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  1. L

    Meplat trimming & bullet tipping?

    Charles, Charles, Charles. You don't need no stink'n computer program. Just send me the 6mm 106 grain Clinch River VLDs. Send me 100 so you have enough to run the test any way you want. Post the results here. PLEASE. Keep us informed on the expeerimental 187 BIBs as everything Mr. R...
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    Meplat trimming & bullet tipping?

    Charles: Of course, I have been thinking about Ferris Pindell's passing this week, and that has brought back many memories bout the meplat closing die. With those memories, I recall more than a few times when I would get in touch with a WORLD CLASS prone or F-Class shooter and offer to close...
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    Lou Palmisano MD - the other half of the PPC

    Patti: The best to you and Lou. Both of you will be in my prayers. God bless, Jim Hardy
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    Hall of Famer Ferris Pindell

    Patti: I met Ferris in Knoxville, Tenn. at a BR match in the eary 70's -- prior to the Super Shoots and the PPC. I even remember some discussion about that subject while listening in the background when all the Saints of the BR game talked. After that meeting, I had Ferris build me two BR...
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    Meplat trimming & bullet tipping?

    Charles: In testing closed vs. unmodified meplats at John Whidden's range, Butner, and Ft. Benning, we never had ANY unmodified bullet equal a closed meplat. That is from the old Palma 155 (2155) to the 300 grain 338 SMK. The bullets that benefited the most were the .224 and 6mm bullets...
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    Meplat trimming & bullet tipping?

    Charles: "Anecodotal evidence" -- outch my old friend and mentor. Please send me your 6mm VLDs and let me do what I do to them. I will ship them back at my cost. You can test them and post it here. I already know the results -- just like when I shipped the bullets to Jason Baney to test...
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    Meplat trimming & bullet tipping?

    gt40: You can trim and point. You can point and trim. You can trim, point, and trim. You can trim, point, trim and repoint. You can just close the meplats. And, you can just trim. Your choice. John sorts within a certain criteria, closes the meplats and then takes a very light trim off...
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    Meplat trimming & bullet tipping?

    GT40: Try to find the archive thread where Jason Baney posted pictures of his testing of the 6mm Clinch River 106 shot in his 6BR at the 1000 yard club in PA. a few years ago. In a round robin test with closed meplats vs. unmodified meplates the difference in the vertical was about 18" in...
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    Too good a story to pass up

    Charles: Great to hear about Joel's success. No suprise here. I don't think that many know that Joel has successfully shot in several competitive venues and events. He just added another one. This made my day! Jim Hardy
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    Winchester vs Lapua, 6.5x284 Brass

    Rich: I remember that as well. Seems like such a short time ago. If I remember correctly, you shot your record with a 284 Super (blown out 284 to 40 degree shoulder) and the 147 Clinch River. I also remember how they played with your head when they called you to the target shed. But, you...
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    Winchester vs Lapua, 6.5x284 Brass

    Rust: As to the original Norma 6.5x284 brass, it did measure very nicely indeed. It also took them 4 generations to get it "right" and they still could not do it. One generation (the 2nd or 3rd I believe) was recalled. I gave 475 to Scott Fletcher to use in a varmint gun trip out west. I...
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    Asa: If you are talking about long range prone in a registered match, there has never been a 200-20X fired. There has only been one registered match 200-20X fired at 600 prone and that was at Camp Perry, T2K, 6XC moly coated 107s. Prior to the .5 minute F-Class 1000 yard target, Frank...
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    2 Inch Barrier Broken. Matt Kline Sets New HG World Record in PA.

    You boys up north have it all wrong -- it is called "aiming fluid" down here is Dixie -- you need to get this correct! Jim Hardy
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    2 Inch Barrier Broken. Matt Kline Sets New HG World Record in PA.

    Phil: Dang. And I thought you converted to the dark side. Oh my, what am I to do. On the Long Range forum, they don't believe in precision loading, and on the 1k Br forums -- all these new records must mean the wind does not blow at 1000. :) Have a great weekend and keep building and...
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    Recent trends

    Charles: I deleted some of my posts on this thread as I was concerned that they might offend someone. I hope I have not. As to "holding off", I never once advocated doing that as I believe it woud be a disaster in the 1K BR game -- almost all the time. I believe in the quick runs. My only...
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    2 Inch Barrier Broken. Matt Kline Sets New HG World Record in PA.

    Phil: What a tremendous accomplishment! Matt's Shooting in the 2s -- and in the center is just unreal. I wish I had been there to see it. I can't wait for you to post the pictures so I can copy one for my shop. I love the 300 WSM, and for some reason, I am glad that chambering broke the...
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    "Reading Wind" at 1000 yards in Benchrest competition. I want your opinion?

    Al: Dang . . . sorry about that. Typo corrected to "All". I saw your post, and must have had you on my mind because everytime I see your name I think about you being the King of fire forming the way it should be done. Thanks for your great points. This has been a pretty good thread for...
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    "Reading Wind" at 1000 yards in Benchrest competition. I want your opinion?

    Robert: Thanks for your reply Robert. I always enjoy your testing and articles. Jim Hardy
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    "Reading Wind" at 1000 yards in Benchrest competition. I want your opinion?

    Wind reading and 1000 yd BR All: It is hard for me to express the need for wind reading skills when minds are set to the contrary, i.e., the skill is not worth learning. I can try to find the words to sway a shooter's thinking to understand why reading the conditions is so important without...
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    Steve Shelp

    Steve: As always, as 911 approaches, the thoughts and prayers of this fellow Marine are with you and your family. I will never forget. God bless. Semper Fi, Jim Hardy