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  1. J


    Try Reade's range You could probably find out more by spending a day at reades range, Fallentimber, PA. See more. Learn more. And maybe meet your future rifle. Check the schedule so you are there during a match. If that one doesn't suit you then find another range that has matches and go. The...
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    Mike Warner

    Mike was a great guy. Hope he had an easy passage John M
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    Left the Range

    We enjoyed talking to Sarah at the school these last 3 years. She was a class act always and will be sorely missed. John and Allison
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    Charles Greer

    Lynn, That gives me a good start. Thanks John
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    Charles Greer

    Lynn, Could you tell me material and dimensions for a Lt gun block. I sort of think some kind of aluminum as you mentioned heli coil but ? We've got 3 amateur rifle builders (not am. machinists) with no experienced help close by. Thanks John
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    6 MM 115gr Bullets Accuracy

    Jeff, if you are not in a huge hurry (we're all in a hurry), look at the 6mmSuper LR at . Developed by Robert Whitley who has some interesting comments. oooorrr Contact Joe Hendricks at and ask him for his PDF on the 6Competition Match (very very interesting). Joe...
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    Dave Dohrmann

    I have missed Dave since he moved away from the Aurora Sportsmans Club in Sugar Grove IL. I had always hoped he would move back. Dave started benchrest shooting at ASC when I was Rifle/Pistol Comm Chairman. I like to think I helped him get started. He became the club benchrest champion and then...
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    Calfee Book

    Got both of mine today. Good job Douglas!!!
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    long range bullet prep

    Hey Gone Hunting378 did you post 2 threads to read. I am very interested in getting every thing I can on this subject. Thanks
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    Barrel PreTreat For HBN

    Got it. Thanks Bn man. Thanks everyone on this thread. Got the 70 frm Canada. Will get the HCPL for bullets.
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    Barrel PreTreat For HBN

    So is it correct that the HCPL is 100 times larger than the 70-nm and the AC6111 is half the size of the 70-nm. Can the 70-nm then be used for either barrel pretreating or bullet coating or neither. I'm thinking either but I might have missed something.
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    Mirage board construction

    Mirage board A friend made some out of that plastic corrugated sheet and after some experimentation settled on 6"X10" with 1/2 stripes on one side and 5/8 on the other. He also made duct tape tags top and bottom to staple them up by and easy to replace when they get chewed up. We posted the 10"...
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    PSL Piney Hill 3/14 & 3/15

    PSL 2 Day Sorry to hear that. I do love to see the hotshots wrung out. And I mean that in a most respectful way. I know it's rough on the crew (same like at race tracks). It's like I'll see your fatigue and raise you one bone ass tired.