Precision Shooting, The Accurate rifle and tactical shooter



I believe those the 3 titles that were published together. I would like the dates of last issue of P.S. and the inclusive dates from beginning to end of the other two. I am trying to complete my collection and don't know . Thank you. Also what publications are there NOW to replace those ? I miss many of the articles of many of the authors.

Can't help you on the three you mentioned but how about "Rifle" ?

I believe those the 3 titles that were published together. I would like the dates of last issue of P.S. and the inclusive dates from beginning to end of the other two. I am trying to complete my collection and don't know . Thank you. Also what publications are there NOW to replace those ? I miss many of the articles of many of the authors.

Tac Shooter morphed into Accurate Rifle and they were consecutive and not concurrant. Brennan said the subscription volume was not there to support Tac Rifle. If I remember correctly there were some Month/issue number discrepancies with the changeover so you will not find the month and/or issue numbers transition consecutively so if you think you are missing one you are probably not. Tac Shooter started Jan 98 and ended Oct 2000. Last month all of my Accurate Rifle and Precision Shooting went into the recycle bin so I can't help you with the month/issue numbers. For some reason I saved the Tac Shooter issues.
I don't have a lot to spend but if anybody else is throwing out back issues Please contacted first. As I get older I am enjoying reading this stuff more and more and would appreciate the chance to get my missing stuff. Pm me and I will get back to you ASAP. Thank you.
I'm pretty sure the Accurate Rifle folded around July/Aug 2005. Three months after Dave published an article I wrote on how to do a bedding block inletting job......mmm, coincidence? I still miss reading those tech articles, and being old, the back issues are good reading in the john, since I forgot most of the stuff....:cool:
Thanks Lee. My issues are good thru about 2008 thren financial things happened and it after that I need PS and Since I dont have index not sure what OI would I believe the accurate rifle ONE I do need is 2001 Jan if not mistaken.
Old issues of PS and AR

I don't have a lot to spend but if anybody else is throwing out back issues Please contacted first. As I get older I am enjoying reading this stuff more and more and would appreciate the chance to get my missing stuff. Pm me and I will get back to you ASAP. Thank you.

Hi Curly,

I've got Accurate Rifle issues from part of '99 through the end I think. I'm moving my office in a month or so and probably will be throwing them out. If you'd like I'll send them to you when I get to that point.

I believe those the 3 titles that were published together. I would like the dates of last issue of P.S. and the inclusive dates from beginning to end of the other two. I am trying to complete my collection and don't know . Thank you. Also what publications are there NOW to replace those ? I miss many of the articles of many of the authors.

Curly - I don't think you are alone - we all miss PS. And, I wonder - what are all those great amateur PS writers doing now? Four years ago, we lost our only decent target shooting mag. in the UK and a couple of us started Target Shooter. - available on-line via an Apple app. for a small fee.

Yes, we are UK based but we have 25% of our readership in the USA. We would love some of those great American writers who submitted articles to PS etc. to send us some stuff - we'll gladly run it.

This month's issue 'September' is all about the World F Class Champs in Raton but next month we'll have a writer in Australia shooting in the World Benchrest Championships.

Send us your articles and we'll run 'em!

Vince (Editor)
I am one of the 25% American that get that one ...GREAT READ. I just miss what was P.S. and wish it still were. A raise of say $20 a year to have continued would have been fine with me for what it was...but...As stated there may be a few decent ones still but there were NOT QUITE SO MANY ADDS in P.S. as many today have in theirs.
Subscription vs ad rates

I believe for most magazines it's revenue from advertising that keeps them in the black. Subscriptions just pay for their production/printing and mailing. Maybe. Another reason e-magazines are the coming trend.
Accurate Shooter

At one time,I had all the issues,but got rid of them.
My records show that Accurate Rifle was published starting January,2001 and the last issue was
May 2005.
When you get to be an old geezer with some severe health issues,it's best to start get rid of stuff,otherwise the wife will give them away at a yard sale!
As another old guy...

with enough health problems to limit the shooting and hunting that I once did, I can relate to several of the posts above. Since I can still sit at my computer and whale away at the keyboard I was disappointed when PS closed it's doors last fall. I had a job writing for them for 22 years; a job I enjoyed a lot.

With the demise of PS I found there was no magazine that was remotely appropriate for the stuff I write. Can anyone imagine a 3000 word article on neck turning in Outdoor Life? It also left me with no magazine reading material. As a member of the press I get free subscriptions to several gun magazines. I glance thru some of them when they come but rarely find anything of interest. I average about one article a year in Guns magazine that I am mildly interested in. Some of the magazines I just throw away without looking inside.

I met Vince Bottomley (Vinceb above) at Kelbley's around 2005 at the World Championship Benchrest Match and we hit it off. Recently I remembered enough of our conversations to Google "Target Shooter" his publication. I read an issue and thought, "This is more like it". It cost me a total of $2.65, payable with VISA or PayPal.

I contacted Vince and he was very interested in my writing for him. My first article for Target Shooter was published Tuesday, Oct. 1 in the October issue. It feels good to be writing again.

Like it or not, and a lot of us old guys don't, the future of magazines is digital. I'm sure that part of the reason PS went belly up is Brennan's absolute refusal to adapt to the electronic age. The man wouldn't even email. He used to call me up and ask if PS was getting any mention here on BRC.

Try getting and reading one issue. It will take you back to the better days of PS. The writers are shooters. The art work is excellent.

Like it or not, I'm going to have to buy me a Kindle or some such device. (I'm told by my expert that Google Chrome is the way to go.)

Like the man says, "Try it, you'll like it".

Dick Wright