Search results

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    Alabama ARA

    Thanks for the reply. I will try to make it one of the ARA days! Mike
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    Alabama ARA

    I’m taking a break from hurricane Sally clean up. Is there any ARA or other benchrest rimfire competition close to the Alabama Gulf Coast? Thanks Mike
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    10/22's and Bench Rest

    Thanks for the reply. I live in Alabama also and was curious where the Alabama gun was delivered. Maybe I will see it at a match. Sorry for the loss of your Father.
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    10/22's and Bench Rest

    What is the cost of one of these? Just wondering how it compares to a fully custom bolt gun.
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    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to everyone!
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    What have I missed?

    Thanks everyone
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    What have I missed?

    Hello all. I shot a few matches several years ago, but did not really get going in benchrest. Now I am retired and ready to try again. My location is south Alabama (close to Fiddler). I still have my bags, flags and other gear but will be looking for a gun or two. What developements have I...
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    Bill Myers has left the range.

    Sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers.
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    Welcome home!

    Welcome home and thanks for your service.
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    Poor Bob

    He forgot his wifes anniversary and she was MAD!! "I can't believe you forgot our anniversay again. Tomorrow morning I better wake up and find something in the driveway that will go from 0 to 200 in 5 seconds," she screamed. The next morning she got up, went to the window, and sure enough...
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    Billy Graham

    Billy Graham has just returned from a trip and was met at the plane by a limo and driver. "You know, I am 87 and have never driven one of these thing. Do you mind if I drive," asked Billy. The driver had no problems and before long they were on the interstate with Billy at the wheel. A...
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    Hey, I heard....

    On a positive note, they found plenty of asses to fill the scene.
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    Hey, I heard....

    When I asked why, they said they could not find any wise men or a virgin.
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    Hey, I heard....

    there was not going to be a nativity scene in Washington this year...
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    CAGC at Montgomery Match results

    Thanks for the hospitality. I did not shoot well, but plan to come back next month. I guess with scores as low as mine the only way to go is up.
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    Do windflags lie?

    Ok, new shooter chiming in here. Is it a myth that a puff of wind in the first 10 yards will move the point of impact more than a puff in the last ten yards?
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    First match at the new L&M range.

    The first match will be held this weekend at the new L&M range in LA (lower Alabama). The match is guaranteed to be at full capacity. Benchs have been drawn for and Mike Johnson has drawn the lucky number one bench. There are no other benches and no other shooters so I think I may have a shot at...
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    Hoke Kerns is in ICU

    In my prayers also.
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    Merry christmas to all

    Merry Christmas from LA (lower Alabama)!!
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    I went with the robotic procedure and have been pleased so far. The incisions are almost healed (two weeks out) and I am working on the rest of the healing process. I hope to finish my little range this weekend and maybe shoot a bit. Mike