IR5050 Indoor 3Gun Nationals - Piney Hill


The IR5050 Indoor 3-Gun Nationals at Piney Hill are just around the corner - March 19-20.

The range will be open Friday for practice and registration. We'll also be registering Saturday morning and drawing benches around 8:15.

Like all Nationals this year Wayne Wills has a $250 cash prize for the 6-Gun Agg.

We're still waiting to hear if Clint will be there on Friday and if the new Eley shipment will be here in time to test at Piney Hill.

We'll have lunch but shooters will need to take care of breakfast on the way to the range.
Results ??

Steve Bradley, Eddie Bigley, & Wayne Wills were the top 3 in yards. They all shot 750's. I think Wayne shot is sporter the whole match???
Mike Poole, Steve Bradley, & Bruce Hornstein took the meters.
Steve Bradley, Bob Hill, & Ken Camper too the 6-gun agg.Congrats to all the target & match winners
Joe Robinson also shot some potential world records.
I'm sure the results will be up soon.
Thanks again to Bruce & his crew for a great match! It was a close one all weekend & it really made it fun.
Thanks to the rest of the guys for the southern hospitality. I had a great time!
Last edited:
I scanned the printed results from the match and had already put them in a pdf to send to someone who also asked for the results earlier.



  • 3GunNationals-_01.pdf
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