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  1. J

    Just getting Back into the Paper Punching Buisness.

    This is my second 540X, the first one I got so mad about the 22lr. shortage after looking for 3 years and having trouble finding it. I sold all my 22's including my 540X. Now that 22 is coming back I am kicking myself for selling them. I have been on a 22lr. buying spree and I am very happy to...
  2. J

    Just getting Back into the Paper Punching Buisness.

    Guy's/Gal's, I did not get the 540X to the range today I took my Clark Custom 10/22 because I was reworking the stock on the 540X. When I bought the rifle there were a couple scratches in the stock and that was all that was wrong with the rifle. I ended up buying some stripper and started...
  3. J

    Just getting Back into the Paper Punching Buisness.

    Guy's/Gal's, So far very happy with the rifle. I took her out today really just to see how she operated and to set the scope. I fired a total of 65 rounds. The first 15 were just bulk hollow points to zero the scope. Then I started with CCI SV to fine tune the scope in. I will say this little...
  4. J

    Just getting Back into the Paper Punching Buisness.

    Guy's/Gal's I have been away from paper punching for a very long time. I use to really enjoy it but when the ammo shortage hit I got so frustrated about not being able to find any ammo I just sold all my rifles and got out of it. I just have been slowly getting back into 22's. Here are a...
  5. J

    Remington 540X Rail Question

    Tommy, Thanks for the link. I wish I would have seen it before I ordered one from Harris Bi-Pods web sight. They are $12 on that sight. I also order the 3/8" for my Clarks Custom 10/22 rail. Thanks so much.
  6. J

    Remington 540X Rail Question

    I have not been on this site for quite a while. I am just getting back to my own Bench rest shooting after a few years of being away from 22's completely. I just purchased a Remington 540X I have had one in the past and Loved this rifle. My question is and I hope you guy's can help me. The...
  7. J

    My Non-Ruger 10/22 Bech Rifle

    jGee, I was using Federal Premium Match. That is all I can find around here for right now.
  8. J

    My Non-Ruger 10/22 Bech Rifle

    I have been in the progress of building my Ultimate 10/22 Bench Rifle. 1. MOA Stainless Steel Receiver 2. GreenMountain Barrel 18" 3. Harrell Tuner 4. USA Stock 5. KIDD Bolt and Trigger (2 Stage) Group 6. JWH Charging handle. 7. Rear receiver bolt is JB weld Bedded with pillar 8. Tasco...
  9. J

    Pictures of my M540X

    Blades thank you very much for that knowledge and advice.
  10. J

    Pictures of my M540X

    Yeah guy's I just put it on the rest for pictures last night. After posting the pictures I noticed it touching also and adjusted it all the way down. It was set up for my CZ455 that I was not completely satisfied with so was sold. Now I have high hopes for this rifle.
  11. J

    Pictures of my M540X

    I have posted about my 540X in other posts and even asked a couple questions. I finally got the scope in and mounted and took some pictures of it. I have not gotten to the range to shoot it yet with these winter storms hitting almost everyone in the USA, so I will file a range report later. But...
  12. J

    Remington 540X

    Thanks Chuck, I appreciate the update. I figured it will be more accurate than the CZ and the Savage that I owned.
  13. J

    Remington 540X

    Thanks guy's 3/8" on the way. This is not going to be a competitive rifle but just a personal bench gun. I had the CZ 455 and a Savage as bench guns, they were never what I wanted so I got this American 540X and see what happens wit it.
  14. J

    Remington 540X

    I take it that is a 11mm ?
  15. J

    Remington 540X

    I just bought a Remington 540X off of GunBroker. I have not received it as of yet but I would like to get some scope rings for it so that when it does come in I will already have them. Can anyone tell me what size the receiver dove tail is for the scope rings ? Also can you tell me if there is...