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  1. F

    I hate to report Arnold Jewell has left the range

    Best Trigger Ever I always enjoyed hearing the stories about Arnold. I still have my very first 2 Triggers, and have never had a malfunction. He was a Genius. R.I.P. Arnold Jewell.
  2. F

    Tuner setting?

    Set it on 186 and that should be a good starting point. Only you will have to be satisfied with the results.
  3. F

    Cecil Tucker has left the range

    Sorry to hear we have lost another great Sportsman. R.I.P. Cecil Tucker.
  4. F

    Hey Elmer

    I've always had the best luck, posting from my computer, but it doesn't always work.
  5. F

    George Lavender

    Haven't talked with him in awhile. Shot with him many times. Great Friend and competitor.
  6. F


    Having all this done and more, be patient. Don't go rushing back.
  7. F

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    If that the case, I've a Ton of Energy.
  8. F

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    It was meant as a Joke. When you are 84 years old and pee every hour during the night, you will be asking yourself that same question.
  9. F

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Something to think about As most liquids weigh close to 8 pounds per gallon, why don't you lose 8 pounds per night?
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    DYI Scope Repair

    Pete: Can you post the YouTube link you are referring too?
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    DYI Scope Repair

    When trying to cure this problem, would it be wise to replace any O-Rings?
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    DYI Scope Repair

    I've heard this too, but finding a source of Nitrogen in a small quantity is the problem.
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    DYI Scope Repair

    On the subject of DIY, scope repair, how do I get moisture out so the lens don't fog up again?
  14. F

    Wood stock

    I have used my Roller Top on wood, and the was no damage to the stock.
  15. F

    700 safety availability

    I still have two Shilen 2oz Match Triggers that are just sitting in the closet. When I went with Jewell, I never looked Back.
  16. F

    ARA Indoor Nationals

    It seems to me a man named Joe, used and Anschutz action to win quite a few ARA Tournaments and Matches. Even won the A-Line as well.
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    IR 50/50 275 Type Scoring

    I agree.
  18. F

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Covid Test
  19. F

    Cecil Tucker

    Got it, and have already talked to him. Thanks
  20. F

    Cecil Tucker

    Thanks all, I now have the correct number.