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    Opinion on Benchmark 2 grooves barrel

    Newer? When was newer? Did they actually change the Center X or are these special batches? Thank you. Steve
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    Lead removal solvent

    Thank you!
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    Lead removal solvent

    Goo Gone, Which One? Went to their website and they have a number of different types. Which one did you use? Pro Power, Extreme? Steve
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    Precision Shooting, The Accurate rifle and tactical shooter

    Old issues of PS and AR Hi Curly, I've got Accurate Rifle issues from part of '99 through the end I think. I'm moving my office in a month or so and probably will be throwing them out. If you'd like I'll send them to you when I get to that point. Steve
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    Is benchrest dying?

    Attendance I dropped in on an air rifle benchrest match a year or so ago and was amazed at the number of participants, the number of younger shooters (20 to 30 years old) and the high class (expensive) equipment. I would venture to say that the air rifles are every bit as expensive as the CFBR...
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    DanB's Awesome Pellet Air Gauging Device

    Where? We're do you find more information on this like price and who to contact?
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    Scope conversions?

    Rick, You must have picked up the 220 Beggs rifle from the classifieds a couple of weeks ago as I believe it had a scope like that on it. I'm curious as to how that rifle shoots when you get around to it. If you don't mind I'd really like to hear your impressions of it. Thanks. Steve
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    Email from my US Senator Texas

    Letter From My Senator - A Little Different Take Dear Mr. Perkins: Thank you for contacting me about gun control legislation. In the wake of the tragic December 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, there has been a surge in the introduction of congressional legislation...
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    Just getting into benchrest shooting.

    Jag size Thanks, Bob. I personally like the round patches but I don't think I can pass a 1.25" one through with my .22 diameter jag. If you ever get a chance to check on the actual size, I would be interested to know. Thanks again. Steve
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    Just getting into benchrest shooting.

    Which one? Bob, Which of "his jags" do you use, .17 cal, .20 cal or the .22 cal with the 1-1/8" square patches? Thanks, Steve
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    HELP Resized cartridges will not enter the chamber????? "A Collet For Belted Mangnum Cases" By Innovative Technologies -Reloading Equipment He makes one for exactly what you are experiencing. Good luck.
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    looking for precise powder measure....

    You asked for it. Prometheus Generation 2 - Prometheus Tool Co. Good luck.
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    Recommendaton for a few reloading items needed..

    So which one? From the answer above i'm not sure where you landed. So, having tried them all which did you settle on
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    First hand experience Testing at Lapua

    Dennis, What was the best 10 shot group you got in mm? Did you find your rifle would do it consistently? Thank you. Steve
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    First hand experience Testing at Lapua

    Tim, I have some data from some matches shot this past year that may give some comparison. I'm not a great shooter but am trying to improve. I've just shot in the monthly matches we have as work and other activities have kept me from practicing. As I continue to shoot this ammo I will report...
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    First hand experience Testing at Lapua

    Tony, 10 shots into each group unless it became obvious the group was excessively large. I'm not quite sure what you mean by "establish a base line" but we shot 10 shots of one that shot fairly well, then another 10 shot group to verify and sometimes a third depending on how we felt about the...
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    First hand experience Testing at Lapua

    Test with the tuner. I didn't and wish I would have. Next trip (new rifle coming) it will be with the tuner. They are very accomodating. They clamped the stock the first time. I asked if I could bring my one piece Pappas rest and did the 2nd time. He basically disassembled their existing stock...
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    First hand experience Testing at Lapua

    I have been there twice. What would you like to know?
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    Grunig & Elmiger RACER World Champion Small Bore Rifles are coming to the U.S.

    Any more testing done with this rifle?