen guys shoot way over their pay grade with fantastic ammo, getting harder and harder to secure. Best guys with best guns aren’t doing jack without that elemen secured.

Tim, you make some valid points. but putting that aside and knowing rifle and ammo are there it is the shooter who will determine how well they do. that is what I meant now you don't strike me as a shooter who would look at the rifle or ammo as the cause of a dropped point or bad target there is a possibility like you pointed out, but I doubt shooters at your level and those you mentioned will be on the line with a setup that is not there.

I say 99% because you have to have complete confidence in your setup. for me if I drop a point or shoot a bad target it isn't the rifle or ammo I look at, I look in the mirror for cause.

I think it more like 60/40, equipment/shooter

Everything has to be right including the moon phase but without a great rifle and ammo one has NO CHANCE, from my experience. It's really a hen or egg situation.

Tim, you make some valid points. but putting that aside and knowing rifle and ammo are there it is the shooter who will determine how well they do. that is what I meant now you don't strike me as a shooter who would look at the rifle or ammo as the cause of a dropped point or bad target there is a possibility like you pointed out, but I doubt shooters at your level and those you mentioned will be on the line with a setup that is not there.

I say 99% because you have to have complete confidence in your setup. for me if I drop a point or shoot a bad target it isn't the rifle or ammo I look at, I look in the mirror for cause.


You’re right, over the years I ‘ve seen way,way too many guys blame crap, usually ammo.
Over the years, I think I’ve had some pretty good success at this and in my case I try to be super self critical. Any time something like that happens I usually ask “ what did I miss, where did I screw up?”
That said It’s all opinion…, but still forum BS stuff. Everything , including you, is part of a system, and everything has to mesh, including every once in a while, a little luck… either give it or get it.
Thanks Lee, for the kind words.
Sept 25th Robert Oats, shooting Spec 1 (Primevil) won the IR50/50 Outdoor Nationals at Kettlefoot, Bristol, VA. There was some very serious talent there to beat as well.

Yes, Robert and Primevil are bad to the bone. I got it handed to me during the IR50/50 indoor nationals meters match Sunday. Robert and Primevil beat me and my 52D by 3 Xs, 749-47 to 749-44. He finished 7th and I was 8th. I really thought I had him covered. :confused:.

Yes, Robert and Primevil are bad to the bone. I got it handed to me during the IR50/50 indoor nationals meters match Sunday. Robert and Primevil beat me and my 52D by 3 Xs, 749-47 to 749-44. He finished 7th and I was 8th. I really thought I had him covered. :confused:.

Hey George, you certainly were the 99% of the equation in this case and that 1% perhaps bad luck, bad round, who knows!
great example of what I was saying and great shooting too!

Lee, the one I missed was all on me, not the ammo or the 52, I was getting lined up on a bull, when Ralph who was two benches up from me muttered, his went high by two rings. So, rather than pull off and shoot a sighter, I opted to just hold a little lower. Had I not done that, I would have miss by two also. :rolleyes: The middle of the range that day, was brutal.
Lee, the one I missed was all on me, not the ammo or the 52, I was getting lined up on a bull, when Ralph who was two benches up from me muttered, his went high by two rings. So, rather than pull off and shoot a sighter, I opted to just hold a little lower. Had I not done that, I would have miss by two also. :rolleyes: The middle of the range that day, was brutal.

The comment above explains some of the scores I was seeing. Seemed some were really hot, then fell off hard.
Lee, the one I missed was all on me, not the ammo or the 52, I was getting lined up on a bull, when Ralph who was two benches up from me muttered, his went high by two rings. So, rather than pull off and shoot a sighter, I opted to just hold a little lower. Had I not done that, I would have miss by two also. :rolleyes: The middle of the range that day, was brutal.

George I am still not happy about that. The video of seeing the miss is on repeat. My only other miss (Saturday yards) needed to be plugged. Bottom line it was an enjoyable time.
It's all about having a good time.

Ralph, I was not having the best shooting day either, but I had a ball with Larry and Robert. Larry left Saturday scratching his head and Robert wanted to buy my rifle after the match was over on Sunday. Told him I would trade, but he passed on it.
I havenoticed

The comment above explains some of the scores I was seeing. Seemed some were really hot, then fell off hard.

the two or three times I shot indoors, some shooters wait until everyone around them has stopped shooting before they go for their record shots and oddly enough, they seem to have some of the best scores.

