I got my hands on some danzac!!


Active member
Anyone here using danzac on your bullets? I got some given to me today from a kind fella, so i am going to try it out. Some time back i acquired some 30cal bullets from Brady Knight, that had danzac on them, and i really noticed how much more easy it was to clean my barrel up after shooting. Not to even mention that i shot something like 50 rounds before i even cleaned the darn thing. Accuracy never fell off. Now with my 30BR barrel i dont have to clean very often anyway, so there may or may not be much to gain there? The 22cal and 6mm bullets are what i am hoping to find some advantage with. I am referring to my 22 and 6ppc of course. Anyway i coated some bullets today, and they seemed to work real well. All i did was clean the naked bullets with a clean towel, and then i put about 50 bullets into an aspirin bottle. I applied about a screw driver tip of the danzac into the bottle with the naked bullets. I then placed the lid back on to the aspirin bottle, and then placed the bottle into my vibratory tumbler for about 30 min. Seem to me that all is well. bullets came out nice and PURDY!!! Is there anything else i need to know about this stuff?? Lee
Have never tried it that way Lee. My procedure is to put the bullets into large 6" tall pill bottles with No. 4 steel shot and about 1/8 tsp. of the WS2. I've had the steel shot for years. Have seen some on here that use BBs. Anyway, the pill bottles are half-full of steel shot and will hold 100 .224 or .243 bullets or 50 .30s each. I then place three of the bottles into a Lyman 1200 vibrator and run it for an hour. Separate the steel shot in a collander, swish the bullets around in a bath towel for a minute or two, and they come out looking like silver bullets.

Cannot find any negative aspects to the WS2. Believe barrels clean better and last longer but hard to find hard evidence to prove it. "Danzac" (WS2) is one of the things I do because it makes me feel good. Any time I can put a high-temp, high-pressure layer between the bullet and the barrel, I like it. The coating is a pain in the butt, but just one of the things you do.
I thought about stopping at the farm store to buy some BB's but i also figured that the bullets themselves would impact the danzac onto each other. so far everything looks real good. Lee
been using it for years,i use bbs & put the bullets right in a vibratory tumbler with the bbs & danzac,only thing i do is clean the bullets with choke cleaner then reclean them with 91% rubbing alcohol,really makes for a nicer coating job when the bullets are really clean to start with,usually do 1000 at a time with no problems
I think the method i am using would be fine in a rotary tumbler. I wouldn't want my pill bottle to bounce around to much in one though. i would probably pack the inside of the tumbler with paper or whatever, and center my pill bottle. I Have played with this for the last two days and i see absolutely no need for BB's. My bullets are coming out perfectly. I dont pack my pill bottle supper tight with bullet but not to loose either. just a little extra room for the bullets to roll around on each other. the bullets themselves are impacting the danzac. Like i say, everything seems to be great. They shoot pretty darn good as well!! Lee
I keep wondering about just throwing that prepared bottle in a landry dryer with a load of clothes....

I keep wondering about just throwing that prepared bottle in a landry dryer with a load of clothes....


You might want to tape the lid on realllly tight, and make sure nothing is in the dryer that matters....to the wife--M
You can certainly use BB's with danzac bullet coating, but it isn't necessary. I've coated every bullet I've shot both in competition and varmint hunting for a significant number of years ( probably 50,000+) without BB's and have been well satisfied with the results. I currently use a square sided glass pasta jar on a rotary tumbler. I do maybe 300 115gr 308 at a time or 5-600 204s.

just remember that the finer particle size you go with the better it will coat & look a lot better also
An electric ice cream freezer, a Mason jar, and some wadded newspaper to jam up the jar in the freezer can works pretty darn good. Don't try to put bullets straight in the can without the jar as they will scrape off the can coating and goof up your bullets. Put the motor on the freezer, tilt it over about 45 degrees and let 'er rip.

Sure, a tumbler looks more professional but you can't make ice cream in a tumbler any where near as easy as you can coat bullets in an ice cream freezer.
free stuff

I have most of a pound of danzac left if any one needs some .

Just p.m. me with a mailing address for an ounce.

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the rotary will be significantly longer to get the same resuts....its just a slower machine......but it is the recommended maching for coating the impact method when using bb's/shot.
i do moly and HBN

mike in co

How do you think your method would work with a rotary tumber?

I read on 6mmbr that the danzac sticks or impacts better when the bullets are warm or even hot. Anyone have anything to add there? Lee