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  1. admin

    Hey Wilbur

    I think I fixed it. Check it out and if not .....HOLLER!
  2. admin

    Hey Wilbur

    I'll look around but ....Yes...and Yes - I hope
  3. admin

    I got my hands on some danzac!!

    An electric ice cream freezer, a Mason jar, and some wadded newspaper to jam up the jar in the freezer can works pretty darn good. Don't try to put bullets straight in the can without the jar as they will scrape off the can coating and goof up your bullets. Put the motor on the freezer, tilt...
  4. admin

    How to fix an enlarged primer pocket?

    I've got a deal that swages the entire case head. A punch just a bit shy of the case diameter snaps in the ram like a shell holder. A die was drilled out to screw in and act as a stop for the swaging ring(s). The swaging rings look something like a Wilson trimmer case holder except smaller...
  5. admin

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Hope Y'all have a grand holiday! Travel safely on the way...and on the way home. Wilbur
  6. admin

    Reverse taper or not?

    What I meant to ask...are scores such as these somewhat rare or every day business?
  7. admin

    Reverse taper or not?

    Ray - Pretty darn impressive for 100 yards. Are Y'all shooting something like that on a regular basis? Whatever taper you're using would be a great choice!
  8. admin

    Projectile question

    Find somebody that is not experiencing "flyers" and try whatever bullets he's using. Seems that would be the easier method of troubleshooting and very much definitive for all things "bullet".
  9. admin

    Thank you Ray Hill for Laser Stands

    "How close to the target...? This is very much variable. Most folks divide how ever many flags they have over the distance being contested. It's not so much that they are affecting the adjacent benches but rather the bench itself. Consider a match that has multiple relays. One equipment...
  10. admin

    Thank you Ray Hill for Laser Stands

    Self appointed interpreter I'm sure the others are just using the laser to "locate" where to place the flag...and then setting it below the defined height.'s always the high edge of the bench. You can't look at a row of flags across the low edge. Further, if you use either to set...
  11. admin

    cleaning out my closet
  12. admin

    Thank you Ray Hill for Laser Stands

    I believe Pete was thinking that any flag out there that the light touched would be above the rule limit - assuming the laser was level.
  13. admin

    Very furstrating pressure issues....

    Could you possibly be oversizing the cases....enough to affect the headspace? I've seen this happen and some rounds produce excessive pressure while others don't.
  14. admin

    Future of the Air Gun Bench Rest Games

    I'm with BobZ - what's up here? I'm not making a comment - I'm actually asking for somebody to explain what the problem is specifically.
  15. admin

    Ogives explained

    Bearing surface is another bullet term Folks reference the cylindrical portion of a bullet as the "bearing surface". That term implies the section of bullet that "bears" on the barrel. The actual bearing surface would be the length of the bullet that is equal to or greater than the land...
  16. admin

    Ogives explained

    It is easy AND retooling to an extent. You just swap pointing dies if you have another on hand. As Al pointed out (none intended), a carbide pointing die was seven hundred to a grand years ago... What do they cost these days?
  17. admin

    Bench critique needed

    That's over the top right there!
  18. admin

    Some 6ppc reloading questions

    Here's a link that's pretty good: If I were trimming for a match, I would cut them 1.485. That puts 'em back far enough to make it to the last shot before they need trimmed again. Trimming cases during a match is unsettling at best and seems that it's...
  19. admin

    Scale Weights

    Let's take that to an extreme and look at it again. Suppose there are 15 competitors and the scale reads 9 pounds with a 10 pound check weight. 7 of the 15 get DQ'd and appeal the decision. Would it really matter what their rifles actually weighed at the time? Compound that with the clause...
  20. admin

    Scale Weights

    Pete - I don't think you're in the minority at all. Those scales you reference are quite accurate but given the set of ALL those scales it just takes one to create an often unfixable problem. Ferreting out that scale is the purpose of check weights. Again, the way to go here is with a solid...