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  1. J

    Thanks Jim Borden, Francis Becigneul

    Gorgeous rifle!
  2. J

    Rim Fire Questions

    Jackie I enjoy rimfire only at club level, but my hats off to those who take the leap. You can easily simulate rimfire benchrest with your CF BR sporter if you want. Just chamber up a great barrel in 22 Hornet and spend the next few months buying and testing overpriced second or third pick lots...
  3. J

    NBRSA Gulf Coat Region Votes on Varmint for Score

    No business being here, but I’ll comment anyway. Lots of talk lately about adding VFS to NBRSA, zero talk about fixing the decades old broken best-edge scoring method in the process. How about using a multi-caliber “stepped” scoring plug like they use in air-rifle score, or maybe break the mold...
  4. J

    1000 Yard Rangefinder?

    If you just want to range target stand distances and don’t really need the expense of a new range finder? Get a roll or two of white reflective tape (the type used on trucks / trailers / trains) and make a 18x18” reflective target. Placing targets, targeting the reflector located at the shooting...
  5. J

    Drillin' holes in a barrel

    Sounds like a Safety issue. Someone could poke there eye out with that thing. Eye poke!?! :D
  6. J

    We need to fix this - TOGETHER!

    Do the other rifles in the pictures have their bolts out or in and closed(?), I could never tell just by looking at the pictures. I can however clearly see the bolts up and open rifles are “safe”. Maybe its time for empty chamber flags, at least you can see them from one side.
  7. J

    GENE BEGGS' Rimfire Update

    Thanks Gene Jim
  8. J

    GENE BEGGS' Rimfire Update

    What kind of groups/aggs are you getting at 100 yards? Please don’t be embarrassed to share, like one of my shooting friends says “What do you expect(?) it’s a STUPID RIMFIRE!” :D I don’t know what your 100 yard trap looks like, but couldn’t it catch the 50 yard target bullets? 3.5 to 4" high @...
  9. J

    Best material for scope shims??

    Thin strips of electrical tape to get the offset you want, then bed (both rings) with JB-Kwik.
  10. J

    You Can't Fix Stupid

    He had it on his show about a week ago, got quite a laugh from the audience. :D
  11. J

    Gun Laws and Doing Barrel Work.

    Thank goodness we don’t let those AR people into registered matches! 10 9 8 :D
  12. J

    Gun Laws and Doing Barrel Work.

    The average BR match is starting to sound like a crime scene. ;)
  13. J

    Gun Laws and Doing Barrel Work.

    Unless I missed something I don’t believe that document answers the question in this thread because a barrel blank is not a drop-in part. A home machinist manufactures a drop-in part from a barrel blank.
  14. J

    Gun Laws and Doing Barrel Work.

    And how do we get accuracy minded gunsmiths unless they can learn and refine their skills as a hobby or at home before taking the plunge into a profit making business? The FCC and other fed organizations (electronics) recognize this and have programs like the amateur radio license. Maybe when...
  15. J

    Gun Laws and Doing Barrel Work.

    Jackie, I’m sure there are plenty of ATF agents reading your post,, maybe one of them will reply? I wouldn’t count on anything you read here, contact someone who knows. If it turns out someone needs a manufacturers license to install a barrel blank for themselves or for a friend at no profit...
  16. J


    It’s been cold in western Iowa too. Our Ford garden tractor snow blower was having a hard time starting @-20 yesterday morning so I went to the local farming supply store. When the girls behind the counter asked if they could help me find something I told them I was looking for a “dipstick...
  17. J

    Rule question

    Sounds like everyone wants to overcomplicate or avoid a simple question. Q: What is not the barreled action and rides in the bags? A: The stock (1, 2 or 300 pieces does not matter) Q: Are “all” the stock attachment points/methods within the rules? Q part 2: Is part of a match directors job...
  18. J

    jewel trigger question

    Garrison, Not sure if this will help but here’s a site with a picture and a few cutaway drawings of the Jewell triggers. Safety (top or bottom) and bolt release are optional. May help you figure out what you have.
  19. J

    Okay, get out the gloves

    I bet if you turned out half a dozen barrels for your Beggs modular rifle system. Then teamed up with Lou and struck a deal with Zanders, and opened your range for ammo lot / barrel testing / indexing & selection. You’d probably have customers lined up in short order. :cool:
  20. J


    That is awesome, Congrats Terry! :) Jim Joy