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  1. Al Hadfield

    Al Hadfield

    Thanks for all of the kind words... Al had been getting weaker...asthma and Parkinson's getting much worse and taking their toll, so the heart attack was perhaps a blessing. He surely would have liked to talk to you all once more...we both loved our years of shooting together...remember him as...
  2. Al Hadfield

    Need Wind Flag Recommendations..

    Look! See post "Wind flags for practice." Ray Hill is the man. :oL
  3. Al Hadfield

    David Shattuck left the range!

    Photos of Dave Shattuck I'm posting these pictures for Paul
  4. Al Hadfield

    Scope adjustment or Hold over?

    Hi Keith, how ya doing? I agree with everything Keith said, good advice. The one thing I could ad is something Harry Deneen told me many years ago, he said "I never hold outside the 10 ring". Well, I never reached that level of skill. But think about what he is telling you. He also said in a...
  5. Al Hadfield

    Left the Range - Dave Shattuck

    Penny and I send our sincere condolences to Dave's beloved wife Gail, his children, and his grandchildren. Dave was a big man with a big heart. I was thinking back over the years and remembering all the good times we had shooting 50/50. I remember the first match I attended at Pinnacle Mtn. I...
  6. Al Hadfield

    Happy Birthday Al Hadfield!!!!!!

    Thanks Keith, Made it through another year. Hello to all my friends in the rim-fire community. Al
  7. Al Hadfield

    Merry christmas!!!!!!!!!!

    Greetings to All. A Merry Christmas and Happy new year to All!!! May the upcoming year bring you much happiness and a high X count. Al
  8. Al Hadfield

    IR50/50 Nationals Week

    Bravo, Bob! What a record you have set! I hope you hang on to that record for a long, long will be hard to beat! That kind of concentration just isn't possible for have mastered the sport! Penny
  9. Al Hadfield

    IR50/50 Nationals Week

    So Proud! I couldn't be happier for you Bob! I know how hard you worked. A great accomplishment. It's good to see Penny's old gun still "has it". Congratulations to all the other "winners and griners"! :D Al
  10. Al Hadfield

    Potential new world records

    Way to go William! Your accomplishments are something to be very proud of. Keep those X counts high! :) Al
  11. Al Hadfield

    Happy Birthday Ray Hill

  12. Al Hadfield

    Easthampton April 18th Matches

    Congratulations to everyone in the winner's circle. A big congratulations to William and Rich for guiding my old guns so well under what must have been very challenging conditions. Just a little advertising...I just placed an ad in the classifieds for the "littermate" to William's Sporter...
  13. Al Hadfield

    Angle Tree Stone Saturday September 6th UL SOTY

    Bob, "biggest shooters"??? Come on, we have both lost weight! Penny will be carrying the banner for both of us. I'm just along for the ride and the food. ;) Keith, it will be good to see you and all the other "Angle Treers" Al
  14. Al Hadfield

    Angle Tree State IR 50/50 match Yards

    Bob, Thanks for running the Angle Tree matches, we had a fun and relaxing time. You and Pops should get a medal for setting up the target frames the might before in all that rain and wind! As always congratulations to the "Winners and Grinners"! Al
  15. Al Hadfield

    IR 50/50 UL Yards Ma. State Championship at Angle Tree 7/5/14

    Penny and I are looking forward to seeing everyone Saturday.
  16. Al Hadfield

    NorthEast Regional Championship Results

    Congratulations Paul! Great Shooting! Also a big congratulations to Dave on that very nice AGG! Way to go my friends, Al
  17. Al Hadfield

    Angle Tree Stone Doulbe UL results 6 07 2014

    Yes Bob it was a beautiful day. Congratulations to all the "Winners & Grinners", good shooting! :D Bob, thanks for running these matches. Being Match Director can at times be a thankless job. Al
  18. Al Hadfield

    Angle Tree Stone Rod and Gun Club

    Thanks for the reminder Michael, will do.
  19. Al Hadfield

    Angle Tree Stone Rod and Gun Club

    Looking forward to it! Hi Bob and Ray...Al and I are looking forward to Saturday's double match. I've put in a request for a lovely mild day with gentle breezes all from one direction...we'll see if the great weatherman in the sky obliges! See you then! Al and Penny
  20. Al Hadfield

    Easthampton Fish and Game IR 50/50 May 10 Results

    Gee Bob, I hadn't realized you enjoyed our set up melody I would have come up just to give you an encore! What I'll do is make a recording you all can play during set-up. ;-) Al