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  1. N

    Which Powder Measure

    Kevin, I have a lee also and I use it for Varget. I also use an old Redding for RL-17. I keep them adjusted for the most common loading I do with each powder. I have been tempted to get rid of the Redding and get another Lee! I dispense low and trickle up on a lab balance to one granule with...
  2. N

    New scale affords opportunity for measure technique refresher/practice

    Boyd, I think you have found a keeper! Do you know how this balance works? Is it a strain gauge or magnetic force device? The only negative if it is a strain gauge is its ability to track dribbling. Does it track dribbling quickly? I have an old Ohaus TS 200 which is very similar spec wise...
  3. N

    Most accurate powder scale and methods??

    Jim, You are still not grasping what I said. My Ohaus TS-200 is guaranteed accurate to 0.001g on the 200g full scale accuracy. The stability is also 0.001g as is the drift. Both the 503 as well as the one that is in favor now (can't remember the model) are 0.001g accuracy balances. If I...
  4. N

    Most accurate powder scale and methods??

    I think some of you mis-read my reply. Of course, accuracy is important. But the accuracy we need is consistency and as I mentioned, I use two 100g masses a single one to calibrate linearity and both to calibrate full scale. these are "1" level masses and are not too expensive. The industry...
  5. N

    Most accurate powder scale and methods??

    Scales, repeatability and accuracy. I started with two different beam balances, one oil damped and one magnetic. I added one of those cheap Lee scales and damned if it wasn't the most consistent! As I shoot long range BR, I wanted the most consistent load I could get. So, I got a Gempro and...
  6. N

    Vern juenke machine

    Yes and No. I have all the parts in hand and the active area where the bullet rides in a plastic V block and its adjusting parts as well as a pedestal for cases to measure neck thickness is prototyped and I am loading the PC board to build the first bread-board.
  7. N

    Vern juenke machine

    Digital meters aren't any good for tuning stuff. But, don't compare apples and oranges. My system uses high quality active filters to filter out the deviation in oscillator amplitude while the bullet is being turned and only indicates the peak to peak amplitude. And, in another mode it will...
  8. N

    Vern juenke machine

    Lou, I think if I had one of the original Juenke machines, I would not mess with it! I seriously subscribe to the "If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!" The electronics, even tho it is archaic to me, seems to work well, and the motor drive, which I think is un-necessary, also works. So, If I was...
  9. N

    Inside case neck cleaning?

    ReedG, in my opinion, is a fellow to listen to! What he said about the HoF shooters i think is brilliant. I, too, have met a bunch of these guys and most of them are pretty shrewd, but most are minimally educated and "use what works." Now, don't get me wrong, I didn't say they were dumb! I...
  10. N

    Vern juenke machine

    Norm's back! I'll try to explain the eddy current meter made by Juenke. First, there is nothing wrong with the original design, just that today some of the circuit blocks can be done easier and with more consistency and accuracy. The basic unit is an electronic oscillator running at, say...
  11. N

    Vern juenke machine

    Analog vs Digital Jerry, No, I'm playing in the analog domain! All those fancy machines you found are still based on a simple inductor sensor and an oscillator, all analog functions. What they use the digital for is the calculations and metering as it is far too easy these days to buy a 50...
  12. N

    Vern juenke machine

    Boyd's right, even if he ain't an engineer! And, I'm an Electronic Engineer of the analog persuasion. I have looked into the circuit of the Juenke device and it is in fact a VERY crude Eddy current system. I say crude as way better circuitry was available when Juenke built these things. There...
  13. N

    For those of us with ringing in our ears...

    ringing in the ears Sorry Boyd, but this time you again touched on one of my specialties. I like to call myself an electronic Engineer with 40 years of analog integrated circuit experience, but the last 10 years of my career was spent working on research and product development for the ear for...
  14. N

    Not rich, can I benchrest with any respectability

    Maybe this is a better way to answer your question. First, you can buy a stock out of the box Savage 6BR bench rest gun for, I think, $1200. A scope can be had on ebay for a modest price, maybe a 6-24 power Vortex or the like for a couple hundred. Cadwell makes a serviceable bench rest for...
  15. N

    Inexpensive die suggestions?

    Some time I enjoy being stubborn. load an empty case with the bullet you intend to use and send it to Lee. They will make a custom collett die for you at VERY modest price. For variability, you can get custom size Mandrels as well. Or, chuck up the mandrel and take a half thou off the area...
  16. N

    Magnetospeed Barrel Mounted Chronograph

    When I mentioned that the magnetospeed didn't up set groups, I was talking about long range BR and F Class. I never said anything about 100 yd BR and the absolutely insane groups you folks shoot!
  17. N

    Plugs and muffs

    Yes, tinnitus very often comes along for nothing with noise induced hearing loss. And not hearing the teenage girls and your wife "mumbling" is because usually age related hearing loss is a primarily hi frequency phenomenon and female and children's voices are an octave higher in frequency than...
  18. N

    Magnetospeed Barrel Mounted Chronograph

    MagnetoSpeed I, too, have a MagnetoSpeed and since getting it, I haven't looked back! Sold the old Chroney! I use mine on a couple hunting rifles as well as my 6BRX long range bench rest gun. I, as well as others, have found the point of impact raised about a MOA with the MagnetoSpeed...
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    Plugs and muffs

    Muffs and plugs I have commented on this subject before, but every one prefers anecdotal evidence instead of clinical data!!! First, Any well made foam plug INSERTED PROPERLY will give you about the best sound attenuation possible. Let me explain again; If your ear canal is completely...
  20. N

    Pocket scale

    Unfortunately, the small, inexpensive scales are strain gauge balances and do not respond quickly to "trickling." However, I would think the GemPro 250 would be just the ticket for range use. It is accurate and reasonably stable. I stopped using mine only because I found an Ohaus TS200 for a...