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  1. C

    Where and who to ask about technical bullet seating depth

    Here's my course on the Basics of Seating Depth... First, some terminology and then some fundamentals principles... Hard Jam - this is when the bullet is seated so long in the reloading process that the barrel rifling engages the bullet AND pushes the bullet further into the case when you...
  2. C

    Come Shoot the High Country...

    Here's the list - I just pinched this from the site, so verify the dates, formats, etc. There are a few overlaps, but not many. For what its worth, I've shot as many as 18 weekends in 4 months with this schedule plus a few outside the area -- it can wear out a wallet! Looks like July...
  3. C

    Come Shoot the High Country...

    While I setting about designing trophies for our Yellowstone Rifle Club matches this season, I threw together a little plaque to entice some of you to fulfill that bucket list item of a western vacation and shooting out here in the high country... load up the camper and make a loop! If you...
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    Windstorm at Prairie Dog Target Club

    PDTC is back and better than ever!!! - Pictures! The damage was extensive... more than half of the firing line cover was gone and the entire loading area was wadded up (along with a parked shooting trailer) and tossed down the hill. Bill Pond and his gang worked for over a month month straight...
  5. C

    30br barrels...

    A seller on eBay has a bunch of 30br (17 & 18 twist) suitable barrels posted... figured I would pass along a heads up.
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    Gene B. and the BOD

    Just to be clear... Hi Richard -- and all of the competitive "B"enchrest shooting community, Just so everyone knows, we do not and have not had any plan to use the legal system to seek any remedy regarding this event. I am not a believer in hiding behind a lawsuit when I have a personal...
  7. C

    NBRSA and good standing members

    reasons The President and Board have their reasons for not disclosing this information which I rightly understand. The plain truth is that their 'smoking gun' is embarrassing. Embarrassing to Audrey. In her anger and frustration with the President for directing her final paycheck to be...
  8. C

    To the members of the NBRSA…

    With a great deal of sorrow, I must announce that the NBRSA President and Board of Directors has decided that I am not fit be a member of the NBRSA. My membership has been “immediately and permanently” terminated for “ongoing actions” that can “no longer be tolerated”. As such, I am also no...
  9. C

    A stickey wicket

    My last of set Dewey rods (purchased about 18 months ago) couldn't hardly be pushed through the Nolan guides... after fighting with them for a few matches, I gave up and retired them to shop. replaced them with the stainless rods from Pro Shot, which I've decided I like well enough to not look back.
  10. C

    What is LT-31??

    We started mixing up LT31 when we found that Lot 10 of LT32 seemed too lethargic to be useful... I had 4 jugs of the stuff and decided to try and salvage it. Cut in some LT30 and it suddenly was a game changer. Mixing wasn't really necessary with Lot 1,3, or 6 -- they were hot enough on their...
  11. C

    Anyone, 4895 powder in the 6PPC?

    In reference to why N133 'likes' a lot of neck tension... When powders are manufactured, the kernels are coated with some concoctions to stabilize the flame propagation on the surface of the kernel. Each manufacturer has its own secret sauce, and a lot of time the only difference between some...
  12. C

    Ault CO Unlimited 10/5

    Congratulations Brandon! Back in July of 2013 you made the cover of the magazine -- as one of our promising young competitors, not quite tall enough to be able to shoot from your stool. That young fella who wore a bolt holster like a hog-leg now makes his own bullets and does his own...
  13. C

    This is a hard post...about a friend & shooter passing

    Unexpected shock... This was a shock to hear... we just spoke to Tom a couple weeks ago and he was inquiring about yet another venture to make shooting more 'profitable'. No sign of even slowing down. Carolyn - our thoughts and prayers go out to you... please let us know if there is anything...
  14. C

    What Do the Few Do That the Rest of Us Do Not?

    Of course it takes excellent equipment, but I don't believe you can buy your way to top performance, nor do I believe you need to. I've been playing since 2006, and the rifle I shoot has been with me since the beginning. I finally got a backup I trust a couple years ago. They share barrels, and...
  15. C

    Lands End Benchrest LV-HV 100-200

    Congrats... Congratulations to Jeff on his first 2-Gun win!! I traveled and shot with Jeff all last summer... he's an awesome competitor who has been playing the game less than two years. I expect to see his name at the top of a lot of these result sheets in the coming years. He's definitely...
  16. C

    Sine marks on fired case necks

    Ditto Jackie... I use the sine wave pattern as a way to judge my neck turning performance. A solid line up on the neck means the necks are too thick, down on the shoulder means they are too thin. Good clear sine wave means just right. The sine waves correspond to the lands and grooves in the...
  17. C

    Benchrest handicap

    MikeinCO Just reading through this thread some more... did Mike move to San Diego? Yo... Mike (if you're out there) ... Did you make it to the LR Nats in Sacremento? Rod
  18. C

    Benchrest handicap

    I've probably spent as much time working on this one problem as anyone in the sport for the last 7 years. I've driven over 20,000 miles and attended an average of 18 registered matches for each of the last 10 years... talked with match directors, hundreds of shooters, and had numerous...
  19. C

    6x45 55-65 22"+ Bolt gun

    A well-respected bullet maker from Casper WY told me about doing the same project (6-223) last winter. He said he loved it for 'yotes and p-dogs. He makes a super-light 6mm (if I remember something like 40-45 gr) bullet just for that gun -- practically just a jacket with a spot of lead in the...
  20. C

    Lost stuff from the PHX Nats

    Scope has been located... Thanks All! Rod