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  1. J

    Contact your NBRSA Director NOW

    Email addresses came off NBRSA website, I just copied and pasted them. Jim
  2. J

    Contact your NBRSA Director NOW

    There has been a lot of debate on the Rodney Brown issue on this message board. Well the time has come to quit debating and to contact your NBRSA Regional Director. I am not telling you what to tell your Director, I think you should contact them and let them know how you feel or how you think...
  3. J

    NBRSA and good standing members

    Gary, I have heard from several people now that Kelbly's and the back cover was part of the problem. Two people even told me that Gene was fighting with Audrey over keeping Kelbly's on back cover because we had it first. Well all that could not be further from the truth. I informed Audrey Brown...
  4. J

    A warning for all NBRSA Members

    After reading Gene’s response to the banning of Rodney Brown, I would caution all NBRSA members that you better be careful what you say about the current NBRSA Board of Directors and how they conduct business. It was quite apparent in Gene’s letter that you are not allowed to have an opinion and...
  5. J

    The truth about the Rodney Brown expulsion

    Gene, Thank you for your response to my question. I am sure others do as well. Jim
  6. J

    NBRSA and good standing members

    I just off phone with my director Jack Neary and he informed me that Gene Bukys will be posting a response on the forum soon. What soon is I do not know, just telling you what I was told. I did not ask Jack about situation and he did tell me he would have a full report at the November 11 Eastern...
  7. J

    NBRSA and good standing members

    Lee, Can you name from the past when someone was barred permanently from NBRSA, I cannot. Please tell me who was barred from the Super Shoot in the past. Some may have been threatened to be barred from Kelbly's, but I sure don't remember anyone being barred from Super Shoot. I take that back...
  8. J

    NBRSA and good standing members

    To Lee Hachigian, I spoke to Dennis Thornbury last Friday and I suggest you give Dennis a call. Dennis has been involved in NBRSA politics for 26 years and is the past President and current Vice President. Are you not curious why our current Vice President of NBRSA is holding IBS matches now? I...
  9. J

    NBRSA and good standing members

    Rodney, You are always welcome at the Super Shoot and to be a HOF member there is always IBS Nationals. Don't give up on BR because of a few people. Jim
  10. J

    NBRSA and good standing members

    I would agree with Jackie on this issue. I asked for the reason that a member was banned, that is what I want to know. As I said in my 40 plus years and in my fathers 60 plus years of being a NBRSA member, we have never heard or seen anyone banned from NBRSA. I would like to know what reason the...
  11. J

    2017 NBRSA Group nationals RELAY ROTATION???

    Last Year in Phoenix the NBRSA Natls had rotating relays. I also believe, it was done in 2015 as well. No I don't like it as I like late relays not first relay of day. But to be honest it is a fairer way of doing the match. Same reason we rotate benches, so no one is stuck on the bad or good...
  12. J

    NBRSA and good standing members

    We need to have one of the NBRSA BODer's to explain what was the reason for Rodney Brown membership termination. I think all members of NBRSA need to know what causes can terminate your NBRSA membership! And I certain hope the NBRSA BOD can do this. I for one am very curious and as a good...
  13. J

    Kelly McMillan on Voice America

    Kelly McMillan of McMillan Fiberglass Stocks is doing a show on Voice America a Internet radio show. Kelly is doing a good show with a multitude of guest from the shooting industry. How I found out about the show was through Kelly doing a interview with my son Ian. I have included web address...
  14. J

    World Equipmemnt List

    Berger SW Nationals is only F class match that acknowledges equipment lists in F Class. One of reason hard to sponsor NRA events is that they never do a equipment list, which is a huge disservice to sponsors and people who want to see what equipment is in winners hands. Jim
  15. J

    2018 Super Shoot New format and entry form

    Super Shoot 46 May 21 – 26 2018 will have a new format from last year. Monday 100 yard 10 shot Unlimited. Tuesday 100 yard 5 shot 10.5 lb Wednesday 100 yard 5 shot 13.5 lb Thursday 200 yard 5 shot 13.5 lb Friday 200 yard 5 shot 10.5 lb Saturday 200 yard 10 shot Unlimited We will have a warm...
  16. J

    Gary Sinclair Update

    Gary Sinclair showed up today after last week open heart surgery. He is doing fine and will be flying home on Wednesday. Jim
  17. J

    Donna Hall.

    Magnus, The Donna Hall you are speaking of, I believe, was Donna Stekl when I was young man, I am 54 now. She was married to Jim Stekl who worked for Remington and one of main guys behind 6BR cartridge. Jim and Donna divorced and she then married Mr. Hall from Arizona, I cannot remember his...
  18. J

    The real Super Shoot Winner

    Wayne, You should be quite proud to be the first Three Gun champ at the Super Shoot. No one can ever take that away from you, nor should they. I brought the Unlimited on to try and get more activity in the Unlimited and never marketed the Shoot to state that the 3 gun winner was the Super Shoot...
  19. J

    The real Super Shoot Winner

    There has been some talk of who is the winner of the Super Shoot, history shows only 2 gun winners and that is how it still stands. Jeff Summers is officially the winner of the Super Shoot. Some people have stated that Wayne Campbell was the winner by winning the three gun. As long as I am...
  20. J

    Jeff Summers Wins Super Shoot 2 Gun

    It is Jeff's third Super Shoot win Jim