Sorting bullets by surface length?

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Here is a picture for You.The caliper runs $12 at Harbor Freight and the two comparators are available from Sinclair who advertises here as well as Bruno Shooters Supply.They are cheap and work well enough.Bill Shehane sells a very fancy tool with a dial indicator and a piece of granite that does this as well as many other measurements.
For a new shooter you don't need any of this stuff yet in my opinion.Go to some matches shoot some groups and see how you do compared to the other guys on your relays.Loading at home is also easy and relaxing compared to loading at the range but guiys like Cheechako(Ray Meketa) still load at the range and he is always relaxed.
I have a Mark King comparator and not so sure that I like it. Previously, I would sort with calipers and a Sinclair comparator attached to the caliper. Sorting with the King comparator is tedious and takes a little more time. I can zip through a bunch of bullets with the caliper and pretty much end up with the same outcome.
well I just ordered my Sinclair birthday gift so it'll be next round for comparator goodies.
DSM, The comparator you are talking about is the JB comparator. If you take two pieces of velcro and put them in a V on the bottom fixture so the part that holds the is set in straight, then there is no lining thing up every time. Just lift the dial indicator with one hand and put the bullet in and out with the other.

Joe Salt
Joe...are you talking about velcroing the comparator body to the granite base? Wouldn't that cause a slight amount of cushion and when adding a bullet?

I think I just need to spend more time using it to get a consistent technique going.
No make a v on the granite base so you can slide the comarator in and out, so it acts as a stop and lines up every time. Makes life much easier.

Joe Salt
Joe, can you teach me how to sort bullets,so i can keep up with the competition ,Mike in Co. confuses me?!
Joe, can you teach me how to sort bullets,so i can keep up with the competition ,Mike in Co. confuses me?!

I would like to know also. I don't compete but am always trying to shoot better.

look at the pic in post 62....
then tell me your confusion...

this is one of the simplier tasks in this type of shooting.

mike in co
Joe, can you teach me how to sort bullets,so i can keep up with the competition ,Mike in Co. confuses me?!
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Scott yes you really need my help! Your dad must have given up on you. Just an old Indian trick that should have been on the base when you buy the comparator so your not trying to line things up every time.

Joe Salt
JOE, thanks for the tip, going to use it tomorrow. Have 2000 6mm bullets to do.I use the jb comparator 1st, then the hoover meplate holder with calipers to double check the 1st.By using your tip this will cut down my time. As far as my dad, he does his, under lock and key.
ok i give.....which of your two tools is correct ???
if they are both correct, what do you do when you get a different reading on the second ??
why are you measuring twice ?...if the second tool is better than the first , just use the second.....
you are correct, you do need help....
mike in co
JOE, thanks for the tip, going to use it tomorrow. Have 2000 6mm bullets to do.I use the jb comparator 1st, then the hoover meplate holder with calipers to double check the 1st.By using your tip this will cut down my time. As far as my dad, he does his, under lock and key.
Mike, the 1st is used as a speedy way to sort bullets for pointing only, the 2nd is used to sort bullets for match sets of 15 with no vaiance.As far as measuring twice I found it to work for me,the results speak volume when meplating,streching and then pointing! AND no I don't need help!!!!!!!!!
the results speak volume when meplating,streching and then pointing! AND no I don't need help!!!!!!!!!

What tools are you using for streching your bullets?
ok so now i am lost...
is that what you do with the jb comparitor ???
if not why bother mentioning it in this thread ?

if it is, what does it have to do with pointing ? or meplating ??
or did you post just to hear yourself talk ??

and i second lynn, how dp you stretch youe bullets ???

mike in co
Mike, YES I use it to measure,spin the bullet and separate in 1/2 thousandths.The hoover meplate body is designed to use calipers to check length.I use this with a set of digital calipers so I have a number read out to go by.I then measure from where the bullet contacts the hoover body to the tip, this important when meplating.You can stretch bullets by just repointing.I found out by trail and lots of error this past year what works and what does not. Some make of bullets can't br stretched,I found that the berger hunting bullets stretch will stretch farther then target bullets
Mike what scott is saying is once he has all of the bullets sorted by bearing surface, now he uses the Hoover trimmer. Sorry but its hard sometimes to get thing in the right order without showing someone in person. Thats why people get there shorts in a knot. Besides your not going to do things the way I do or the next guy. You have to find what works for you. I don't do the Meples like Scott, I just point, why cut BC. then try and get back by pointing.

Joe Salt
I posted only because I have never heard the term streching the bullets.I was going to ask you about cutting a Vee into granite but I figured you were a stone mason.

Mike In Co
When you meplat trim your bullets you are referencing them near were they contact the rifling but in your meplat trimmers body section.If you don't pre-measure them the longer ogive length bullets will have a bigger meplat diameter when your finished thus defeating the purpose of trimming.
I have a plate with precision holes drilled in it for lack of a better description.When I trim my meplats I run the tips over the plate and they will drop into the various sized holes.I sort by that method.
There is a pressure cone around the bullets tip in flight so the least amount of diameter variation should help keep our bc numbers closer together.All that said without a hint of empirical data.
When you then point your bullets you are only closing up the hollow point.If you point more than that simple closing up your bullets will no longer spin on your juenke machine.You can take bullets that spin 2 deviation units and point them without first measuring them only to get bullets with more than 15 deviation units.You skip a step or go to fast without checking measurements and you just ruined some great bullets.
The guy who makes the Innovative Tool for shrinking the area right in front of the belt on magnum brass should make bullet pointing equipment.Right now we are pushing on the heel of the bullet to force the meplat into a small point.The body of the bullet is free to expand or slug up.
If a guy/gal could design a tool that constricted the tips closed like is done with the brass belt tool or a Lee collet die I don't think you would end up with the bullet spinning issues.
Lynn yes that is why the bearing surfaces all have to be the same lenght. That is why I always use a bushing when I'm done pointing to make sure I didn't make them fat. When you said we are pushing the heel of the bullet, thats why there not spining right you bulged the bullet trying to get a nice point. been there done that. Everything is trial and error. Then hopefully your rifle will like what you have changed!

Joe Salt