NBRSA and good standing members

I'm a newbie to the NBRSA and this whole afair is pretty disheartening
I do hope there was justification on the part of our board. It will definitely be hard for most to remain a part of it if they are not
No response from nbrsa president

Rodney you are an excellent shooter and a statesman. I wish you all the best. I feel it necessary to apologize to you and audrey. As a member of the nbrsa I'm proud to have shot with you at many local matches. I asked for a clarification from the president of the nbrsa and have had no response from him..come join us in grand junction and we will dye your hair so you won't be recognized.....best wishes Scott
Hi Jim,
As an association member (like you), we all had an opportunity to vote for our Regional Directors to represent us. As such, we authorize them to make sound decisions on our behalf for the good of the organization.

I agree, expelling an individual from an organization should not be taken lightly and must be done with utmost caution and reasoning. There is past precedence of such action by the BOD (maybe Dennis can share some insight as to the rational when the Board takes this type of action). I'm sure you understand there are situations were dismissal is warranted. Through all the years of running the Supershoot were there not individuals banned from your event?

If we don't agree with the decisions our regional representatives make on our behalf, then we have several options. For one, we can personally take on the responsibility and run for the position when their term is up and/or vote someone else in.

As I was looking at some of the older traveling trophies this past week in St. Louis, I am amazed with the advancement of benchrest and the history of this organization. I'm proud to be a member.
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Just my opinion

What is the NBRSA going to gain by banning Rodney Brown ? what the NBRSA is going to accomplish is driving a wedge between certain regions or factions within this organization that may never be repaired, if it isn't already too late. I do know for certain we should all be standing together instead of what's going on right now. I have been a NBRSA member for a mere 4 years, but this is my opinion, Rodney Brown should not be banned from the NBRSA and we should ALL STAND TOGETHER for the betterment of the NBRSA.

Kelly Ellis

Can you name from the past when someone was barred permanently from NBRSA, I cannot. Please tell me who was barred from the Super Shoot in the past. Some may have been threatened to be barred from Kelbly's, but I sure don't remember anyone being barred from Super Shoot. I take that back, one man from NC back in the 90's had his sons here and they were caught destroying some of our equipment stored outside. The man was confronted and he wanted to start a fight on my Range Officers stand with me. He was told to leave and to never come back. And I hope you could understand why we did this.

Again I ask you to contact Dennis Thornbury on this situation, if you don't then you are only hearing one side of the story.

I would like to know also, how many Directors talked to the Browns or Dennis Thornbury? Or did everyone just listen to Gene Bukys side of the story, if so, how can they make such a harsh decision against a man who has done nothing but good for our sport. All sides of the story need to heard.

I have heard the Browns and Dennis Thornbury side, when will we hear the the Presidents and Boards side. We are all waiting, their silence is telling us something is not right. I am beginning to think Lou Murdica is right in his observation of this situation. Its funny they can tell their side at Nationals, but those of us not present get no respect for our requests.


Can you name from the past when someone was barred permanently from NBRSA, I cannot. Please tell me who was barred from the Super Shoot in the past. Some may have been threatened to be barred from Kelbly's, but I sure don't remember anyone being barred from Super Shoot. I take that back, one man from NC back in the 90's had his sons here and they were caught destroying some of our equipment stored outside. The man was confronted and he wanted to start a fight on my Range Officers stand with me. He was told to leave and to never come back. And I hope you could understand why we did this.

Again I ask you to contact Dennis Thornbury on this situation, if you don't then you are only hearing one side of the story.

I would like to know also, how many Directors talked to the Browns or Dennis Thornbury? Or did everyone just listen to Gene Bukys side of the story, if so, how can they make such a harsh decision against a man who has done nothing but good for our sport. All sides of the story need to heard.

I have heard the Browns and Dennis Thornbury side, when will we hear the the Presidents and Boards side. We are all waiting, their silence is telling us something is not right. I am beginning to think Lou Murdica is right in his observation of this situation. Its funny they can tell their side at Nationals, but those of us not present get no respect for our requests.


Jim, I would amagine that NBRSA President Gene Bukys and Board of Director Members had a long trip home from the Nationals, and need a certain amount of time to prepare a Statement. This all sort of blew up on the Internet when many were actively shooting.
I've been thinking about this in terms of why the BOD does not make an "official" statement. I'm pretty sure, but don't know, that the board chooses to let this die a natural death. If they made a statement, it would start all over again. I'm considerably miffed that it happened but it did and the folks that we trust to do the right thing made the decision.....the folks we voted for.
Jim, I would amagine that NBRSA President Gene Bukys and Board of Director Members had a long trip home from the Nationals, and need a certain amount of time to prepare a Statement.

