Shoot Pennsylvania, Last Chance @ Fairchance this year!


Active member
This Saturday, October 6, 2018 will be the last but not the least with the
the Pennsylvania Unlimited Yards and Meters Championship Match.
Registration starts at 07:00 or 7 AM. First shot at 09:00 or 9 AM.
Who will show up?? Who will take it ALL??
Aces and Eights, or The Tack Driver. Jason or Dave, Or Bad Ammo Benyo, Who knows…
Weather is to be Sunny and 80 degrees. So bring a sweater and raincoat. :cool: :confused: :mad: :p
A light lunch will be provided by the club and DOOR PRIZES donated by our local ELEY distributor.
Mr. Bert Pickard
602 Division Lane, Vanport, PA 15009
Tel 724-728-2442 email.
This Saturday, October 6, 2018 will be the last but not the least with the
the Pennsylvania Unlimited Yards and Meters Championship Match.
Registration starts at 07:00 or 7 AM. First shot at 09:00 or 9 AM.
Who will show up?? Who will take it ALL??
Aces and Eights, or The Tack Driver. Jason or Dave, Or Bad Ammo Benyo, Who knows…
Weather is to be Sunny and 80 degrees. So bring a sweater and raincoat. :cool: :confused: :mad: :p
A light lunch will be provided by the club and DOOR PRIZES donated by our local ELEY distributor.
Mr. Bert Pickard
602 Division Lane, Vanport, PA 15009
Tel 724-728-2442 email.


Hope to be there. Will be leaving at 3am so should make it in plenty of time. Will see you guys then. Looking forward to this.


Hope to be there. Will be leaving at 3am so should make it in plenty of time. Will see you guys then. Looking forward to this.


Kenny looking forward to seeing you. I will have the coffee on.

Looking forward to it. Never had a chance to shoot there. Hollywood and The Blue Cube tell me it's a trip so it's been on my list these past two years. Just worked out with my work schedule this weekend, so I'm coming. Besides, not everyday a person gets a chance to shoot with their "stepfather". Will be by myself, as Hollywood is off to Maine for the weekend. Nice to have so much money that when you decide you want lobster, you just go where they're abundant. Don Blue is tied up in his shop making cool things so he won't be going, which leaves just me. At least I have my droopy bloop to keep me company...

Dave, looking forward to shooting with you again! Was telling a buddy how good you were. Will be fun to see how this shakes out. Be gentle with me...

See you guys soon.

Looking forward to it. Never had a chance to shoot there. Hollywood and The Blue Cube tell me it's a trip so it's been on my list these past two years. Just worked out with my work schedule this weekend, so I'm coming. Besides, not everyday a person gets a chance to shoot with their "stepfather". Will be by myself, as Hollywood is off to Maine for the weekend. Nice to have so much money that when you decide you want lobster, you just go where they're abundant. Don Blue is tied up in his shop making cool things so he won't be going, which leaves just me. At least I have my droopy bloop to keep me company...

Dave, looking forward to shooting with you again! Was telling a buddy how good you were. Will be fun to see how this shakes out. Be gentle with me...

See you guys soon.


DO NOT ENCOURAGE DAVE!!!. His head is so BIG he had to buy a CONVERTIBLE to go ANYWHERE:(
Looking forward to it. Never had a chance to shoot there. Hollywood and The Blue Cube tell me it's a trip so it's been on my list these past two years. Just worked out with my work schedule this weekend, so I'm coming. Besides, not everyday a person gets a chance to shoot with their "stepfather". Will be by myself, as Hollywood is off to Maine for the weekend. Nice to have so much money that when you decide you want lobster, you just go where they're abundant. Don Blue is tied up in his shop making cool things so he won't be going, which leaves just me. At least I have my droopy bloop to keep me company...

Dave, looking forward to shooting with you again! Was telling a buddy how good you were. Will be fun to see how this shakes out. Be gentle with me...

See you guys soon.


