Pictures of my M540X


New member
I have posted about my 540X in other posts and even asked a couple questions. I finally got the scope in and mounted and took some pictures of it. I have not gotten to the range to shoot it yet with these winter storms hitting almost everyone in the USA, so I will file a range report later. But I did want to share some pictures, I am very happy with the gun so far. The Barrel is free floated very well, a dollar bill will go all the way to the receiver with no resistance, the gun seems to be very tight and the bore is in excellent shape.


Just make sure before you head out to the range that your barrel isn't touching against the front stop at any point in time as you move around the target. That will do more to screw up a decent target in a hurry than anything else. I only mention this because in your photos it appears to be sitting against it.

Good luck, and have fun.

Dave Shattuck
I came close to quiting over that


Just make sure before you head out to the range that your barrel isn't touching against the front stop at any point in time as you move around the target. That will do more to screw up a decent target in a hurry than anything else. I only mention this because in your photos it appears to be sitting against it.

Good luck, and have fun.

Dave Shattuck

Changed barrels to a larger diameter and then the gun wouldn't shoot in a bucket. Everyone else could shoot it fine (in their rests). Gorham finally saw what was wrong and I felt a bit the fool.......
Yeah guy's I just put it on the rest for pictures last night. After posting the pictures I noticed it touching also and adjusted it all the way down. It was set up for my CZ455 that I was not completely satisfied with so was sold. Now I have high hopes for this rifle.
Just be gentile when pulling or flicking the bolt back. The bolt stop has a very tiny neck in it that is easily broken, and a small nightmare to make a new one because of the size.