Any such statement that fails to state that Rodney: (a) got a fair hearing (i.e., one in which he had the opportunity to confront his accusers and defend against the allegations, and that excluded hearsay), or (b) waived his rights to such a hearing, is not worth two cents.

.....the folks we voted for.

That's another subject that should be fleshed-out one day.
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Jim, I would amagine that NBRSA President Gene Bukys and Board of Director Members had a long trip home from the Nationals, and need a certain amount of time to prepare a Statement. This all sort of blew up on the Internet when many were actively shooting.

maybe edit the word statement to excuse, this started way before the nationals
Mtg at Nationals

If you were not at the Nationals you didn't miss any announcement.

Gene had a brief meeting after everything was over.

A summary of my recollection:

- Rodney was banned because of what he had done and continues to do and it had nothing to do with any actions of his wife .
- People have been banned before.
- The Board of Directors supported the decision.
- Gene stated he would take no questions.

If I missed anything or got something incorrect feel free to add or tune.


Jim, I would amagine that NBRSA President Gene Bukys and Board of Director Members had a long trip home from the Nationals, and need a certain amount of time to prepare a Statement. This all sort of blew up on the Internet when many were actively shooting.

I think the Bod should have had their statement prepared before anyone, even Rodney found out about this. It would have saved a lot of rumors and speculation. I am not saying that their decision was wrong or right, but they had to know what kind of a s!@#storm this was going to be. I know several members of the BOD, as do you, and I truly believe none of them would open themselves up to this kind of a situation without a really good reason. I am not taking a side in this matter because i don't have any of the facts, but as members of the NBRSA we should not have to make a phone call to get an explanation on a decision this big. We should all be notified one way or the other so we know how to keep this from happening to the rest of us. Again, I am not taking a side just curious.
I hope the BOD

has directors and officers insurance. Regardless it may be one of the reasons they are mum on the matter.
Mischief, thou art afoot...

Anyone with a smidgen of leadership experience realizes that the not-so-tidy leadership guidelines utilized here combine: Autocracy, Manson's Law of Avoidance, & the Peter Principle. This type of leadership will be responded to by folks (with at least a Forrest Gump I.Q.) with neither toleration, nor acceptance.

I feel a sting criticism of the overall delay in response, and the lack of preparedness on the part of the "leader(s)" is in order. We members want and deserve an exhaustive chronology of the circumstances leading to Rodney's excommunication - in writing and SIGNED!!!!

Scott, Bless you; we in GJ (Land's End) will not require Rodney to show up incognito - as a matter of fact, his match dues are already paid, and when the hog comes off the smoker, he wont be paying for that either...

Larry C. White

Under the influence of arrogance, a man can neither judge himself, nor accept the judgment of others...a paraphrase of Julius Caesar's Theme of Pride.
Waiting game

With diminishing hope I and the rest of the membership await response from the NBRSA leadership. There appears to be a waiting game afoot with the hope that we will tire and go back under our mushrooms.
We cannot let this die on the vine!

BZ to Scott and I look forward to shooting with all the great people at Whitewater.

I've been thinking about this in terms of why the BOD does not make an "official" statement. I'm pretty sure, but don't know, that the board chooses to let this die a natural death. If they made a statement, it would start all over again. I'm considerably miffed that it happened but it did and the folks that we trust to do the right thing made the decision.....the folks we voted for.

Wilbur, I have to believe that that the BOD would have preferred the matter to be solved quietly and without the emotional contest and choosing of sides that is currently going on. Some of the opinions expressed in this thread, are from members of this board, while quite heartfelt, have zero place in the thread, as those expressing them are not members of NBRSA. If you want to help, then support the sport and pay your dues. If you do not have $60 for dues, it is likely you are not an active competitor. I see right up there on top, "Competition Benchrest- ONLY".

I have read a couple things in here that are simply not true, and I have to call out those things. While I have never shot at the Super Shoot, there in fact have been a couple people banned from there, one for a dog vs dog incident, and one Regional Director, that although he voted as directed by his membership region, it conflicted with others desires. That Regional Director still possesses the letter he received from Kelby's, banning him from a parking space at future events, and he has not been back. So lets not anyone get too righteous about what has and has not happened in the past, it bears NO impact on the present situation.

