Spread Sheet for scoring BR


New member
We are starting a small BR program at our club that is just for the fun of it.

Does anyone have a copy of a spread sheet for scoring BR match:confused:

If so, could either post here for me or email it to me at ramsh00ter@aol.com.

Thanks in advance.


You may wish to contact Steve Lee and incorporate his FREE Bughole program. It is easy to use and works well.
lee.steven@att.net will get you to him! Be well, shoot well........... Jan
You can download my Bughole scoring program at http://www.bughole.info

It is a Visual Basic program, requires Windows XP or higher.

The database that is installed by default is empty, and you will need to add an organization record for your club as well as a region (I suggest using the word Local). You will also need to add your shooters to the shooter table before creating a shoot and registering them.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Thanks Steve,

You can download my Bughole scoring program at http://www.bughole.info

It is a Visual Basic program, requires Windows XP or higher.

The database that is installed by default is empty, and you will need to add an organization record for your club as well as a region (I suggest using the word Local). You will also need to add your shooters to the shooter table before creating a shoot and registering them.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions.


I will check that out......
Just sent you a copy

We are starting a small BR program at our club that is just for the fun of it.

Does anyone have a copy of a spread sheet for scoring BR match:confused:

If so, could either post here for me or email it to me at ramsh00ter@aol.com.

Thanks in advance.


of both our group and score matrixs. I built these, so give me a jingle if you have questions

Hmmm. What if you shoot for group & score at the same time, as with 600 and 1,000 yard benchrest?

I'm very interested in the answer to that one! Does anyone have a user friendly Excel spreadsheet set up for long range that they would be willing to share?