Kenny I don't know about being good but doing well against the caliber of shooters I was up against really builds confidence!
See you Saturday
Last Match in Pennsylvania 2018 . Fairchance State Championship, Yds. @ Meters

This is it !! Last Match in Pennsylvania. Fairchance out in the sun and beautiful sky. Show up and shoot with the big dogs, see them run, free from valleys and darkness, the way it is supposed to be. Enjoy the autumn breeze, and smell the pumpkins and field corn, drinking "apple cider" getting ready for the harvest.
While you are at it, come and harvest some Hall Of Fame Points, ;)that doesn’t hurt either.

See everybody on Saturday Oct. 6 2018
This is it !! Last Match in Pennsylvania. Fairchance out in the sun and beautiful sky. Show up and shoot with the big dogs, see them run, free from valleys and darkness, the way it is supposed to be. Enjoy the autumn breeze, and smell the pumpkins and field corn, drinking "apple cider" getting ready for the harvest.
While you are at it, come and harvest some Hall Of Fame Points, ;)that doesn’t hurt either.

See everybody on Saturday Oct. 6 2018

Just got word that Don Blue will be coming up with me! We're meeting up and riding together so should be there around 7. Looks like a 4 hour drive for me, but poor Don has a 1 1/2 hour drive just to meet me. That's dedication! No biggie for me since I sleep at the underpass along the interstate.So, for those who've never seen it, here's your chance to look at Don's Bloop in person!:eek: Hollywood isn't in Maine, he's in Jersey. Said he got a craving for Lima Beans, so is at some Lima Bean festival. Things must get boring in Jersey if they have celebrations for Lima Beans... Looks like just Don and I will be up from VA. Not sure about the others around here. But they don't travel much.

Really looking forward to this one. Heard so much about the place, so will finally get a chance to see what it's like.

Hope everyone has a safe trip and will see you guys Saturday.

Nice range. Nice people. Beautiful view.

What a view. Can’t be too many ranges with a better view.
Well run. Plenty of benches. The norm... friendly people.
Shooting meters was fun.
I’ll go back.
What a view. Can’t be too many ranges with a better view.
Well run. Plenty of benches. The norm... friendly people.
Shooting meters was fun.
I’ll go back.

Concur. Beautiful view. Especially at the break of dawn as you could see the mist over the valley. Easy ride up, Don and I enjoyed it.

Some great shooters there, just wish more would have shown up. Still, a great way to spend a morning. My first go at this range and it was interesting. Not the worst I've seen condition wise, but lord it could make some people say some funny things! Spent most of my time just laughing at the words that "slipped out" of the different shooter's mouths. Even made me question my sanity a few times. And I'm probably the sanest man you'll ever meet.

Good shooting with you again Ralph! Welcome to the world of meters! Where that line licker at yards becomes a minus 1. Or in Fairchance language, a -2...give or take a few.

Congrats to all the shooters who showed up and shot. Congrats to John Benyo on his win in the yards portion. Had never met him and he really put the hurting on us. Gorgeous George still finds a way to shoot the snot out of the dots, and Dave Burns showed me he owns me. Next time Dave!

Top three in yards:

John Benyo 750/47
George Donovan 749/51
Dave Burns 749/51

When meters started, well, the conditions got "interesting".

Can't say I haven't shot in worse, as I have, but wow! Some strange things going on. But it was fun. Enjoyed myself.

Meters top three:

Kenneth Seastrom 742/42
John Benyo 739/41
Jason Frymier 739/37

Overall, a great day. Very well run match, great weather, great range and very good shooters. Met John Benyo for the first time. Had seen him before but never got a chance to speak to him. Very good shooter. Good to shoot with Jason and George once more. They make me laugh with their antics and are very good shooters so it makes you try harder.

Thanks for the flags Ralph. Can't wait to get more comfortable shooting over them. They worked great. Weak link was me.

Good to see Jerry again. He cracks me up.

Worth the trip up.

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Concur. Beautiful view. Especially at the break of dawn as you could see the mist over the valley. Easy ride up, Don and I enjoyed it.

Some great shooters there, just wish more would have shown up. Still, a great way to spend a morning. My first go at this range and it was interesting. Not the worst I've seen condition wise, but lord it could make some people say some funny things! Spent most of my time just laughing at the words that "slipped out" of the different shooter's mouths. Even made me question my sanity a few times. And I'm probably the sanest man you'll ever meet.

Good shooting with you again Ralph! Welcome to the world of meters! Where that line licker at yards becomes a minus 1. Or in Fairchance language, a -2...give or take a few.

