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  1. admin

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Thank you Hunter that is very kind of you!
  2. admin

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    The search issues were caused by software issues and unmaintained servers before this was transferred to our server. If the transfer did not occur the old servers would shut off and the site would have been virtually totally lost forever. We have worked tireless hours to recover, reorganize...
  3. admin


    Great! Glad that fixed it!
  4. admin


    This is due to the cookies on your computer wanting to redirect there. Try a browser that you haven't used before or clear the history of your browser. Sorry for any issues ~Lori
  5. admin

    Bullet Making Supplies from the Estate of Bill Brawand

    This post is a courtesy to our dear friends, the family of the late, great Bill Brawand. Bullet Making Equipment and Supplies We have large quantities of various sizes, of the following: copper jackets, leads and lead wire, presses, gun barrels (new and used), cleaned bass cases, and...
  6. admin

    Bill Brawand has left the range.

    Bill Brawand (photos from family) Our deepest sympothies and condolences go to the Brawand family. These photos were submitted by daughter, Sam Brawand. Bill was a true benchrest shooter if there ever was one. We'll miss you Bill! 1
  7. admin

    Wilbur Harris - Tribute and Funeral Information

    Hi Friends, As most of you have heard, Dad passed away Saturday evening. I'm still at a loss for words and have not yet adjusted to a world without him. Over the past year, he's battled multiple life threatening conditions. And let me assure you, he met those challenges with courage and a...
  8. admin

    Wilbur Needs a Cure

    Thanks Hunter! Dad is doing good. Here's the latest update:!&p=838735#post838735
  9. admin

    Wilbur survives a 5-bypass open heart surgery by the grace of God!

    Hi Hunter! I'm happy to report my dear old dad, Wilbur, successfully received a total of five bypasses during his scheduled open heart surgery this morning. It was scheduled for a triple bypass, but they ended up doing five. Spoiler... He's doing great. All glory, thanks, and praise...
  10. admin

    Wilbur Needs a Cure

    Wilbur's Home! Happy Independence Day! Hi Friends! We brought Dad home from the hospital today and by all indications, he's certainly on the mend. We want to thank everyone again for all the nice thoughts and prayers. It's been a long day so he is getting some rest. I'm sure he'll catch...
  11. admin

    Wilbur Needs a Cure

    Wilbur Update - Friday, July 3rd Hi Friends, I do have what we believe to be good news this time. The doctors seem confident they've identified the problem and are now treating it. If things continue in the right direction, I hope to be bringing Dad home tomorrow. Lord willing of course...
  12. admin

    Wilbur Needs a Cure

    Wilbur Update Hi Friends! I'm happy to report Dad is feeling pretty darn good. After several days of nothing to eat or drink (only getting fluids via IV) he had his first solid meal. While the source of his condition is still unknown, he certainly seems to be headed in the right direction...
  13. admin

    Wilbur Needs a Cure

    Wilbur Update - Thursday, June 25 Hi Friends, Here's the absolute latest update on Dad. A real doctor must have finally arrived on the scene. With a couple of days worth of test results, they have concluded Dad has had a kidney shut down and he is being transferred to a hospital in...
  14. admin

    Wilbur Needs a Cure

    Wilbur's Wednesday Update Hi Friends! I'm happy to report my Dad has gotten some fluids in him and sounds a lot better on the phone. They are keeping him another night in the hospital. I'm sure glad he's feeling a little better, buy they've still yet to figure out for sure what's going on...
  15. admin

    Wilbur Needs a Cure

    Wilbur Update Hi Friends. Thanks for all the nice thoughts and prayers for Dad. He can certainly use them. It's going on five weeks now that his stomach has been unsettled. He's been on a liquid-only diet, and it's really taking a toll on him. He looked and felt a lot better Sunday, and...
  16. admin

    Chris Ross Passed on May 2

    Prayer said... Wilbur
  17. admin!

    Hey this is Elmer, Wilbur's son. Please give me a call - (423)763-8203. I'll get you fixed up. thanks, Elmer Harris Benchrest Central 423-763-8203
  18. admin

    Angelina Rifle and Pistol Club

    Thanks to 'cbrewer', the subject club is listed in the "Clubs" doodad. Seems the only club in all of Texas....!?!?
  19. admin

    Wilbur -- new forum?

    Try that search again and see if it finds the right stuff, please sir.
  20. admin

    need opinions

    Would shoot almost as good - everytime.