Wilbur -- new forum?

key words....title only
i have a thread on the 600/1000 yd forum that the search engine will not find UNLESS I HAVE THE TITLE WORD FOR WORD.
i love this site, btu the search engine is next to useless.
mike in co

What will that search engine search?
ok the thread i was after is my 1000yd self build.....

it showed up when i did a search on "electronic scale"...cause somewhere in a REPLY some said electronic or scale....

but failed to show up when i did a search on self build...two words, side by side in the title....system just failed after about 5 min..no reply...

how is it possible for a search engine to not find words in a title ??

mike in co
it diid find it this time, BUT
IF PUT 15 OTHER THREADS IN FRONT...NONE OF THEM HAVE the string "SELF BUILD" IN THE TITLE.... (i ignored this thread..it did find it here and put this first.)

it picked up the individual words FIRST...FROM post, RATHER THAN THE STRING OF WORDS.....

it appears to search for either word, by date, rather than the string first.....

so it maybe better....
let me try a couple more searches ...

mike in co
I searched for "self build" including the quotes and your post came up first. This on my cell phone. I then got home, read your post and did it again using MS Internet Explorer - got the same results you did. I then did the search using FireFox and the results were the same as the cell phone. I am completely stumped at the moment but I'll do some searching - no pun intended.
i did a search on
"electronic scale"

the search engine is not looking for the STRING of words, but EACH WORD seperately....even with quotes....

so electronic hearing muffs show up in the search...amoung others...

mike in co
Mike - I find the same thing using IE9 but get the right stuff back when I use FireFox. That's illogical given that the search is performed by the server and not the browser. I've got quite a tale to tell given the opportunity.
Doesn't IE use some software to "enhance the surfing process" that the others don't? I forgot what it was but ran across the issue recently.
We're about to embark on a past due (15 years past) revamp of the site. Any suggestions concerning features, content, etc...?

WILBUR! Leave well enough, alone.

Remember the quote. "NO good deed goes unpunished".

I see it everyday.
I just can't help myself. I want to fix it better.......But, then the next operator does not like it...........Just let it go.....it will fix it self............:)
Doesn't IE use some software to "enhance the surfing process" that the others don't? I forgot what it was but ran across the issue recently.

Must be something but it doesn't make sense to me. The search is done by the server and on the server and searches a single database. Must be something in the request sent other than what is typed in the search box. To make matters worse, my Son and I have the same version of IE9 and his browser doesn't return the same results as mine. I'm having the same problem as Mike.

Just did the same search with IE9 & Firefox, searching for stoney+point.

Both gave what appeared to be the same outcome, which was a result for one or t'other word, but neither search highlighted the searched word in the body of the string.

Then I searched for stoney & both returned the same outcome, but with the word highlighted in yellow at each appearance.

Maybe what zippy says.

I think I broke the code as to what was happening to me. That dadgum "sort results by" doodad was set and saved differently (server side) on the different browsers - caused my stupid ass hours and hours of troubleshooting. Works best when set to "Relevance". The clue came when both worked the same while logged in as admin. I've got more on this as soon as I get it compiled - more than anyone wants to know.
Wilbur, it's soundin like you got too much time on your hands for us. You gonna get more shootin in this summer?
