Barnes Copper bullets with 6PPC


New member
Has anyone done any load development with the all copper Barnes Bullets with a PPC?

Living here in the Peoples Republic of California, we are forced to use the all copper bullets.

To be honest, I have had great results with the larger calibers and the Barnes bullets. Some success with a 6mm Rem, but have not tried them in my PPC varmint rifle.

Any input would be appreciated.

I have also found the Barnes TSX and TTSX extremely accurate in .243, 7mm and .338.

I now always start at least .050 off the lands. My .243 is drilling the 85 gr TSX set 0.100 off the lands!

I simply use powders that work well with standard bullets; therefore I would begin with what ever powder your PPC likes with your standard bullets. Just back off on the charge and work up.

What I don’t know is how explosive the Barnes bullets will be on squirrels. Please let us know.
Thanks John,

I spoke with Barne's yesterday and they told me that their new manual coming out in June will have PPC loads.

In the mean time, they suggested using Hodgen data and start low (as we all should).

I loaded some 58 grain Barnes Varmintator's last night with IMR 8208 and Vit 133. I typically shoot 29.4 grains of 8208 with a 66 grain pill out of this rifle (40X). I started at 28.5 and went up 1/2 grain to 30 grains. I started at 27.5 grains with 133 and went up to 29 grains, hopefully I will get resonable results with one of these?

Taking them tomorrow night to see how they shoot. I will post the results.

Finally made it to the tunnel this morning at 3am to test 8 different loads for my
40X PPC with Barnes 58gr Varmintator all copper bullets.

4 loads with 8208 and 4 with Vit 133.

All the groups could be covered with a quarter, this is the best group, guess that is what I will load.

28 grains of Vit 133 seated .060" off the lands. This was just a 3 shot group for testing.

View attachment 11041

This is out of a rifle I built in the late 70's, still shooting.....

Every once in awhile, I think about putting a new barrel on her, but why.......

This thing will shoot minute of Squirrel all day long, think I will leave her alone!

Anyone that tells you the all Copper Barnes bullets will not shoot, ask them if the ever really tried them. They are not BR bullets, but they will
perform with any of the varmint or hunting bullets out there.


How are the benchrest guys able to shoot. Or did they find some BR quality bullets without lead?
We are still alowed to shoot lead stuff at ranges, just can't hunt with them.

The eviromentalist in CA are completely nuts. Somehow they had a study done that showed the California Condors (an imported buzzard) were eating the gut piles from deer and hogs. In doing so, according to the falsified study, they were consuming the lead left behind and dieing from lead poisoning.

There has never been a docummented case of a Condor dieing from lead poisoning, but the idiots running the stated decided, no more hunting with lead bullets.......

I said it 40 years ago, they will never take our guns, but they will make it so tough to enjoy them that most shooters will give up. That is exactly what is happening here.

Heading out to shoot some Hogs and Yotes, will post how the copper does on the Yotes Sunday (that is if my gun will shoot good enough to hit one).
Well, I owe an appolgy here.......

I have miss reported about these bullets.

Just before we were leaving Friday, I decided to grab the box of Bullets to have with me incase I got stopped, I could prove they were all copper.

To my suprise, I seen nothing on the box that said "all copper?" Opps

I grabbed a pair of cutters and found that these bullets have lead cores, double opps.

So, I left the gun at home.

So, my bragging about how well these "all copper bullets' shot, was boggus!

I will be doing some testing soon with reall all copper bullets and post the results.

I am sorry for miss leading anyone, I jumped the gun and was not paying attention..... Big no no....

Head in my hands and Redfaced......


PS My partner got a 29 pound, 2 oz Gobbler, 9 1/2 beard.... so the trip wasn't a waist.
The other day while the dog and I were on our daily hike I was thinking about lead causing poisoning in people or anything else. Metallic lead isn't all that easily soluble even in hot concentrated nitric acid or even hot aqua regia (nitric plus hydrochloric acids) doesn't make it dissolve right now. Unless your digestive system has hot concentrated nitric acid or aqua regia rumbling around in it I'd be willing to bet that whatever miniscule amount of lead ingested by a person or animal eating eating a bit of metallic lead would have to be minimal or none. I'd be willing to bet that most of the metallic lead ingested would pass out of the body unaltered.

The problem with lead is soluble lead salts which don't form rapidly in nature, or lead vapors or fumes from bullet casting or shooting on a poorly ventilated indoor range.

JMHO, but I spent many years in a lab working with heavy metals and reading the literature on them.

But would the environmentalists lie to us about lead or global warming or how wonderful importing wolves into Yellowstone is and was? NAH, never happen....
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One of my favorite quotes applies to this:

"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorate, its that they know so much that isn't so" The Great Ronald Reagan
Pretty much the truth in my experience. Most liberals know all sorts of stuff that's never happened or otherwise just ain't so.