The real Super Shoot Winner

James A. Kelbly

New member
There has been some talk of who is the winner of the Super Shoot, history shows only 2 gun winners and that is how it still stands. Jeff Summers is officially the winner of the Super Shoot. Some people have stated that Wayne Campbell was the winner by winning the three gun. As long as I am running the Super Shoot the 2 gun winner of 10.5lb and 13.5lb class, is the official winner of the Super Shoot.


That is about as hard as I have ever worked to win a match that didn't mean sh-t.... Too much cost, time, effort and wear and tear on the most expensive equipment we own for me to put into a club match. It certainly was not marketed that way....
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You should be quite proud to be the first Three Gun champ at the Super Shoot. No one can ever take that away from you, nor should they. I brought the Unlimited on to try and get more activity in the Unlimited and never marketed the Shoot to state that the 3 gun winner was the Super Shoot Champion. You are first and only person to win the 3 gun, quite an accomplishment, with the top shooters that stayed for the three gun. History has always been at the Super Shoot that the 2 gun was the big prize and it should remain that way. I guess it is like the 4 gun at Nationals great to win but no Hall of Fame points for that. I personally think you did an amazing job for six days to win the 3 gun and yes I know, as all individuals that shot the 3 gun, you worked your rear end off, I would not expect less from you.

There is no guarantee that the Unlimited will be around another year or two, if we do not get more competitors to shoot the Unlimited. I think it was a great Unlimited two days, very relaxed with no hurry to finish, something that is rare in benchrest matches these days.

Wayne you are the first and only Super Shoot 3 gun Champion to date and that should mean a lot for all the hard work you did. Tony Boyer (5- 2 guns), Don Geraci ( 4- 2 guns), and Jeff Summers (3- 2 guns) cannot make that claim and may never be able to win it as you have. Hold your head high and be proud.

It is hard to say how much longer Kelbly's will be hosting the Super Shoot, with the drop in attendance ( we are losing 10 -20 shooters a year, down from 396 in 1996 to 202 this year) and the increase in Kelbly's main business, it is hard to shut down our operations to make less money than when Kelbly's is at full production. The shoot does make good money (for a benchrest match), but not what we lose in production loss. We are going to host the Super Shoot till 2020 and no guarantees we will be hosting it after that year. The Kelbly family has been hosting BR matches for 47 years now and we are quite tired of the effort we have to put out to host these big matches, hence one of many reasons and the main reason we no longer host IBS or NBRSA Nationals. Seems a easy decision the week after we host the Super Shoot as we are tired and stressed out AGAIN.


You are first and only person to win the 3 gun....

Wayne you are the first and only Super Shoot 3 gun Champion to date and that should mean a lot for all the hard work you did. Tony Boyer (5- 2 guns), Don Geraci ( 4- 2 guns), and Jeff Summers (3- 2 guns) cannot make that claim and may never be able to win it as you have.


The program that was handed out this year at the Super Shoot shows that Alan King won the two-gun and the unlimited in 1976, Don Geraci did so in 1982, and Jeff Summers did so in 1988. So, it seems to me that those guys would be considered as having been the "Super Shoot 3 gun Champion." What am I missing?
Jackie, thanks for the link; post # 16 explains what I was missing. BTW, that's an interesting thread, and I wonder why Stephen Perry hasn't posted in several years -- I enjoyed reading his stuff.
Stephen was blocked several times for completely blowing up on various folks and finally I just left him blocked. Was a bad deal all around!

I would hate to see the super shoot go away. While I have been for a few years it is always one of my goals each year. Thanks for all you and your family have done and will do.
I always thought it was the competitors responsibility to know the rules and how the winner will be chose before the event starts......