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  1. R

    Barnes Copper bullets with 6PPC

    Larry, One of my favorite quotes applies to this: "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorate, its that they know so much that isn't so" The Great Ronald Reagan
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    Barnes Copper bullets with 6PPC

    Well, I owe an appolgy here....... I have miss reported about these bullets. Just before we were leaving Friday, I decided to grab the box of Bullets to have with me incase I got stopped, I could prove they were all copper. To my suprise, I seen nothing on the box that said "all copper?"...
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    Barnes Copper bullets with 6PPC

    We are still alowed to shoot lead stuff at ranges, just can't hunt with them. The eviromentalist in CA are completely nuts. Somehow they had a study done that showed the California Condors (an imported buzzard) were eating the gut piles from deer and hogs. In doing so, according to the...
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    Barnes Copper bullets with 6PPC

    Finally made it to the tunnel this morning at 3am to test 8 different loads for my 40X PPC with Barnes 58gr Varmintator all copper bullets. 4 loads with 8208 and 4 with Vit 133. All the groups could be covered with a quarter, this is the best group, guess that is what I will load. 28...
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    Barnes Copper bullets with 6PPC

    Thanks John, I spoke with Barne's yesterday and they told me that their new manual coming out in June will have PPC loads. In the mean time, they suggested using Hodgen data and start low (as we all should). I loaded some 58 grain Barnes Varmintator's last night with IMR 8208 and Vit 133...
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    Barnes Copper bullets with 6PPC

    Has anyone done any load development with the all copper Barnes Bullets with a PPC? Living here in the Peoples Republic of California, we are forced to use the all copper bullets. To be honest, I have had great results with the larger calibers and the Barnes bullets. Some success with a 6mm...
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    PVGC Unlimited Invitational Results~~~~~~~

    Hey Jan, Looks like you had a great time, someday I am going to get up there to shoot with you..... But you will prob tell me there is no wind there and I should leave my flags at home.....yeah right! See you soon my friend, Randy
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    George Raymond

    Sharing a great experience with George A few years ago I went to the 3 day State Shoot at Visalia. Monday morning was the 100 yard HV shoot. I was on the first relay, George was on the third relay. During the first match, I shot a .093" group. (can you tell I am proud of this group?)...
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    Spread Sheet for scoring BR

    Thanks Steve, I will check that out......
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    Spread Sheet for scoring BR

    Lawrence, Send me your email address, the one I have for is the old San Gabrial address. We will be shooting group. I would like to get a copy of the one you used at San Gabrial. Randy
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    Deadline has come and gone

    Do you know what days? Butch, do you know what days he will be there? I have a buddy that is going to attend the show and I would love to have him pick up a signed copy for me. Randy
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    Spread Sheet for scoring BR

    We are starting a small BR program at our club that is just for the fun of it. Does anyone have a copy of a spread sheet for scoring BR match:confused: If so, could either post here for me or email it to me at Thanks in advance. Randy
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    Speedy Rings

    You are correct
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    6mm PPC Rebuild

    Jec Now your on track
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    Custom rifle assembly

    Jyoung, Building a rifle is not rocket science, but it is not something you can just decide to do, go grab the parts off the shelf and assemble it. Like building an engine, yep you can do it. But will it run as good as the original, not likely. Alot of little tricks and steps to do it right...
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    What is it and why??

    Trying not to be argumenative.... The second solution to borrow a gun would be the only thing I would consider. Taking a chance on wounding an animal by shooting questionable ammo is not viable solution. JMHO Will it hurt the gun, no! Not much different than fireforming a wildcat...
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    What is it and why??

    Sorry, but I can't think of a single reasonalbe circumstances? The only reason I can think of is leaving your ammo at home and only being able to find the Win ammo. The only reasonalbe course for me would be to end the hunt early. Not going to take a chance on a bad shot because I left...
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    What is it and why??

    Paul, couldn't agree more... A number of years ago I was at a public range, a guy came in with two small children, laid his 30-30 Win on the bench right behind me, grabbed his target and headed for the 100 yard line with his Kids in tow. This range had sirens and red lights that went off...
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    6mm PPC Rebuild

    Jec Jackie is absolutely correct, no problem with the PPC in a 700 action. I built a 40X (small bolt configuration) years ago, still have it. I had the smith install a sako extractor, no problems and I have shot some hot loads in it. But I have a observation and question. You never really...
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    May be a silly question

    I have an early 40X (single shot) that was converted years ago to PPC with a Sako Extractor. I have a bunch of barrels from my Panda and Teddy BR guns. Not knowing the thread details of the Remy compared to the Panda, would it be possible to change/modify the 40X to the same thread/tenion as...