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  1. K


    Tony, Just saw this thread and wanted to reply. Since I hold the TM on "Jack In The Box Tuner Twister" , I figure you'll give me some leeway on this one.:o First, I respect the hell out of you and what you've accomplished. When I've asked, even as a newbie, you've given me some great advice in...
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    Airing it out

    Am a little confused on some things. First, have no idea what Bruce's post is in reference to. I know Bruce is not a fan of mine. To say his personality and mine don't mix is an understatement. No biggie, people can disagree about things in life. But is this about what was covered earlier, or...
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    Getting Started

    Bruce, You bring up some great suggestions! Already do some of what you mention, though still have too much on my plate to organize and run matches. And yes, I do understand what you're trying to say, so no, you don't have to explain anything. The only thing I don't understand is what is the...
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    Getting Started

    Exactly! If Bill H wouldn't have done what he did, my foray into this would have ended near the beginning. Good for you on trying to at least get people coming to this. I will say here in the valley there are some new people showing up. Mac is bringing some from the money match stuff he runs...
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    Getting Started

    Pete, I think I briefly met you down at Kettlefoot this past summer at the Nationals. Weren't you with Keith for the Champs of Champs or whatever they called those matches? Anyway, good to meet you. My issue with what you mentioned is not so much the need for separating these matches by class...
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    Looking for Advice!

    You crack me up George! Hope Renae sees this post! John, if things work right I'll be at Rocky River the middle of this month. If so, look for the goofy idiot and say "you must be Kenny." If you're correct, I'll laugh, if not, they will point you in the right direction. Believe me, they will...
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    Shoot Pensylvania U L State Championship match 10-6-18 Fairchance AFTER ACTION

    Jerry, It was a nice trip up. Very easy drive, and beautiful range. Very pretty country too. After hearing all of the stories, wanted to shoot there but it never fit in my schedule. Glad I could come up. Still trying to figure out what was going on sometimes, but it was interesting. You guys...
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    Shoot Pensylvania U L State Championship match 10-6-18 Fairchance AFTER ACTION

    Jerry, you did good! Thanks for all your work to make things a success. You might want to get with Wayne as he only shows the Yards portion of the match on his site. You coming down to Piney Hill for the indoor Nationals? I told them you'd like Bench 1 or 2. They thought I was joking, but let...
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    Shoot Pennsylvania, Last Chance @ Fairchance this year!

    Thanks Bennie. John shot well, very consistent. That's the trick I suppose, consistency. He is familiar with Fairchance and he showed how it is done. I was hanging on for dear life most of the match as it's hard trying to figure out what's actually happening. Not the greatest at reading wind...
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    Shoot Pennsylvania, Last Chance @ Fairchance this year!

    Will be at Kettlefoot for the 10 shot UL Nationals next Sat. Come on down! Don't know if you've ever shot there, but it's a blast. Has it's own little kinks you need to sort out as to wind, but enjoyable place to shoot. The 10 shot target is fun! But, you have to hit the dot. Only x's count...
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    Shoot Pennsylvania, Last Chance @ Fairchance this year!

    Concur. Beautiful view. Especially at the break of dawn as you could see the mist over the valley. Easy ride up, Don and I enjoyed it. Some great shooters there, just wish more would have shown up. Still, a great way to spend a morning. My first go at this range and it was interesting. Not the...
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    Shoot Pennsylvania, Last Chance @ Fairchance this year!

    Just got word that Don Blue will be coming up with me! We're meeting up and riding together so should be there around 7. Looks like a 4 hour drive for me, but poor Don has a 1 1/2 hour drive just to meet me. That's dedication! No biggie for me since I sleep at the underpass along the...
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    Shoot Pennsylvania, Last Chance @ Fairchance this year!

    Jerry, Looking forward to it. Never had a chance to shoot there. Hollywood and The Blue Cube tell me it's a trip so it's been on my list these past two years. Just worked out with my work schedule this weekend, so I'm coming. Besides, not everyday a person gets a chance to shoot with their...
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    Shoot Pennsylvania, Last Chance @ Fairchance this year!

    Jerry, Hope to be there. Will be leaving at 3am so should make it in plenty of time. Will see you guys then. Looking forward to this. Kenny
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    WV State unlimited IR 50/50 Sunday September 30th

    Second that! Great match with great people! Jayson did an awesome job! And thanks to Daniel and Kenny for helping him keep things going. I got to see Kenny smile! Good shooting to you Dave! You were hammering it! And it was very nice meeting you. You're really good! Kenny
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    Congratulations George Donovan 2018 IR 50/50 Unlimited Champion

    I want to add my congratulations. George shot great all day. Jason was bringing it too, and was on his heels, but George held him off. Not only are both great shooters, they are even better people. It's a pleasure shooting with them. Wish you could have made it down Tony. Get well soon. Kenny
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    Shoot Pensylvania. Fairchance U. L. . Match. July-15 -2018

    Jerry, Single or double UL match? Am actually off work Sunday, so could possibly get up there. But, hard to justify such a drive for a 3 card match. Miss shooting with you and some of your cohorts. Kenny