Hey, I heard....

Also heard from Washington-

WMD's in Irag

Withdrawing troops from Trashganistan

The health bill will not cost anything
You'd have an easier time finding a virgin than a wise man in Washington, indeed.
Wilbur You might consider deleating this thread!
All Internet Traffic & Emails are now being monitored
for any mention of Obama or Legal Birth Certificate!

I have stayed out of the politics and the
Controversies surrounding Obama Until now.
This week I found out why I had not heard
from a friend for over a year! Obama had the
Feds pick him up last January for sending
Emails questioning why Obama could not
produce a Birth Certificate. A Federal Judge
ordered a Psyche Exam. The Feds then moved
him every 90 days so the Psyche Exam could
not be done! This is only a Brief summery of
what has happened to a Vietnam Vet and highly
respected member of the Aviation Community!
Something Needs to be done!!

I don't know who you heard that from, but that sounds like pure B.S. to me..


Sailor............................................ .....................

Speaking of Washington and Christmas...........There's one thing Obama and God do have in common....................NEITHER ONE HAS A BIRTH CERTIFICATE!!!:eek::eek::eek:
Also heard from Washington-

WMD's in Irag

Withdrawing troops from Trashganistan

The health bill will not cost anything

And I STILL say, you can't make a clean one-shot kill on a coyote with a 17Mach2....... :eek:

*Just kidding, of course. This is an ongoing debate on RFC. You had to be there....:D:D:D

Please check that story out. It sounds very wild. I, for one, would like to know if it is true.

Concho Bill
with todays attitude i'd be afraid to bad mouth Oprah too much:eek:
What Happened to Harry

What happened to Harry was told to me at lunch this week by a Very Senior Fed Ex pilot who has been a friend of Harry for 20 years. I did not write down all the details that he has learned about what happened because I was too shell shocked during his recount on what had transpired. Here are a couple more details that might not be exact but close enough for you to get a further Idea what happened:
He was moved 4 times during the year to Federal Detention Centers in GA, FL, SC & NC.
He was never formally charged with any crime.
When he was picked up in January he was a Walking, Talking respected member of his community.
Now he is in a Wheel Chair recuperating at another friends home. (Hiding Out). When contacted on the phone after his release this month he was barely audible.
Yep I forgot to mention the Feds decided he needed an operation while in detention but I was told it was not a lobotomy because they could accomplish the same results by other means.
His release from custody was done using a Legal Term that I did not pay attention to but it was something like “dismissal without prejudice” which I took to mean they were done with him for now but if he sends any more emails about Obama they just might come looking for him.
Yes this is all hearsay because I have not talked to Harry or his family but I believe it’s true. Yes Very Sad but True!