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  1. S

    Beware of custom bullet dies

    Just wanted to post about a set of custom carbide bullet dies that I purchase from someone claiming to be a die maker. After having severe problems with the dies I contacted Mr. George Ulrich. The bullet swage die insides were made of 3 parts instead of 1 part, and of cheap components. The...
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    Bullet Pointing Die

    wolfdawg pm inbound,
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    IBS Winter Meeting this weekend

    As of now the Seb 3 piece bag is illegal at Williamsport. This was reviewed by the board at the winter meeting along with other rules that will be brought up to the membership to be discussed. Joe I'll be calling.
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    IBS Winter Meeting this weekend

    Joe , our rule 61.0 states a single sand bag front rest. We will have this rule up for review by the members at the club. I don't see an advantage either way!
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    IBS Winter Meeting this weekend

    seb rest Joe, we went over this rule at our winter board meeting. must use 1 single bag, not 3 separate bags.
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    vetronix range finders

    Need help locating a dealer to buy one, any help would be nice.
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    in memory of Frank Grappone

    Frank was a great friend and most of all a great person! I will truly miss him along with others from our club. God Bless!
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    Maximum accurate barrel diameter for Heavy Gun

    The heavy barrels being used in heavy gun do have an advantage over light guns being used in heavy gun, results show this just about at every range. Just last year I thought I would use my light gun at the world open in the heavy gun class as well. The gun shot extremely well in light gun but...
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    New 1000 Yard Benchrest RANGE RECORD set at Reade Range, Allemans, PA

    range record Great shooting Mike, you are always shooting small groups. Well deserved!
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    Williamsport World Open

    The World Open is fast approaching and here is a small list of prizes so far: 10 Night Force 12-42Br,1 competition, Leupold- mark4 ,2-vx3 long rangers, sierra certs.,4 Broughton barrels certs, Shilen Barrel cert., Borden action Cert,Bat action cert. 21 century 2-primer tools and 2-deburring...
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    Ibs 1000 yd national championship match

    Congrats to Mark King,Jeff Mottern, Matt Kline,Tom Murtiff on your IBS wins! Mark King is also one of the best gunsmiths around. He smithed the guns for the winners mentioned here. and built many of the 10 shot world record guns!
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    for those that sort by bearing length.body length

    .003 spread is what I use, than trim to lowest #. That way all bullets are the same to point.If not pointing .001 is used.
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    Closing meplats & Jeunke measuring...

    charles,In my experience pointing bullets,the base will distort first on bullets with i4 jackets, and the noI use the hoover pointer and thru trial and error trying to close up meplates this is will i noticed where the bullet distorted. The hoover die has different punches to be used on...
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    .300 Ackley shooters

    Charles, I've been shooting the 300wby for years, I prefer 4831 pushing 240's or new 230's loads between 72.5 to 74 grns vol.around 2850 for both.34 inch barrel 1-10
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    .300 Ackley shooters

    4mesh, I believe most of the new heavy gun records that were broke this year at williamsport for the aggs.,were by shooters using a custom bullet in 6mm. that are made by a fellow who does have all the resources to make the finest 6mm bulllet . From what i've heard it is a very time consuming...
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    Hawks Ridge 1000 Yd Benchrest Range Announcement

    I hope everything can be worked out so matches and future nationals can be held there.I never been to another range that I enjoyed more,awesome place to shoot, outstanding hospitality.I will make the drive from pa. if it happens.
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    Sorting bullets by surface length?

    Mike, YES I use it to measure,spin the bullet and separate in 1/2 thousandths.The hoover meplate body is designed to use calipers to check length.I use this with a set of digital calipers so I have a number read out to go by.I then measure from where the bullet contacts the hoover body to the...
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    Sorting bullets by surface length?

    Mike, the 1st is used as a speedy way to sort bullets for pointing only, the 2nd is used to sort bullets for match sets of 15 with no vaiance.As far as measuring twice I found it to work for me,the results speak volume when meplating,streching and then pointing! AND no I don't need help!!!!!!!!!
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    Sorting bullets by surface length?

    JOE, thanks for the tip, going to use it tomorrow. Have 2000 6mm bullets to do.I use the jb comparator 1st, then the hoover meplate holder with calipers to double check the 1st.By using your tip this will cut down my time. As far as my dad, he does his, under lock and key.
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    Sorting bullets by surface length?

    Joe, can you teach me how to sort bullets,so i can keep up with the competition ,Mike in Co. confuses me?!