Search results

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    MSSA Match Cancelled

    MSSA Matches IR50/50 Matches for Apr 8th and 9th have been cancelled due to weather.
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    Kettlefoot Match Cancellation

    Due to the weather forecast, we are cancelling the IR50/50 matches on Apr 8th and 9th. We will reschedule both at a later date.
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    VA State IR50/50

    Please let me know if you wish to sign-up for the VA StateIR50/50 Un-Limited Match. It is limited to 60 Shooters and the VA State ARA is already Full. Wayne Wills
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    VA State IR50/50

    Just a reminder: The first event of the Triple Crown will be the VA State IR50/50 Un-Limited Match Yards and Meters. We will start at 12:00 Noon on May 25,2016 and shoot first Meters then Yards. We will only shoot one relay and the range will be open after the match for practice. Come on out for...
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    IR5050 Indoor 3Gun Nationals - Piney Hill

    Clint has told me he will be there. He is bringing caps and HOF jackets for the 2015 year. I hope to get as many out to the winners as possible. Wayne
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    IR5050 Indoor 3Gun Nationals - Piney Hill

    Hey Wilbur, Any chance on seeing you at Piney Hill? I still owe you a steak dinner. Wayne
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    IR5050 Indoor 3Gun Nationals - Piney Hill

    I plan on being there all day Sat. If anyone needs supplies please let me know??? Wayne Wills
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    IR5050 Sporter Nationals

    Mike, Bruce thought there could possibly be 3 relays. There were only two. As you know Kettlefoot has 60 benches so it would be very unlikely to have more than one or two relays. We will be shooting Sporter and 3-Gun Yards on Sat. at 9:00AM and Sporter and 3-Gun Meters on Sun. at 8:00AM. The...
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    IR5050 Sporter Nationals

    If scope power was a major reason for lack of interest then Sporter Class in other organizations should be booming and we know it is not. I have no answer as to why the attendance was down as IR50/50 Sporter has been having above average attendance. Sporter Class IR50/50 is one of the toughest...
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    Kettlefoot Indoor ARA Match Cancelled

    We have cancelled the ARA Indoor Match scheduled for Feb. 26 Thanks, Wayne
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    Ir50/50 hof

    Just a note to let everyone know that the 2015 HOF points are on the website. Congrats to each shooter. We really had a great year and we are looking forward to 2016. New ranges and schedules are also posted. The Range portion of the website will be updated shortly. I will be at the Sporter...
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    IR50/50 2015 Recap

    Look what has occurred and what to look forward to. Please check the website for the recap of 2015 and new stuff for 2016. 2015 is now in the record books. 2016 is looking good. Thanks to Bruce Hornstein for the write-up. Wayne
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    Looking Back at our first year

    It is hard to believe it has now been over a year since Kay, Anna and I acquired IR50/50. I want to thank everyone who helped us get everything done. We have made some mistakes and gratefully you guys have been understanding. You have realized that we have had to learn a lot of things in the...
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    Super X Man

    We will award the Trophys at either the Sporter or 3-Gun Nats at Piney Hill. Which one depends on Clint Swigert's recovery from surgery. Wayne
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    Super X Man

    Congats to Joe Robinson Un-Limited Super X Man Winner and to William Colbert Sporter Super X Man Winner. They both shot great all year and came out as the first two SUPER X MEN. They will receive 1000.00 each and a beautiful Trophy. Now, they have to defend their titles in 2016. We will award...
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    Merry Christmas Wilbur!
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    Kettlefoot Indoors

    Read the IR50/50 rules for Indoor ranges. If any portion of the bullet path is indoors it is an indoor range. Yes, we shoot through a porthole then through a roofed and walled area. The entire path of the bullet is protected from the wind by a hillside and a wall. IR50/50 and ARA have both...
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    IR50 in MN? Anyone here from MN that shoots IR50?

    Gopher Campfire in Hutchison MN. A great bunch of guys. Travis Beste has taken charge since Ray Wights' retirement. Wayne
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    Need Contact info

    I am in need of current mailing address for Kevin Nolbrook and Keith Lovan. I have had a package for Keith returned as unclaimed. Please send info to : Thanks, Wayne
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    IR50/50 2015 Results

    We are in the process of finalizing 2015. The Web-site is up to date as of 11/19/2015. Please check the shoot results on line and see if there has been any mistake in submissions. If you find a mistake; please contact your Match Director first to be sure it has been submitted correctly. If so...