Jeff Patterson's J-PAT SPEC Rifles

Just noticed this thread a couple days ago. Larry Parsons was gracious enough to give me the 13th spot, grateful that he did this.

Since then spot 13 has been switched to spot 8.


Joe, this is Larry Mills, Spec P9 future owner. I am keeping track of the Spec rifles along with Tony, and created the tracking summary. I'll update the list to show the swap with P13 and P8.

Do you have a name picked out yet for your rifle?


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Late to the Party

Hi everyone,
I was not able to get on this list and with no word on J-Patts future builds...Who/Where would you all turn to get in line for another "build list"?

Hi everyone,
I was not able to get on this list and with no word on J-Patts future builds...Who/Where would you all turn to get in line for another "build list"?


Gerry, I would recommend you speak with Jeff. He makes them and knows if he has plans to make a second round of Spec rifles. He also does builds if you have the components of non-spec rifles, so that may be an option for you as well.

Thanks Larry!

I'm not sure why, but I was under the impression J-Patt was done or taking a break after the Spec line up? Not sure what put that in my head, but I think I will try to contact him.

Gerry, it's been awhile since I spoken to Jeff, but you never know, someone might fall off the list, and you could slide into that spot. I also understood that Jeff might make a new set of Spec rifles after a break from the first 13. That's also why I recommended you speak with him to let him know you're interested.

Good luck!

Do you have a contact # for Jeff? I have a new build that I would like him to do his magic on if needed. DiOrio V3, Bix and Andy, Muller 4 MI and a Dymalux stock. I realize he is busy with his HVAC and gunsmithing business and can wait 'till he has a break.
Do you have a contact # for Jeff? I have a new build that I would like him to do his magic on if needed. DiOrio V3, Bix and Andy, Muller 4 MI and a Dymalux stock. I realize he is busy with his HVAC and gunsmithing business and can wait 'till he has a break.

Gerry, I'll PM you his contact info.

Thanks Larry and Tony and Geoff! :)

Thanks fo the help Guys!

I sent a message to Jeff, and he got back to me same day. He has a waiting list for the SPEC series, but he let me know how to get ahold of him to get the process rolling on a build. You all were super helpful and I appreciate it!

I wonder if I get to name my "contraption" if it's not a "SPEC"? :)
have fun,
Thanks fo the help Guys!

I sent a message to Jeff, and he got back to me same day. He has a waiting list for the SPEC series, but he let me know how to get ahold of him to get the process rolling on a build. You all were super helpful and I appreciate it!

I wonder if I get to name my "contraption" if it's not a "SPEC"? :)
have fun,


You can certainly name your rifle. I would bet Jeff will also put a logo of your choice on your rifle too.

Good luck on your build.

The Animal is alive!!!!

Jeff Patterson's rifle SPEC P4 is alive and shooting.

Soon to join the new owner.

Here is the eye candy.


SP P4.jpg

Yes it's true mate

Spoke to Jeff and my Waltzing Matilda has jumped the order as Jpat Spec 5 has asked for little more time.
Jeff has some other commitments first though so it may be a few months yet i assume and it will need baby sitting till we organise the rudiculous export/import requirements


It has been a while now, and I am pretty sure several of these "spec" rifles have seen some are they doing?

I would have thought after all the fuss and naming rituals that the list of accomplishments would have been posted here by now?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Sept 25th Robert Oats, shooting Spec 1 (Primevil) won the IR50/50 Outdoor Nationals at Kettlefoot, Bristol, VA. There was some very serious talent there to beat as well.

It has been a while now, and I am pretty sure several of these "spec" rifles have seen some are they doing?

I would have thought after all the fuss and naming rituals that the list of accomplishments would have been posted here by now?

Inquiring minds want to know!


Kev, A brief update on the rifles that have been completed so far:
1) Primevil (see Scott's update in this thread).
2) High Table - probably no longer a Spec rifle. Was sold by the original owner, and the barrel was changed out. I do not know the current status but I do believe it's not an original Patterson Spec rifle at this time.
3) Perfect Storm - delivered to an ARA shooter who has just finished his first partial year shooting the rifle in ARA. He's still learning to master the skills needed to win ARA matches.
4) The Animal - delivered to a young shooter, so it will be awhile before he starts winning matches with it.
5) Postponed by the future owner at this time.
6) Waltzing Matilda is under construction at this time, then it's headed "down under" (Australia) to the owner.

Spec 5, 7 and 8 will be headed to competitive, very experienced shooters in the near future... We'll need to watch their results in the coming seasons...

FYI only...
Kev, A brief update on the rifles that have been completed so far:
1) Primevil (see Scott's update in this thread).
2) High Table - probably no longer a Spec rifle. Was sold by the original owner, and the barrel was changed out. I do not know the current status but I do believe it's not an original Patterson Spec rifle at this time.
3) Perfect Storm - delivered to an ARA shooter who has just finished his first partial year shooting the rifle in ARA. He's still learning to master the skills needed to win ARA matches.
4) The Animal - delivered to a young shooter, so it will be awhile before he starts winning matches with it.
5) Postponed by the future owner at this time.
6) Waltzing Matilda is under construction at this time, then it's headed "down under" (Australia) to the owner.

Spec 5, 7 and 8 will be headed to competitive, very experienced shooters in the near future... We'll need to watch their results in the coming seasons...

FYI only...

Thanks for the update, very interesting!

I have always found RFBR interesting in that so much emphasis is placed on the gunsmith - when in my personal experience, its the user who puts in all the hours of very hard work (lot selection, tuning, testing.......repeat!) that determines how competitive any rifle will be - assuming the smithing is all it needs to be.

Please keep all of us posted, thanks again!

kev (OU812)
Thanks for the update, very interesting!

I have always found RFBR interesting in that so much emphasis is placed on the gunsmith - when in my personal experience, its the user who puts in all the hours of very hard work (lot selection, tuning, testing.......repeat!) that determines how competitive any rifle will be - assuming the smithing is all it needs to be.

Please keep all of us posted, thanks again!

kev (OU812)

Hey Kevin, your personal observation is right on the mark. like motorcycle and car racing the driver/ end user is what determines most wins. RFBR is no different. yes, you need a good shooting rifle and ammo, but the shooter will always be 99% of the equation. as has been said many times if you can point it you can win.
