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  1. C

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    And that's why we are in the shape we are in today. We, the slient majority, just sat on our hands and let things happen. OK, you want gun related topics only, then here's one for ya. I now have my 21 year old granddaughter traveling to and from college with a double stack 9mm in her purse. Is...
  2. C

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    the above post jogged my memory about a story concerning a model 94 that belonged to my Dad. After he had passed my mother had a problem with dogs pooping in her front yard and asked me if I had a BB gun. My son had one around the house so I brought it to her and showed her how to use it. It...
  3. C

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Is it slanderous if it's the truth?
  4. C

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    [I believe] Biden won't do it.
  5. C

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    I wear hearing aids today from shooting skeet when I was 14 years old without hearing protection. I'm now 79. When I got older and was supposed to be wiser, not, I would go into the engine room of my boat with three diesel engines wound up. Even with hearing aids I have to be looking at someone...
  6. C

    Wind flag ID

    Looks homemade to me.
  7. C

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Some people will B**** if you hung them with a new rope.😁
  8. C

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    That's some funny stuff there, and besides being funny some of it is part of our everyday lives as we age. Just wish I could remember some of it when I need to use it.
  9. C

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Yes, I agree with the majority and that's the first forum I look at when something new shows up. If you don't like humor don't look at. No one is forcing anyone to do anything here.
  10. C

    What is your preferred trigger cleaning solution

    I'm using Anzshutz Keramik coat on my bolts. Supposed to bond with the metal. You apply it, let it dry and buff the part it was applied to. Does it work????? Well they say it does.
  11. C

    Book...Guide to riflescope repair

    $2500 for a book on scope repair?????? For that price throw the scope in the trash and buy a new one. I couldn't resist. 😁
  12. C

    trigger occasionally not set on bolt closing

    Have you cleaned the trigger? If not that would be the first thing to do before readjusting to a heavier pull weight when a lighter pull weight was working. Adjusting the trigger was a band-aid.
  13. C

    Shilen triggers

    Pete, that's been my problem all my life. The trigger was assembled by someone who put his pants on just like I did this morning, one leg at a time. So I can disassemble it. Putting it back together has been the problem at times.😣
  14. C

    Sickening, Just Plain Sickening

    I totally agree. I haven't heard that before and I like it. Thanks for the explanation.
  15. C

    Sickening, Just Plain Sickening

    Mikie, excuse me for not being up to date, but what does SSS mean?
  16. C

    Sickening, Just Plain Sickening

    I have a 21 year old college student granddaughter that now travels to and from campus with a double stack 9mm pistol. Looks like she might have to start carrying it on campus. Thank you jelly brain Joe.
  17. C

    trigger occasionally not set on bolt closing

    Give it a good cleaning first. If it's still a problem adjust sear engagement per manufacturers directions.
  18. C

    What is your preferred trigger cleaning solution

    I have a B&A and It's recommended that you take the trigger apart, soak parts in alcohol, clean and dry completely. I tried the lazy mans approach by spraying brake cleaner into the assembled trigger and blowing it out with an air hose. Made it worse.
  19. C

    Sub ounce trigger pull measurement

    Hey Frey. Paper clip, plastic bag, sand??????? Seriously. Get out of the dark ages and join us in the 21st. century.
  20. C

    Sub ounce trigger pull measurement

    Just the paper clip and bag would fire a sub ounce trigger. This may work if your trigger pull measures in pounds but not on a sub ounce trigger. Apples and Oranges. I can't attach a paper clip to my B&A without setting it off.