PSL Piney Hill 3/14 & 3/15



The PSL Lapua Series match at Piney Hill Indoor Club in Luray, Va will be a two day event. We will begin on Saturday morning at 9:00 am. We will shoot 3 targets Saturday. We will shoot the final 2 targets Sunday starting at 8:00 am.

After much discussion, we have decided a 2 day event would be better for everyone involved. The Rocky River match was great, but it was one long day. We will have a more detailed schedule in the next few days. We just wanted to get the word out as quick as possible so that everyone involved can make the appropriate arrangements.
Kettlefoot question

Dan ,will there be any reason to go to two days at Kettlefoot given the number of benches ? Alot of us have already made arangements for that sunday. I think this is a good move for the indoor events but I like the one day for outdoor ranges. David
Can we assume that the ARA Tourney schedualed for Sunday will be canceled/reschedualed?
It will be interesting to see what the turnout is for the future events. I suspect some thought the indoor shooting was going to be a cake walk.

On the outdoor events if you had the same number of relays lighting might become an issue if the range does not have them.

I hope the turnout stays up there.


Outdoor event at Kettlefoot, St. Louis, and Waco will stay one day. It is just a bench number issue.


The ARA match will be rescheduled.
Smart move. I like to be in bed by 9 pm. Two days might just allow my normal retirement time. Looking forward to the shoot. bob finger
PSL 2 Day

Sorry to hear that. I do love to see the hotshots wrung out. And I mean that in a most respectful way. I know it's rough on the crew (same like at race tracks). It's like I'll see your fatigue and raise you one bone ass tired.
Will you all be shooting the squirrel rifle matches on Sat or Sunday???
Lapua and mid barrel dampners

Dan as you are aware we will be giving an additional $500.00 to the winner of the next event if they are using Center-x Midas + or X-Act ammunition during the entire event. It is not certain yet but I am trying to work it out so this $500 if not won at the next event at Piney Hill would be carried over to the next event and become $1000.00, $1500.00,$2000.00,and so on. I am still working on this and should have an answer next week. There are already some top shooters intrested in this possibility. I will have more informatrion on this as we move forward.
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