Angle Tree Stone Doulbe UL results 6 07 2014


New member
We want to thank all the shooters who came out the double UL match at Angle Tree Stone. The morning conditions were pleasant and the range was sunny and hot for the afternoon. Here are the top 3 scores for each match...

Match 1

UL 1

Paul Bendix 249 12x fm 16

Paul Vobecky 248 12X fm 7

Michael Gallant 247 11x fm 5

UL 2

Pete Wass 248 15x fm11

Paul Bendix 248 14x fm 15

Paul Vobecky 248 11x fm19

UL 3

Ray Hill 248 10x fm 1

Paul Bendix 247 16x fm 2

Penny Hadfield 247 13x fm 5


Paul Bendix 744 43x

Paul Vobecky 742 35x

Ray Hill 740 32x

Match 2


Ray Hill 248 16x fm 13

Paul Vobecky 248 14x fm 9

Pete Wass 248 14x fm2

UL 2

Penny Hadfield 249 10x fm 22

Paul Bendix 248 13x fm4

Paul Vobecky 247 9x fm 10


Pete Wass 249 18x fm 22

Ray Hill 249 11x fm19

Bob Hill 248 13x fm 1


Pete Wass 743 45x

Penny Hadfield 743 40x

Ray Hill 743 37X

Hope to see you all at the state shoot next month!

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Fun day Bob. Thanks for your efforts. Congrats to Paul Bendix and Pete Wass for their agg wins!

So Paul comes back a star from the Air Gun Nationals and the first time he picks up a 22, he shows us how it's done!!!

Fun day Bob. Thanks for your efforts. Congrats to Paul Bendix and Pete Wass for their agg wins!

So Paul comes back a star from the Air Gun Nationals and the first time he picks up a 22, he shows us how it's done!!!

Last night getting ready for Angletree took the Turbo out of the safe. No scope on the Turbo! Took it off and put it on my HV STEYR LG-110 for the Nationals. Put it back on the TUrbo last night. Only took a couple of min. To sight it in. Each card was shot with a different lot of so so ammo. The blue box of 2007 was as good as last years 10X I got from the Eley test tunnel.
Tough conditions when nobody shot a 250 all day and only a few 249's.
Bob and Ray, Great match and wonderful lunch! See you at the States.
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Yes Bob it was a beautiful day.

Congratulations to all the "Winners & Grinners", good shooting! :D

Bob, thanks for running these matches. Being Match Director can at times be a thankless job.

Angle Tree Match Results.

Like Al says, congrats to the winners and grinners.
Angle Tree is never an easy range to shoot as the scores clearly show. We had twelve shooters scratching the heads and wondering
what was going on. If you didn't shoot a 250 don't feel bad, nobody else did either. In the last two years running there has only been
a few 250s shot.
I want to thank all the guys and gals who supported our shoot and hope to see ya'll at our state shoot . And Paul, how would you like
to part with some of that So-So ammo?

Ray Hill
Yes Bob it was a beautiful day.

Congratulations to all the "Winners & Grinners", good shooting! :D

Bob, thanks for running these matches. Being Match Director can at times be a thankless job.


Thanks for the thanks Al, Michael and Paul...much appreciated.. I still need to get the flow of running it more smoothly...Michael makes it look to easy! Oh and thanks for the help with the math Penny!