Wilbur Needs a Cure

Wilbur Update - Friday, July 3rd

Hi Friends,

I do have what we believe to be good news this time. The doctors seem confident they've identified the problem and are now treating it.

If things continue in the right direction, I hope to be bringing Dad home tomorrow.

Lord willing of course.

Thanks again for your kind thoughts and prayers. It means a lot to my Dad, and I hope he'll be able to tell you as much soon.

thanks again and Happy 4th of July,

Here's hoping and praying that things improve quickly. We all respect you and wish that you will get back to normal soon. James
Your poor Dad has and is going through a tough time and with the good Lord's help he should be getting better very soon. I also want to say a prayer for the family God only knows what these good folks are also having to go through themselves. Also going to say a prayer for all of the good folks here who are praying for him and them you are a truly a blessing to mankind.
Hi Friends,

I do have what we believe to be good news this time. The doctors seem confident they've identified the problem and are now treating it.

If things continue in the right direction, I hope to be bringing Dad home tomorrow.

Lord willing of course.

Thanks again for your kind thoughts and prayers. It means a lot to my Dad, and I hope he'll be able to tell you as much soon.

thanks again and Happy 4th of July,

keep on truckin bill b
Docs are not infallible. One of my DIL was very sick for a month and just now diagnosed it as chicken pox. They need to get out of Kalif!
Wilbur's Home! Happy Independence Day!

Hi Friends!

We brought Dad home from the hospital today and by all indications, he's certainly on the mend.

We want to thank everyone again for all the nice thoughts and prayers.

It's been a long day so he is getting some rest. I'm sure he'll catch up with everyone soon.

Thanks again for all your support!

Good to hear that Wilbur is home,I hope he recovers fast. I agree he is a fine man, I always enjoyed talking to him at the matches. Wilbur has done the shooting world a great service with this website, Thanks Wilbur and Elmer for your efforts and may good health be your reward.
I'm a little better...but not much...

Thanks for the good wishes, orders, and all the like....really....THANKS!

Not out of the woods just yet but seem to be headed that way. Got my fingers crossed anyway!!

Y'all are the best!!!!!!!

Thanks for the good wishes, orders, and all the like....really....THANKS!

Not out of the woods just yet but seem to be headed that way. Got my fingers crossed anyway!!

Y'all are the best!!!!!!!


Howdy Wilbur,

Good news! Hope you keep improving!

Take care,

Hey Wilbur,

Nice to read you here. Take good care of yourself.
All my wishes for a faster recovery.
As many might remember, I went through total kidney shutdown about 12 years ago.

At the emergency room after I collapsed, they treated me for coronary distress for several hours until someone looked at the bloodwork and noticed my Creatine level was over 6. My kidneys were not working.

It took 7 days in the hospital until I was functional. I lost about 30 percent of each kidney. I recovered, but have to be careful.

I said all of this to tell you that they determined my kidney failure was brought on by my taking Celebrex, a very common anti arthritis drug. For some reason, still unknown, it shut down my kidneys.

Is there a possibility that Wilbur’s kidney problems are the result of a drug reaction?

Everyone please be careful with meds, especially the newer, high power ones. A couple of years ago I was taking Cosyntex for arthritis. It perforated my colon and nearly killed me. Had to have half of it removed.
Please add Wilbur back to your prayer list; he's experienced several one-step-forward-and-two-steps-back-type issues lately.

I'll try to keep y'all updated; in the meantime, I'm sure Wilbur and Elmer will appreciate your prayers.
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