2017 NBRSA Group nationals RELAY ROTATION???

Jerry, I do a lot of shooting, Group, Varmint for Score, 600 yard Clay Breaks. I run Matches and openly campaign for shooters to come to Registered NBRSA Matches.
Do you want to know that truth? Most shooters do not care for Group Shooting. True, the admire the accomplishments, even marvel at the, they just don't care to do it.

Most shooters enjoy the concept of actually hitting something. Whether it's the dot in the middle of a Score target, a claybird, a bottle cap, or steel pig, the idea of accuracy, as opposed to precision, has a much greater appeal to most shooters.

As a group shooter, I understand that the true test of a Rifle is it's ability to make a bullet take the exact same path as the one before. But to the vast majority of the public believes the true test of the Rifle, and the Shooter, is to actually hit a prescribed target.

We aren't the only endevour suffering from it's on excellence. NHRA Drag Racing can't even get a full field of 16 cars for Pro Stock in most of the races this year. It seems it is too expensive, too demanding, and yes, too difficult to compete in.

FWIW, I think there is more to it than that. Every score shooter shoots group, even if just tuning rifles..but every group shooter does not shoot score. My only point is that I would not dismiss other shortcomings and blame loss of attendance on the fact that you're shooting small groups instead of dots.
I heard that attendance was down because shooters were fearing the discomforts of group hugs , and getting shot in the ass. Other than that , if they're shooting teen aggs or close to that , they are generally content with just doing the best that they can do.


Joe Fesi has done an outstanding job running the St. Louis matches. Guessing attendance for regular matches has doubled. Brought a little professionalism to BR. Great guy, good shooter. Definitely not thin skinned.

He has now sold his short range equipment to shoot F class. He will run no more BR shoots.


Decided to delete the rest of my post. Ppl need to relax, enjoy the sport, and quit making the best ppl that run these matches so sour they leave the sport.
I don't see anything wrong with relay rotation. In fact, I think it's a good thing. But...it needs to be in the rule book for the nationals. It may very well be....I didn't look. Nothing about the nationals should be up to anybody....just read the rules and do it.
I don't see anything wrong with relay rotation. In fact, I think it's a good thing. But...it needs to be in the rule book for the nationals. It may very well be....I didn't look. Nothing about the nationals should be up to anybody....just read the rules and do it.

Wilbur it is now in the rule book. Apparently a new addition. I've shot 20 or so NBRSA Nationals and never, before, shot where there was RELAY ROTATION.

SO FAR, all has gone well with just a few "lost souls"!

Management wise, operation wise, this shoot has been great.. hottern' hades and no mentionable rain.

Locally 97 F yesterday. A new St Louis record...more 95+ to come.

Thanks Joe, Scott and crew!

Last Year in Phoenix the NBRSA Natls had rotating relays. I also believe, it was done in 2015 as well. No I don't like it as I like late relays not first relay of day. But to be honest it is a fairer way of doing the match. Same reason we rotate benches, so no one is stuck on the bad or good end of the range.

Change is coming!

Relay rotation makes more sense then moving every 5 record shots. If your going to do it, then do it all the time and be consistent, if not don't. Want new shooters? Want to have fun? Have rules that make sense. I personally choose not to go to events that make you move all of your gear after 5 record shots. What parity? Then do it all the time whether its 5 shooters or 500. Nationals, Regionals, Divisionals, State champs, Local champs why should it make a difference? Because more people attend? Want new shooters > make it fun not work. My 2 cents > Changes are coming!
We used to rotate benches and relays in the SER between yardages/days. Fact is, folks believe that they can get a "bad" bench (or relay) and rotation eliminates that thought to a great extent. Some weekends, I couldn't get a bench or relay that would produce a good group at all !!! :) What I'm saying here may not be clear - the competitors caused the rotation rather than the ranges or range officers.
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Phoenix 2016

I wasn't at Phoenix 2016. Is that the only Nationals before St Louis 2017??

That single line in the current NBRSA on-line book states 3-2-1'ok. We are doing 3-2-1 one time, then, 2-1-3, then 2-3-1 another time.. ok, but it is confusing.. Want to run off new shooters? Have at it!!!!
Relay rotation is not that confusing

Day 1 of shoot.....Relay 1 starts the day off followed by 2 then 3

Day 2..... relay 2 starts off followed by 3 then 1

Day 3..... relay 3 starts off followed by 1 then 2

Day 4..... cycle begins to repeat itself...1,2, then 3

Day 5.....relay 2, then 3, followed by 1

Day 6.....3 starts followed by 1 then 2

Now maybe with not all competitors shooting Unlimited it could get a bit more confusing.....let's leave that out.

Personally for a Nationals I feel relay rotation should happen. Yes the weather changes from day to day and may not be the same but the Nationals are the Holy Grail of BR so the Nationals should be treated as such.


I shot The Nationals in Phoenix before 2016 and it was relay rotation then...

I think the first time relay rotation was used at a NBRSA Nationals was the 2012 Nationals in Phoenix by Gary Ocock.

Art Clegg
All the matches that I have

been to with a relay rotation HAVE HAD THE ROTATIONS POSTED to make it easy for shooters to know when they shoot. This is really much ado about NOTHING. If you can read and also count to three it shouldn't be a problem.

This isn't going to run off new shooters.

Richard Brensing

I think Jerry Sharrett needs to learn to count, or spend more time enjoying the shoot rather then bitching about sh-t on the web. Get a Life cowboy.

Dan Honert
If you are on relay 1, you still shoot right after relay 3 and just before relay 2. The only thing that changes is which relay starts the day. Once the 1st relay shoots everything is back to normal.
relay rotation started in

I wasn't at Phoenix 2016. Is that the only Nationals before St Louis 2017??

That single line in the current NBRSA on-line book states 3-2-1'ok. We are doing 3-2-1 one time, then, 2-1-3, then 2-3-1 another time.. ok, but it is confusing.. Want to run off new shooters? Have at it!!!!

2012 at the Nats. it became a rule in 2013. It was supposed to happen at Holton in 2104 and Nancy stopped it because she was not prepared. but it has been ever since. No Big Deal. Just look at the signs posted all over the range.

Even my pea brain can deal with it.