Congrats to all the shooters who showed up and shot. Congrats to John Benyo on his win in the yards portion. Had never met him and he really put the hurting on us. Gorgeous George still finds a way to shoot the snot out of the dots, and Dave Burns showed me he owns me. Next time Dave!

Top three in yards:

John Benyo 750/47
George Donovan 749/51
Dave Burns 749/51

When meters started, well, the conditions got "interesting".

Can't say I've shot worse, as I have, but wow! Some strange things going on. But it was fun. Enjoyed myself.

Meters top three:

Kenneth Seastrom 742/42
John Benyo 739/41
Jason Frymier 739/37

Overall, a great day. Very well run match, great weather, great range and very good shooters. Met John Benyo for the first time. Had seen him before but never got a chance to speak to him. Very good shooter. Good to shoot with Jason and George once more. They make me laugh with their antics and are very good shooters so it makes you try harder.

Thanks for the flags Ralph. Can't wait to get more comfortable shooting over them. They worked great. Weak link was me.

Good to see Jerry again. He cracks me up.

Worth the trip up.


Thought yards was pretty neat. Conditions weren't nearly what I expected so it wasn't easy but wasn't nearly all that bad. When meters came around, it got "interesting".
Kenny you are correct Fairchance has an amazing view all around! Beautiful range. As far as the match yards were very doable but man congrats to you on meters! I think the word I would use is insane conditions! I struggled big time. As far as the words slipping out shows what type of shooters we are, great people having fun! Nice to shoot with you and the others again, It was fun and OHHH Yeah old bad ammo John Benyo killed it again! John is one tough shooter! So glad you guys could make it and hope to shoot with you again soon.
Jerry I would like to thank you and the others for putting on a great match yesterday, had fun but wish there would have been more shooters. I still think you should have shot! I would have given you a handicap:rolleyes: Great club, great guys so can't wait till next year and do it all over again.
And one other thing if someone picked up the targets for bench 25 by mistake Mr. John Benyo would like to get them back if possible, that was his first 750 shot at Fairchance in a long time! Thanks Dave
Kenny you are correct Fairchance has an amazing view all around! Beautiful range. As far as the match yards were very doable but man congrats to you on meters! I think the word I would use is insane conditions! I struggled big time. As far as the words slipping out shows what type of shooters we are, great people having fun! Nice to shoot with you and the others again, It was fun and OHHH Yeah old bad ammo John Benyo killed it again! John is one tough shooter! So glad you guys could make it and hope to shoot with you again soon.

Will be at Kettlefoot for the 10 shot UL Nationals next Sat. Come on down! Don't know if you've ever shot there, but it's a blast. Has it's own little kinks you need to sort out as to wind, but enjoyable place to shoot. The 10 shot target is fun! But, you have to hit the dot. Only x's count towards points so you get an x or you get nothing, and you like it! What would be a 250 with a low x count gets you at the bottom of the heap. But at least there's others there with you! Have shot targets that would have scored 250/18x and didn't break 100 points. But the same score on other targets scored much higher. Just have to take all of the dot out for more points. But, you'd do well as you shoot lots of dots. So, come down and lay a whupping on us. Bring Jerry too as he'd enjoy it.

Oh, beautiful rifle you have! Thanks for showing it to me. Now, quit beating me with it!

Take care

Congratulations Kenny and John nice shooting

Thanks Bennie. John shot well, very consistent. That's the trick I suppose, consistency. He is familiar with Fairchance and he showed how it is done. I was hanging on for dear life most of the match as it's hard trying to figure out what's actually happening. Not the greatest at reading wind, but George Donovan has been giving me some pointers, and Tony Harper gave me a great tip a few weeks ago that really helps. Once I remembered what they told me, things improved.

Beautiful range, great people and really really good shooters. That's what makes this fun. Wish some of the others I've shot with could have made it. But will run into them again down the road.

Now, start collecting soda bottles so you can get your butt to next year's Triple Crown! Mike is bringing his travel trailer so we're going to be having the time of our lives. Looking forward to seeing and shooting with you again.

Take care


Come fire or high water I intend to be there Kenny
Lifes to short not to follow your dreams