Windstorm at Prairie Dog Target Club

The week after our July 4/5 match on July 10 there was a little windstorm (maybe tornado) at Prairie Dog Target Club. Two of the 100 yd target frames were bent, 2/3 of the cover over the benches was blown away, our covered loading area was completely destroyed, one side of our bath house was blown away, and a number of big round hay bales were rolled through fences into other fields. However, under the supervision of Bill Pond, with critiquing by Don Deckert, we are rebuilding, and all should be in place for our September match.
PDTC is back and better than ever!!! - Pictures!

The damage was extensive... more than half of the firing line cover was gone and the entire loading area was wadded up (along with a parked shooting trailer) and tossed down the hill.

Bill Pond and his gang worked for over a month month straight fixing target frames, recovering the firing line, and building a brand new loading area -- and got it all done in time for our annual Labor Day festival.

See the attached pictures for the before-and-after!

This year's event was special all us Prairie Dog regulars, as shooters, friends, and family were there for a memorial service for Don's wife Pat who passed last April. She had been a special part of every shoot for decades (scorer and cook!)... not a dry eye in the place.

Last but not least, congrats to Terry Hettich for back-to-back wins on the Butch Kimmel-Pat Deckert Memorial 2-Gun!


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"Shooting in the Breeze"

Congratulations to Terry Hettich for the win.
Congrats to Bill Pond and crew for their work/effort and $$$$.

I hear if you like to shoot in the wind this place will scratch that itch!!!!

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