I am a relatively new shooter in the BR world. I have been extremely fortunate to have been helped by some of the best shooters in the sport, many of whom are on this forum. I have been privileged to meet several of the BOD and Gene as well, whom I have known for 25+ years. These guys love this sport, and I am sure that the reason they were elected to the positions they have, was to preserve and foster the development of it, not take up everyones valuable time over what should have never been issues to start with. I would suggest that they did not make a public statement, in order to protect the sport and leave private matters so. I doubt that they have that luxury now, given the constant pot stirring of this topic.

Lastly, on the allegations of how this whole thing went down, I do know that there was ample opportunity for amends to be made, problems solved and the world to move on. That opportunity has past, since that time, I would be very sure that there was no secret hanging, and that the BOD acted with all due regard for privacy and due process. I am told that the BOD acted unanimously, having served on a couple boards in the past, I would expect at least a couple dissents if there were any doubts at all to the veracity of the allegations. In the absence of that dissent, one must wonder, that there were no grey areas at all? I believe that information has been disclosed that the vote was 6 in favor, with 2 abstentions, no votes against.

By the way, I am Mike Elliott, and do not choose to hide behind a screen name. I realize I may have knocked over a sacred cow or two, but oh well, no apology is ever needed for pointing out the truth. I think that the airing of the truth would be a good thing.
Simply put

Rodney remember you need not be a member . the friends you have made during the competitions will be your friends forever..I'm positive ibs will welcome you and others that follow. And if they won't. grab your shotgun lets shoot some trap..maybe just maybe the nbrsa will change its mind..keep honing your shooting skills..scott
If you were not at the Nationals you didn't miss any announcement.

Gene had a brief meeting after everything was over.

A summary of my recollection:

- Rodney was banned because of what he had done and continues to do and it had nothing to do with any actions of his wife .
- People have been banned before.
- The Board of Directors supported the decision.
- Gene stated he would take no questions.

If I missed anything or got something incorrect feel free to add or tune.


Gene stated that he would take no questions at the brief meeting after the Nationals because he didn't want it to last for two hours while people were packing up to go home. He would be glad to answer any questions as would any director just not at that time. I know that at this day and age of instant gratification that everyone feels they have the right to know everything that happens immediately. It just isn't so. Somethings just don't need to be splashed all over the internet. I would suggest that any NBRSA member that wants to know the reasoning behind this contact the director of their region.
Some of the opinions expressed in this thread...have zero place in the thread, as those expressing them are not members of NBRSA.


Lastly, on the allegations of how this whole thing went down...I would be very sure...that the BOD acted with all due regard for privacy and due process. I am told that the BOD acted unanimously, having served on a couple boards in the past, I would expect at least a couple dissents if there were any doubts at all to the veracity of the allegations. In the absence of that dissent, one must wonder, that there were no grey areas at all? I believe that information has been disclosed that the vote was 6 in favor, with 2 abstentions, no votes against.

You think my opinion is not worthy of this thread because I am not a current member of the NBRSA? If it offends you just put me on your ignore list -- I won't be offended.

As for being "very sure...that the BOD acted with all due regard for...due process," what makes you so sure? From what I've heard, due process was not afforded -- nor was hearsay excluded. Can you state a source that supports your assumption?

As for the decision being unanimous, you said yourself that only 6 out of 8 voted to terminate him -- that's not unanimous.

As for the lack of "a couple dissents [supporting] the veracity of the allegations," the lack of due process and the admission of hearsay can produce bizarre results.

BTW, if you've never seen Twelve Angry Men, it's worth watching.
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...Some of the opinions expressed in this thread, are from members of this board, while quite heartfelt, have zero place in the thread, as those expressing them are not members of NBRSA. If you want to help, then support the sport and pay your dues. If you do not have $60 for dues, it is likely you are not an active competitor. I see right up there on top, "Competition Benchrest- ONLY".

i didn't realize the NBRSA owned, maintained and managed benchrest.com. unless you are speaking on behalf of the BOD and/or the president, their opinions are just as relevant as yours or mine.

i may not have shot a match in the last couple of years but i promise i'm watching how this ordeal is being handled for when i do come back.

...the BOD acted unanimously,... ...the vote was 6 in favor, with 2 abstentions...

so, which was it?? unanimous, or was it 6 in favor with 2 abstaining?