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  1. L

    What to look for when buying a used railgun

    Rail gun video This guy came down to the recent unlimited match at Visalia and shot some video. I happened across it and here's a link to it. Larry
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    What to look for when buying a used railgun

    Wilbur, I can't disagree with you. If you can get started and end in the same conditions you can come out a hero. If you can't put the brakes on when the flags turn you will be a zero. I heard this from an other shooter once. "I never shot such a big group so fast in my life". Larry
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    What to look for when buying a used railgun

    Matt, What Wilbur said. You need a good platform to start with. After that the real work begins with learning how to tune and read flags. If you find one and need to talk about it before you buy give me a call. I'll be more than happy to lead you deeper into this game :D. You should have my...
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    Sniper King Match

    Thank you. Gary, We really appreciate your comments. We know you have been an ambassador for this match and have brought others with you and have encouraged many more to come up here and shoot. I think I can speak for the NW shooters as a whole that we all enjoy the company and camaraderie...
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    TACOMA RIFLE AND REVOLVER CLUB 2014 Washington State 3 gun results

    Thanks to you Jeff. A big thanks to all that help in running the matches in Tacoma. Steve deserves the shooter of the year trophy. He shot well all year. I would also like to thank Steve for all the help he has given to me on learning to run my lathe and mill. He has given countless hours of...
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    So many Niteforce Competition Scopes for Resale!

    Help me understand? Al, You said: There useta' be a story on the old F-Class forum about a 100/200 BR Gunsmith/Shooter who delivered a gun to an F-Class match. True story.... And the guys at the match heckled him until he shot with them. I mean HECKLED, like "come shoot with the REAL men"...
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    Tacoma Labor Day Shoot

    Tacoma held the last match of the year over the Labor Day weekend. Weather was fabulous all week end with the temps starting around 50 in the morning with the highs near 80. Conditions were light to moderate. I’ve attached the WA ST 3 gun results. Rick Graham won it shooting very consistently...
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    Our Apologies

    I, most here really appreciate all of your efforts and expense that you've put into this labor of love. Thank you.
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    Our Apologies

    I had a hundred dollar bill posted here! Now it's gone! I'd really like to get it back! Serial No. D145556375356E. Please let me know when you can get it back to me. Thanks. ;) LLBoers
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    Tacoma NW REG LV SPT

    We finished the NW Reg 4 gun this weekend by shooting the LV, SPT legs. Conditions varied alot. Steve Kostanich shot a possible LV 100 yd agg of a .1414. Rick Graham Shot a new LV 200 yd range record of .1615. Rick also came in 1st for the 4 gun with gave him the Del Bishop trophy. Good times...
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    Tacoma Sam Wilson/Sniper King

    We shot the match last weekend. 3 days of 10 and 5 shot UNL shooting. We started out on Friday with the Washington ST 10 shot match. On Saturday we shot the UNL 10 shot double 200 matches for the Sniper King Trophy and finished out the weekend with the Washington ST UNL 5 shot match. We had...
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    Current made fowler bullets

    Wilbur You said " Can you elaborate on what was the difference with the lead between the 2 bullets?
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    Tacoma Results

    We shot our NW Regional HV and UNL match this weekend. Weather varied from cool and partly sunny to overcast. Winds weren't to bad but it was pretty switchy. Aggs in the UNL shows how tough the conditions were. Not many aggs in the teens. Rick Graham was the man after the final talley. Good...
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    Tacoma Allen Bench Memorial Match

    Tacoma shot there first match of the year. Saturday started cold and windy and ended warm and windy. Sunday started out better but we still had tuff conditions. Larry
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    Visalia invitational

    I would like to thank all of the crew from CA for all of the hard work they put into the match. It was a well run match which makes it a fun match to go to. The chow is pretty good that gets cooked there. It can make shooting a little hard at times when the wind comes from the south and blows...
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    Article on the effects of moisture content of powder- Aug. PS

    Why did our fighters in WWII use water injection when they had an enemy on their backsides? Why did a KC 135 use water injection to get off the ground with max fuel load? I'm not educated in physics but I'm wondering if not all is lost when the water changes states. Larry
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    Tacoma WA ST 3 Gun

    Tacoma shot its last match of the year over Labor Day weekend. We actually had summer weather for the whole weekend. Shooting was good. Some shot a whole lot better than others. Rick Graham Shot a possible world record this week end. Rick shot a .1658 Light Varmint Grand Agg. He had the tune and...
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    Southwest Regional Champions 2011

    Good shooting Norm. You have shot well all year. Keep up the good work. Well done on the 4 gun Lou. Keep up the good work going into the Nationals.
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    NBRSA Washington State 3 gun Championship

    You never know Jeff. There's always a chance of getting a coffee cup. ;-) Larry
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    Tacoma NW Regionals

    Sorry for the incomplete post. I had trouble trying to download the excel file and it was late. On Saturdays match Mustafa Bilal was the shooting instructor for the day. He shot small all day and took the Grand for the Sporter section of the NW Regionals. For Sundays LV Regionals Rick Graham...