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  1. L

    The Michigan score Challege. The last shoot of the year. Pics

    A great time was had by all!!!! We sure learned a lot this year with doing this for the first time. Many thanks to everyone who stuck it out and put up with any mistakes we may have made. It was a "Challenge" in more ways than one. We will be doing it again next year, but with a few changes...
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    .30 wins two-gun group match at Holton.

    Thanks Jerry I just couldn't see the expense and time away from my business. I will be going through some life changing stuff in the next couple of weeks. Fortunately, even though I am 59, I am in great shape, talented and resourceful (and available). 30's are great fun, but its time to...
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    Also..... congratulations to our modest Eastern Region director for taking second in the 2 Gun and congratulations to John Inman who won the HV 100. Congratulations and blessings to Becky and Josh.
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    Jack Neary Wins SP Grand!

    Congratulations Jack!!!!! Way to go!!!! I knew that barrel was hot, but it takes skill and experience to add the finishing touches. No one deserves Hall of Fame status more than you. I wish I was there to say it in person. Sincerely, Larry
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    Benchrest For Me?

    I have said this many times..... Benchrest shooting is the only sport I know of where you go to a private campground, the camping is real cheep, there are seldom any kids, all my friends are there and I get to shoot guns too. What could be better?
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    Jack Neary Wins Eastern Regional and Earns ER Hall of Fame Honors.

    Congratulations Jack!!!! Unfortunately, you weren't close enough to my bench for the 30 Belchfire Magnum Improved to have the desired devastating effect.:mad: I did manage to burn the hell out of someone's flags though.:p Oh, wait a minute!!!!:eek: Where are my flags???:confused::(
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    This one was

    I fell victim to the lost shot curse. At 200 yds. in VFS at the IBS nats. I shot 16 Xs, but missed the 10 ring twice. For anyone who does not think this is a test of rifle accuracy and shooting skill, consider how hard it is to hit a 1/8 in. dot at 200 yds. in a switching wind 16 times out of...
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    A notable happening at the IBS Nationals

    Hall of Fame It would seem that our Benchrest Hall of Fame may need a certain expansion or enhancement that would recognise the accomplishments of men like Mike Walker that have clearly contributed well more than many of the current members who have gotten their membership by showing excellent...
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    Kane, PA

    Nice going Jeff!!! :D Are you going to make it a double this weekend?;)
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    New NBRSA Rule, Please Read

    Perhaps a different meeting place could be another solution.
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    30 BR question

    The 30 BR that I use for my own personal use is an improved version. It has a 35 degree shoulder, .328 neck diameter, slightly bigger body and longer throat. It shoots well and will launch a 125 gr. bullet at 3050 fps. Is it needed? Not really. I also have a 30 x 47 using the same reamer...
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    New Forum

    Group vs. Score Forum....... I don't see the need for another forum for competition benchrest vs. "other?" benchrest. What may be acceptable would be specific forums for Group Benchrest vs. Score Shooting Benchrest. But even then many of the fundamentals are the same in both diciplines. The...
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    Does anyone have a no. for George Ulrich?

    Thanks, Larry
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    VFS @ Holton...MSC

    Michigan Score Challenge For anyone following this event, our first match was held at Oscoda on May 9. It was a 100/300 event. Results of that match is listed below. VFS 100 Jim Dyke 250 - 20x Larry Feusse 250 - 15x Dan Groleau 250 - 11x Paul...
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    First record shot high/low

    Jerry is on the right track..... When firing on the sighter the sand in the rear bag settles and the bottom of the v of the bag will take on the same angle as that of the bottom of the stock. Then when you go to the top target the bottom of the stock is now sitting at the rearmost part of the...
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    Michigan Score Challenge 100/300yds

    Did someone say CHALLENGE......? Wow, that 300 yds is something else!:eek: Maybe it was the extra 2 ft. that did it. In that wind in order to hit the mothball you had to hold off way over to the side of the outer ring, then if the wind picked up a little or let up a little and you didn't...
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    Oscoda, MI score match this Sat.

    There will be a 100 & 200 yd. IBS score match this Satuday, April 11, 2009 at 9:00 AM at the Iosco County Sportsman's Club range near Oscoda Michigan. This will be the first match of the year and should be a good warm up (we hope it's warm). The club has been working hard to get new backers in...
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    You think primers are HIGH now,

    This looks quite sinister. What better way for government forces to control guns than to control the ammo. Primers are the one component that is hard for the individual to make on his own. If primers are somehow bundled up into a package that can be either bought or nationalized by a...
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    POA Shift

    Jackie On the March 10-60 variable, do you think the variable apparatus in the scope would have any potential for adding to point of impact change? I know these are fine scopes with everything possible done to them to eliminate POI change, but is the variable mechanism even part of the POI...
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    30 x 47 16.5 twist. BIB 134gr. 10 ogive.