in memory of Frank Grappone

Joe Salt

New member
I heard the bad news today that Frank Grappone passed away yesterday. He was a good friend to me and lot of others. He was the pillar of the Pa. 1000 yard benchrest club, as far as I'm concerned. He was a past president and worked hard for all shooters. Frank will be missed by everyone at our club and a lot of other clubs, too. Rest in peace, Frank.

Joe Salt
Frank was one of the most encouraging and helpful men I've ever met and I will miss him.
Gods speed Frank
I just heard and am shocked. Frank was like a father to me. We went on an antelope hunt together last October which was incredible! He loved shooting and the PA club! He had to since he drove from Michigan every two weeks when he was president.
I will miss him immensely!
God bless! Hopefully there are no "flyers" in heaven!


Frank may have left the range, but his impact on our sport, will never be diminished.
My prayers today are for the Grappone Family.
Frank was a great friend and most of all a great person! I will truly miss him along with others from our club. God Bless!
I knew Frank for about 12 years and talked with him a lot. We drank coffee every morning before the shoot. We also went down town for supper with the gang. I know we will all miss him. He also did a lot for the club and shooting in general. He always had time to talk to everybody and help them. I will really miss all the emails he sent me. My prayers are with the family; God Bless. Matt
I will miss joking around with Frank. He was a true sportsman when it came to shooting. I didn't get to see him often, but enjoyed his company at the Nationals and the few trips I've made to the PA club. This is a true loss for the Williamsport gang. I will say a prayer for the family also.

I don't think I can say it any better then you guys already have . I am still trying to soak this in ....He will be dearly missed.
My sincere condolences to the family.

Tim Sellars
Frank was a great man to know and a man you will never forget . He was a great help to me when i started shooting and i now he helped many others ! He will be missed at the club for sure . RIP ONEFLYER !

My prayers are also with the family !!

The McCarthys
Shawn ,Veronica ,Nick
Frank was a good personal friend that I will miss but never forget.
Frank was one of the most helpful and encouraging men I've ever had the pleasure to know. He will be missed and is a great loss for our sport. God bless him and his family.
mike g.
Frank will be missed very much at the Williamsport 1000 Yd. Club, and I'm sorry to say that
we lost another member too. Harold Rice, another long time shooter at Williamsport also passed
away this week.
I will miss both of them.

Harold was a top grade guy and one of the old timers of the Williamsport range. He will be missed.