The high shots happen outside as well. I have noticed that if one shoots a few sighters after a high shot, the rifle seems to come back to it's senses. Is it Mirage, is it Vortexes or an updraft that can't be seen with anything? I've ever seen that could show it to me.

Ralph, I was not having the best shooting day either, but I had a ball with Larry and Robert. Larry left Saturday scratching his head and Robert wanted to buy my rifle after the match was over on Sunday. Told him I would trade, but he passed on it.

I was standing there when you made the counter offer. Seemed fair to me.
When IR starts the new class the rifles you have will dominate. You’ll get bored.
Bill your one lucky lad. I know you'll do that rifle proud.

It looks amazing and from everything I heard, seen and read it shoots exceptionally so obviously all meant to be.
Spec Rifle Update

Here's a current update on the Patterson Spec rifles. He's moving along and has delivered several rifles since the last update:

P1 Robert Oates - Primevil - Delivered

P2 Larry Parsons - High Table - Delivered. (Note, this rifle has been sold to a new owner, barrel has been replaced)

P3 Denny Cronin - Perfect Storm - Delivered.

P4 Anthony Wright - The Animal - Delivered.

P5 Mike Sherrill - Postponed

P6 Bill Collaros - Waltzing Matilda - Delivered. (Shipped to Australia, should be in Bill's hands in a few short weeks.)

P7 Norm Flynn - Red River - Delivered.

P8 Joe Friedrich TBD - Next Spec build...

P9 Larry Mills - Tombstone


P11 Brian Stehlik TBD

P12 Brian Brandt TBD

P13 Brian Stehlik TBD

Configuration Notes:
Turbo V3 action/Muller 8 groove barrel/FF Whisper trigger/Harrell’s tuner/McMillan
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P2 Larry Parsons - High Table - Delivered. (Note, this rifle has been sold to a new owner, barrel has been replaced

Did Jeff replace the barrel for the new owner?
It just brings up the question of is it still a spec rifle if its in other than its original state then it left Jeff's shop?
If Jeff rebarreled it then,....maybe.
If some else did, definitely not, & should no longer be considered a spec rifle, IMO.
Did Jeff replace the barrel for the new owner?
It just brings up the question of is it still a spec rifle if its in other than its original state then it left Jeff's shop?
If Jeff rebarreled it then,....maybe.
If some else did, definitely not, & should no longer be considered a spec rifle, IMO.

Keith, no he did not. The guy who purchased the Spec rifle changed the barrel.

IMO, for a change like that, it is no longer a Spec rifle.
Keith, no he did not. The guy who purchased the Spec rifle changed the barrel.

IMO, for a change like that, it is no longer a Spec rifle.

I don't really care, but with that criteria would there be any of the old Calfee spec guns still considered a "Calfee Spec Rifle"? I think the owners of them and the Calfee lovers want them to continue on as "Spec Guns". I am not aware of what they have on them still, maybe Sherrill's is one of the few still sporting a Calfee installed barrel. There is a little more to a gun than the barrel, but the barrel is by far the long pole in a build being successful anymore.

Personally if I build a gun for someone, I really don't want any claim to it after its been re-barreled or had any major mods. With most new builds having pre-bedded Rotex stocks and ready to shoot Holeshot actions, building a gun is not much more than putting a barrel on and checking it out. If you are using an action that needs or has been extensively reworked by a builder, than maybe that will play in. How many guys really do that much action blueprinting anymore? Patterson does on all his Turbos, not sure who else. IMHO, having a good consistent method of installing a barrel does more for a build than all the rest. Getting good bedding and the actions working correctly is pretty much a given with what we have out there to buy if the builder is at all savvy.

Overall it think the whole "spec" thing is overblown. A small percentage of guns built go on to be national winners or notorious. I wonder how many guns as a percentage are real killers by our top builders. You always hear of the famous Calfee guns, but that handful of guns is probably a small part of the hundreds of guns/barrels he done over the years. Now you hardly even see one shot. That may really be the telling story if the re-barrel is as good as the original. On the other hand, maybe those guns weren't really as good as current new builds. Look at the current winning aggs indoors and number of 2500's shot. That was never that way in the past.