IR50 in MN? Anyone here from MN that shoots IR50?



I hope to start shooting IR50 Sporter in Minnesota next spring. I live up in the NE corner. Does anyone know of any clubs in this part of the MN with IR50 shoots?

Also, is there such a thing as informal "internet Leagues" if I can't find a group to shoot with. I built a heavy bench in my field behind the house with up to 100yd targets.

Thanks, Keith
Gopher Campfire in Hutchison MN. A great bunch of guys. Travis Beste has taken charge since Ray Wights' retirement.
There's another fella from up that way that shoots regularly at New Richmond and Hutchinson. From what I know we'll be shooting IR50/50 and ARA at New Richmond in 2016.

Lately there's been a few new shooters that started shooting at New Richmond. Really a great bunch of shooters and plenty of ribbing to go around, never seems to be a dull moment!

However, some of the shooters on the line really can shoot, at least one world record holder shoots there all summer. Yet these same fella's are glad to help out any new shooter achieve/obtain what's necessary to be competitive anywhere.

Still have more then a case of ammo to lob down range so I'm planning shooting at New Richmond in 2016.
Thanks for the replies. New Richmond, WI is about 220 miles from me. Hutchinson is about 260 miles. My wife has a sister that lives about 30 miles from Hutchinson; may have to check on that first and try to double up a visit to both.
Thanks for the replies. New Richmond, WI is about 220 miles from me. Hutchinson is about 260 miles. My wife has a sister that lives about 30 miles from Hutchinson; may have to check on that first and try to double up a visit to both.

Good Lord, are you up in Cook? At least there's plenty of open country to shoot without dealing with other people.

Good Lord, are you up in Cook? At least there's plenty of open country to shoot without dealing with other people.


Hoot, I'm up in Embarrass Township outside of Tower. I have a nice field on our propery right behind the house; built a nice heavy rest with 6x6 treated legs that is heavy as heck and have up to 100yds to fire from it. Too bad I can't find a club closer that shoots IR50.
Hi Keith, I am Dean Ackman. I am a regular shooter at new richmond and hutch. I live just a stone throw or so from you.
Well maybe a little further, Brimson is what the area is called. My wife works in Aurora at the hospital.
I am new to this game (couple years) but doing very well thanks to the great bunch of guys.
If you want to try this game give me a call, I can answer most of you questions.

Dean Ackman
218 848 2673

ps Ya think we will get a winter this year? Still hav'nt seen -0's yet maybe tonight