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  1. Al Hadfield

    Congrats Mel Eck!!!

    Congratulations Mel. Bob & Gordon, great job!!! Al & Penny
  2. Al Hadfield

    Congratulations Bill B

    Way to Go Bill! Congratulations!!! :) Al & Penny
  3. Al Hadfield

    6 oclock firing pin

    Thanks for sharing Gordon, Penny and I are looking forward to Spring and our new Eck 10X Sporters! Happy New Year, Al
  4. Al Hadfield

    Excited about my first 250 benchrest target score today

    Congratulations Blanco! A 250 is always special and the first one is especially so. May there be many more. Al
  5. Al Hadfield

    Thank you Ray Hill for Laser Stands

    "My intention here was for someone to consider the problem and come up with a solution..." Pete, you are making a problem where non exist!!! Al
  6. Al Hadfield

    Thank you Ray Hill for Laser Stands

    A while ago in the post titled "Wind, Wind and more Wind", the use of lasers was mentioned to help in setting out wind flags. I had never heard of this and of course rushed out and bought a couple for Penny and I. Ray Hill was nice enough to make a couple of very nice custom stands to hold our...
  7. Al Hadfield

    It has been done!!!!! 250-25X IR50/50 card

  8. Al Hadfield

    Wind, wind and more wind

    HI Jeff, Thanks for the laser info, photos, and links. I bet there will be a few more lasers at next years matchs. Al
  9. Al Hadfield

    Wind, wind and more wind

    Thanks Jeff, Great idea! I can see a rush on green lasers. Al
  10. Al Hadfield

    Wind, wind and more wind

    Hi Jeff, "I also use a green laser to set them. Same way every time." Tell me more about that laser please. Never have seen one used to set flags, sounds interesting. Al
  11. Al Hadfield

    Wind, wind and more wind

    Ahh, I get it now Wilbur. I agree. Perhaps a combination of a good gun and finding the right ammo to feed it? I am out of the lot of ammo I have been using for the past few years so the Great Ammo Hunt begins again. There have been some good posts on this thread, I think we have all learned...
  12. Al Hadfield

    Wind, wind and more wind

    Ha, Hambone I suspected you were a BS'er, now I know! ;) Believe me, I say this jokingly and in the best of good humor. :D Going back aways in this thread Wilbur seemed to be saying I was shooting a special gun. Perhaps a "hummer"? Out of our small group of around 10 shooters that regularly...
  13. Al Hadfield

    Wind, wind and more wind

    Hi bloodhound, Yes, this is an interesting discussion. Thanks for starting this Hambone. I think we should have an annual Wind Shooting discussion. New people are coming on board all the time and shooting in the wind is a big bug-a-boo to most new shooters. Most old shooters too! Besides, us...
  14. Al Hadfield

    Wind, wind and more wind

    Wind may be one of the most discussed subjects in RFBR. It kind'a tells you something about how frustrating a bit of wind, a tiny breeze even can effect the flight of the bullit. Here are a few more random thoughts in no particular order of importance... If your flags have both tails and...
  15. Al Hadfield

    Wind, wind and more wind

    Hi Guys, When I gave my answer to Hambone's question I was thinking a Match time limit. I shoot IR50/50 3 gun that has a 30 minute time limit and IR Unlimited that has a 20 minute time limit. 30 minutes is a long time, 20 minutes goes by in a flash. If you are practicing then you can wait out...
  16. Al Hadfield

    Wind, wind and more wind

    Hi Hambone, Ken is being modest, he is one of the better shots in our game. My setup is slightly different than Ken's. I use five wind flags and one Wind Probe. I space the flags slightly closer to each other near the bench, with the probe about one-third of the way down range. I slightly...
  17. Al Hadfield

    Todd Banks Wins Holbrook's Unlimited in tough conditions!

    It was good to see such a large turnout for the last Holbrook of the season. Good job Paul! My friend Ray Hill has a saying..."The conditions were very 'sporty'." Boy were they ever, my new John Deere hat went flying more than once. Congrats to Todd for the agg win and a big congratulations to...
  18. Al Hadfield

    Results - Easthampton 10/8 - 3-Gun and UL

    Hi Michael, I'll add our sincere thanks for running the Easthampton IR matches, great job! It's great to see comparatively new shooters doing so well. Congratulations all! Bill, I think Maryellen's brownies are real awesome killer treats. Her contributions to the Easthamton matches are much...
  19. Al Hadfield

    Wind Flags

    Hi Tuna, Penny and I use Wick's flags that are starting to show their age. Just like me I guess. We set out five flags along with a WindProbe. We space the flags slightly closer near the bench and slightly further apart near the target. We place the probes about one third off the way downrange...