Angle Tree Stone Saturday September 6th UL SOTY


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Angle Tree Stone IR 50/50 UL SOTY Saturday September 6th

Angle Tree Stone is honored to host the last chance to compete against two of the biggest shooters in rimfire benchrest, as AL and PENNY HADFIELD, unfortunately, will be shooting in their final match of their Hall of Fame career's. Match registration is at 8:00 am with a start time of 9:00. Please let us know if you plan to attend...
Bob and Ray Hill
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Bob, "biggest shooters"??? Come on, we have both lost weight!

Penny will be carrying the banner for both of us. I'm just along for the ride and the food. ;)

Keith, it will be good to see you and all the other "Angle Treers"

I wouldn't miss this one! See you all Saturday.

I too am sorry to say I'll have to miss this one as well due to a scheduling conflict.

Bob, "biggest shooters"??? Come on, we have both lost weight!

Penny will be carrying the banner for both of us. I'm just along for the ride and the food. ;)

Keith, it will be good to see you and all the other "Angle Treers"


Well you've both have been a force to be reckoned with in the last 11 years in IR 50/50 and another decade in ARA. It seems Penny has the SOTY at Angle Tree sewn up to go out in style! It'll be good to see you there never the less. Till then....
Wind and Hot air

Yup, we should have plenty of Angle Tree wind, and Al is gonna bring the hot air. We are looking forward to seeing a few guys
from NY and NJ. joining in. I'll be keeping my eye on those two guys from north of our border, William and Keith. Both have
been turning in some big scores up there in Maine lately. And after looking at the match results, I see Mike has been shooting up
a storm all year. Sure would like to see Bill Pete and Bob join us sometime and bring that old gunsmith Gordon along with ya.
Penny and Al Hadfield will be retiring from the benchrest game after this match. I'm sure gonna miss them, and want to thank
them for all the help and encouragement and beatings they have giving me and Bob over the last few years. The beatings are the
only thing I'm not gonna miss. That's it, hope to see ya'll Saturday.
I stand to be corrected ! You've shot RFBR for close to 20 years, and started with BR50 and then went to IR 50/50 when BR50 went away. During this time you also ran ARA matches in Westport at "Hole in the Wall" for two years.
Penny has shot IR 50/50 for about 12 years. During this time she shot ARA for the two years you had matches here at the farm.... So Al Hadfield has been shooting nearly 20 and Penny for a good 14... Thanks for all the knowledge you have shared and for being a Class Act! Looking forward to having Lunch with you Saturday...