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  1. C

    Its in the bag!

    I was wondering the same thing he asked? Will you post the solution? Thanks
  2. C

    Labradar Service

    You are welcome. I was having the same problem and dreaded boxing my unit up and sending it back. I lucked into the thread directing me to these. They work. I would use them even if I did not have the lose fit problem.
  3. C

    Labradar Service

    Or you can get this: My port was sloppy and I got tired of fighting with it. Saw a post on A.S. recommending it so I gave them a...
  4. C

    6 dasher or 6 dasher Norma?

    Why do you say the 6bra better.
  5. C

    6 dasher or 6 dasher Norma?

    Ok. I’ll play. What is better and why. Keep in mind, I have two new Dasher barrels so you are going to disappoint me. :(
  6. C

    Mandrel v bushing dies on case necks?

    I find this interesting. From what I have seen, there are different issues shooting 100/200 group and 600/1000. Es/sd at 100 can easily be 30+ and still shoot in the .1s. Wouldn’t that same 30+ would give you bad vertical at 1000? I have had 60+ fouler shots shoot in the same hole at 100. I...
  7. C

    Mandrel v bushing dies on case necks?

    Just testing I have sized with a button and then opened the necks up with a mandrel. Compared to just using the button I was consistently getting single digit Es when using the mandrel with the button, where my Es runs in the teens. Made no different on the target.
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    Norma 6ppc brass

    I have used quite a bit of the Norma 6ppc. brass. What I found is that the shoulder is set back quite a bit so the first firing I was fireforming to my chamber. The neck length may also need to be trimmed depending on your chamber. The pockets hold up better of I went with a mild load the first...
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    Planning my 6PPC equipment, need advice!

    Don’t matter how good the gun is-you have to learn to make excellent ammo and to read the wind. Those are the more difficult task at hand; especially the latter.
  10. C

    30BR out to 500yds ?

    You know the old saying “I’d rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.” Sounds like you know you will need it. No fun shooting the wrong gun. At least for me. I’m bad enough already. :confused:
  11. C

    6mm ppc

    Now that is informative for several reasons. How much do you cut off when rechambering? Thanks
  12. C

    Jack Neary Wins at WWCCA

    Congrats. What were the conditions?
  13. C

    Mram does Kentucky play today?

    Mram, I hear you. You failed to see that Bruce Pearl is about as lose and close to crazy as any D1 coach, and his players have totally bought in and drunk the koolade. He tells them to keep shooting, don’t matter if you missed the last ten-run shoot and play defense. Shoot enough and shots...
  14. C

    Mram does Kentucky play today?

    I am a Bama grad. Unfortunately, my oldest son attends Auburn. Due to my investment, I am pulling for Auburn. You had to know they were going to beat Kentucky if you have been watching Auburn play. I pick them to win it all.
  15. C

    Look What Came To My Shop Today!!

    Nice. How do you convert to a drop port? Is it difficult to do?
  16. C

    Help needed in ordering a chamber reamer

    .436 at 200 1.081 base to shoulder OAL 1.503-1.507 (I measured several)
  17. C

    Help needed in ordering a chamber reamer

    The shoulder on the Norma brass is set back appx .007 further than my 6ppc chamber. Takes a couple of firings to blow them out. The necks are appx .265. If you need it, I will measure and give you the oal. I am sure it will chamber.
  18. C

    Location of new range near Birmingham, Alabama

    I think they shoot at Brock’s Gap also.
  19. C

    Lube when using expander die?

    What STP product?
  20. C

    Weaver T-Series XR 46x48mm

    Not on sale now. Listed for $1088.00.