We need to fix this - TOGETHER!

Vote :

Bolts out, always between cards..All the way out.
The Flag is a good idea too.
Do the other rifles in the pictures have their bolts out or in and closed(?), I could never tell just by looking at the pictures. I can however clearly see the bolts up and open rifles are “safe”.
Maybe its time for empty chamber flags, at least you can see them from one side.
Range officer goes around collecting the bolts, put them in large box, give them a shake and put a sign up
"heres your bolts"
Same collects them, 5.00 fine to get them back each time.
Bright orange "I'm a dumbass" hat for the rest of the match? :D
Bolts out, always between cards..All the way out.
The Flag is a good idea too.

No point in the overkill.

I believe that sticking the flag in the chamber is all you need. You can't possibly shut the bolt or close the action with that flag stuck in the chamber.

After removing the bolt and inserting the flag, who would deny that removing the barrel would make the rifle look even safer?:)

Let's have safety rules that are sensible and workable.

Concho Bill

We have a standard rule, it's "BOLTS OUT" when "OUT OF THE CASE".
We always give the command to insert bolts, before Dorothy's famous command, "You Must Fire Now". At the end of the 20 minute target time, it's "Remove all Bolts".
You gonna bring your son back down to Camillus again for the IBS group shoot this year?

Hi Tim
I hope to, Daniel my 8 year old started shooting at the Dunhams Bay Winter league as well. On the last day he shot a .400" most under a 1/2".
Camillus and Canasota are two of my favorite places to shoot, I hope to make at lease one of them.
Thanks, Kim
it's NOT up to the range officer or range...iFa Man or Woman can't or wont make his/her gun safe..HE/SHE SHOULD NOT BE THERE ! if ya can't play safe STAY HOME DONT PLAY.
In a registered match it IS up to the range officer to make sure guns are clear and bolts removed before leaving the firing line.

After the firing line is exited by a shooter then things may differ from club to club and sanctioning body to sanctioning body.

Don't try that in the IBS!!!
Rifle cleaning


I believe that you could visit any gun club in the world and find violations if your visit was on the right day. That is the reason that threads like this are so important for us from time to time.

I still believe that the safest direction to point a rifle while it is being cleaned at the range is downrange while no one is down there.

And I haven't either.

Concho Bill
Bill, I totally agree with you. Gateway is set up so that you can park your vehicle or set up a tent about 30 yards across the gravel road, point it away from the range and clean it safely and not disturb others. Tents are in increasing use and set up just behind the line. Even though the rifle is pointed away from the line, IMHO, it still is potentially dangerous and a gathering place for shooters who want to talk. I plan to ask the club make it a policy to keep tents on the opposite side of the road if they are for cleaning purposes.
wht i'm saying is at every match theres a safety meeting at that meeting your told the bolt's out rule.
after said meeting if you leave the bolt in your DQ ..it's up to YOU to make safe
the range officer can't pull every bolt himself.
Not trying to be snitty, he doesn't have to pull the bolt his self, all he has to pull is you...off the firing line and DQ. The sanctioning organization and that person's fellow shooters will back up the action by the range officer.
Rules seem to say choice...

You can choose between removing the bolt or putting in a chamber flag.
I pulled this out of the rules right here on this web site.

"SAFETY Rifles must be equipped with trigger guards. All rifles must have bolts removed or chamber flags in place at all times when not engaged in active competition and prior to removal from the firing line. Failure to comply will result in disqualification. Rifles are NEVER to be on the bench until the Rangemaster calls the relay to the line after determining that the range is secure. When target crew is down range, NO RIFLES will be allowed on benches. Loss of sanctioning may result if this procedure is not followed."

I will also add it makes little difference in respect to safety if the cleaning bench is feet away or yards away. A bullet fired in error won't take too long to close the distance. I think what is important is that it be user friendly and have ample room for the job at hand. That, and have the muzzles facing as safe a direction as possible.
Correct me if I am wrong

The rules of both ARA and 50/50 allow for chamber flags if I read them right. 50/50 leaves the choice up to the shooter and ARA leaves the choice up to the Range Master.

I would like to see an expansion of where and when to clean our firearms in the rules. Or maybe not.

This has been a most polite discussion of safety procedures with no one calling anyone else names. We discuss safety but we follow the rules.

Concho Bill
More on safe place to clean & service rifles

Bill Wynne asks for an expansion of this topic. If the barrel is pointed in a safe direction most of the concerns are met. Now, what makes a direction safe ? In my mind, benches allowing the rifles to point at a back stop of some kind would work. Hopefully there will be no accidental discharges, but if one happens, it would be good to catch the bullet safely. The closer the back stop, the smaller it can be. Ideally it would absorb the bullet with no chance of the bullet escaping.