Sickening, Just Plain Sickening


Chasin' the Sunset
"An illegal immigrant freed because of lack of detention space is now accused of murdering a 22 year-old University of Georgia student....Ibarra, 26, is originally from Venezuela and crossed into El Paso, Texas, in September 2022. He was released into the United States by Customs and Border Patrol because the worsening migrant crisis means they have insufficient facilities to hold all border crossers that they intercept." >>>

I haven't thoroughly researched this, but it seems to me that not securing the border might qualify as not upholding Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution. Why does this stuff keep flying below the radar of most voters?
"An illegal immigrant freed because of lack of detention space is now accused of murdering a 22 year-old University of Georgia student....Ibarra, 26, is originally from Venezuela and crossed into El Paso, Texas, in September 2022. He was released into the United States by Customs and Border Patrol because the worsening migrantnment crisis means they have insufficient facilities to hold all border crossers that they intercept." >>>

I haven't thoroughly researched this, but it seems to me that not securing the border might qualify as not upholding Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution. Why does this stuff keep flying below the radar of most voters?
What the hell are people thinking? The government is on a crash course and I don't see anyone fixing anything soon.

I have a 21 year old college student granddaughter that now travels to and from campus with a double stack 9mm pistol. Looks like she might have to start carrying it on campus. Thank you jelly brain Joe.
The problem CAN be solved. SSS!! I'll say it again, SSS!!
And don't come at me with that but, but, but CRAP either.
If they came after you OR yours, what would YOU DO?
And MAKE SURE you vote in November. That's the ONLY way to change things besides SSS.
Quite obvious they don't care about you and yours so be ready as needed.
The government isn't gunna take care of you so it's up to YOU to take care of YOU!! (y)
The problem CAN be solved. SSS!! I'll say it again, SSS!!
And MAKE SURE you vote in November. That's the ONLY way to change things besides SSS.
In addition to voting against open-border supporters , I think if folks quit hiring illegals (at home and in businesses) that would go a long way to changing things.
It's plain to see, other countries are emptying their prisons and deporting them to here. Really that simple. I mean, what does anyone expect from our current open border policy? Jails and prisons are huge financial burdens on every government and at every level, right down to our own county jails. If we are gonna let it happen, I can't say that I blame them, either. Why not? It's a huge mess that will take decades if it can ever be fixed. And all the while, taxpayers foot their bills.
And all the while, taxpayers foot their bills.
I'd rather the gov't (i.e., the taxpayers and the non-taxpayers) foot the bill to keep the illegals in detention than to release them into the country. Spending money that way might be better spent than spending it on all kinds of pork-barrel or other non-essential stuff. Actually, I'd rather the politicians and bureaucrats get big-time serious about keeping the illegals out.
I'd rather the gov't (i.e., the taxpayers and the non-taxpayers) foot the bill to keep the illegals in detention than to release them into the country. Spending money that way might be better spent than spending it on all kinds of pork-barrel or other non-essential stuff. Actually, I'd rather the politicians and bureaucrats get big-time serious about keeping the illegals out.
Oh yeah. But like you said, gotta keep them out first, then start rounding them up and sending them back. Yes, easier said than done.
I think that would be relatively easy if the leftist politicians and bureaucrats took that as seriously as they seem to do keeping their jobs.
They are not thinking about keeping their jobs. It's part of a great plan from China. Drugs, illegals, freed criminals, semi-auto firearm bans, bribing the Bidens, and who knows how many other dems. It's all to tear done the US. Declare Marital Law, and kick in everyone's door. It's quite simple. The democrat voter is lazy and don't want to work. They will run the US Commie party. Just like union shop stewards....
Even Socrates said that one of the main problems with democracy is justice(or lack of justice). Remember...the Boston Bomber is STILL breathing!
Crime is big business(money)...,everybody is making money....more cops and equipment,jailer,bondsmen,clerks,judges,lawyers,mental health institutions,hospitals,ambulance services,morgues,funeral directors. Legislators passing bills(paid for by special interest groups) to circumvent existing laws,soft judges,revolving doors at jails,etc. Lots of "PAOLA" going around and middle America paying for it. You can't stop crime,but you can certainly slow it down.......I think outside every court house should be a hanging gallows and a whipping post AND USE "EM. We need a whole lot more JUDGE ROY BEANS.
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Even Socrates said that one of the main problems with democracy is justice(or lack of justice). Remember...the Boston Bomber is STILL breathing!
Crime is big business(money)...,everybody is making money....more cops and equipment,jailer,bondsmen,clerks,judges,lawyers,mental health institutions,hospitals,ambulance services,morgues,funeral directors. Legislators passing bills(paid for by special interest groups) to circumvent existing laws,soft judges,revolving doors at jails,etc. Lots of "PAOLA" going around and middle America paying for it. You can't stop crime,but you can certainly slow it down.......I think outside every court house should be a hanging gallows and a whipping post AND USE "EM. We need a whole lot more JUDGE ROY BEANS.
Well, said. But, now it is about NATIONAL DESTRUCTION....or about the Final Destruction of the Federal democracy...The US...
We have an attack on the borders. Lack of enforcing the "Rule of Law". But, what can you do. The dems will toss you in jail....As it goes, almost all democrats in office could be convicted of TREASON. But, the will of the judiciary is politics and staying POWER......IT's all about POWER...