Gun Laws and Doing Barrel Work.

[QUOTEIn the future, I might aquire an FFL, but since the only dealings I have with firearms is in the relm of Benchrest, it would serve me little purpose, as I have no desire to perform this type of work outside of what I was doing........jackie[/QUOTE]

I would work on it now Jackie...Who knows what the furure holds. All the ATF people I have been surrounded with are quality individuals and very helpful.

Don't know about a license needed to fit barrels, but back when I had an FFL 15 to 20 years ago ATF required a manufacturer's license to reload ammunition for the use of someone other than yourself. Not being a lawyer it was a little beyond me to know if that meant I couldn't load ammunition for immediate family or not, or whether or not it was just loading for sale.

You can bet that Mr Holder would not look unkindly at throwing the book at a person he felt was not following the exact letter of the law or regulation.

Best to check with ATF in any case IMHO. I've heard that jail time can really mess up a guy's life, not to mention that if someone is convicted of a "crime" for which they could have been sentenced to a year in prison and/or a $25k fine they cannot legally possess firearms. :(
Well, it prob'ly is! I mean all those people with guns all in one place and loading ammunition too. Sounds like a crime spree in action to me. :eek:
Maybe here's a twist on things. If I can do my own barrel work, for my own rifle, do I have to do it on my own lathe, or can I rent time on someone's equipment???? And also get supervision and input from said machine owner....???? SouthBend 9 x36 just wont get it.

My plan...

I have a few friends wanting barrels installed. When I get my lathe, I might just buy that shot-out gun from them.
After I rebarrel it for myself, they might talk me into selling it back to them.

How many ways is there to skin a cat.....................?

cwood,,,,,,,,, only one way when the goverment is involved,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, their way,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Here is one

Say a friend came by with a Rifle that had a stripped scope mount screw, and he asked if you had time to drill it out and re-tap it for the next size up. (you have a small mill and lathe in your garage).

You tell him that you have to go meet some people, but leave it, and when you get back, you will do it.

You do, and he comes back by the next morning to get it. he hands you $25 to get the Wife some beer.

I suppose you just broke the law..........jackie
Say a friend came by with a Rifle that had a stripped scope mount screw, and he asked if you had time to drill it out and re-tap it for the next size up. (you have a small mill and lathe in your garage).

You tell him that you have to go meet some people, but leave it, and when you get back, you will do it.

You do, and he comes back by the next morning to get it. he hands you $25 to get the Wife some beer.

I suppose you just broke the law..........jackie

Well Jackie, I would say that your scenario ranks right up there with making a lane change without signaling or fixing a relatives home electrical fuse box without a contractors license.

I do not know of a single BR competitor, that does his own gunsmithing work on his own competition guns with lathe/mill, that has not done some machine work for close friends, without an FFL. I guess we are all criminals.

Do you suppose all that scope freezing work that you did, required an FFL, and without the license you should be thrown in jail?

How many bullet makers that advertise their products on this website have manufacturing licenses? Very few, except the biggest boys, is my guess.

As for liability issues, anybody with an ounce of legal trainning will tell you that any person can sue another in america..........being sued is not the standard for liability issues in this country, the standard is whether a suit is successfull and economically feasable..........most do not meet these standards.........................Don
I have had a Type 6 FFL for maybe 30 years, this a "Manufacture of ammunition for firearms" license. If you reload for anybody for any reason you are supposed to have this license, if you provide the cases you are also liable for a 11% excise tax, if they provide the cases no tax is due
The question about gunsmithing - one problem right now is that BATF agents are not all on the same page, you can get 2 different answers to the same question, write to 2 different field offices and the same thing. We recently had an interesting situation come up, called St. Paul was given an answer, one of the employees says "no way", we call back was told in no uncertain way that their original answer stood, About 2 weeks later get a letter from the office saying we were right they were wrong.
The over night issue deals with "logging in." Any firearm kept over night must be logged into either an "official" repair or accusition book, if you do not have an FFL you would not have the books
Another problem is the manufaturers license, some agents are saying you need it to replace anything but the smallest of parts but generally cant tell you where you draw the line as to which parts. Replace a stock with a factory original and its repair, replace it with a custom stock and its "manufacturing" same with barrels, triggers etc.
Some agents are saying as long as you do less than 50 a year you dont need the manufacturing license, others are saying you do 1, you need
I have not been sent a current rule book or I would look it up and copy it right out of the book, but there are some rules that are not even in the book, mostly dealing with court rulings
Gentlemen ...

How many governments; local, state, federal or otherwise do you think have hired folks to run around looking into people's garages, work shops, or basements to see if they can arrest you for doing work on your friends rifles, handguns or shotguns ??? Common sense guys ... you've got to use some common sense. Watch the news. Cities and towns are reducing their staffs because they're not generating enough revenue to even carry on with the bare essentials. Some are even laying off members of their police force. That's right, some police forces are handing out pink slips. This country's got BIG TIME PROBLEMS that are going to take YEARS to fix. Remaining resources are going to be put somewhere other than checking out or scrutinizing your legitimate hobbies.
The only way to know for sure that you aren't going to get a spanking though is to contact the BATF and get it in writing from them.

If you do contact the BATF I would sure be interested in what they have to say.

I would agree with the in writing part. Another Government agency (IRS) has a help phone number but they do not guarantee the answers they give are correct !

And I would be surprised if BATF will give you an answer in writing.
Hi Jackie, new member here, have been reading for a long time. I just called this week in my state for the same reasons your interested in. YES you must have a type 1, according to the agent I talked to. Type 7 was way overkill for a Gunsmith. Even if your "not" a business and its just a hobby. I was concerned that ATF would not issue one unless your a business with a store front. He stated that was not the case, most of his contacs operated out of a garage at their residence.
your buddy sold you the gun. and you sold it back. nothing wrong with that!!!
What I (think) I know after 10 years.

The BATF is a bear in hibernation. Tip toe past and it may squint at you or wrinkle its nose a bit, but it'll leave you alone.

Wake it up and then look out, cause your gonna get mauled.

Your a hobby gunsmith. It's not a business. If the owner of the gun is present and your not charging money for services, then I can't see how you'd be prosecuted.

If you kept the gun overnight, hand the guy a buck and tell him you'll sell it back to him in the morning for the same dollar. It's a transaction between two private citizens and that is not the governments business.

I too have heard the build under 50 a year and you don't need a manufacturers license. I would need to read more about it before commenting. Be nice cause that's about how many guns a year I plan to build from now on. It'd save a thousand bucks a year!

I personally think your safe. I know of one old crusty position/prone shooter who has been gun plumbing for folks as a hobby in his Southern Arizona home for a long, long time and he's NEVER been messed with by the BATF.

Single shot bolt guns are one thing, converting Uzis' to full auto for gang bangers in S. Central LA is quite another.

Stay safe.

What I (think) I know after 10 years.

The BATF is a bear in hibernation. Tip toe past and it may squint at you or wrinkle its nose a bit, but it'll leave you alone.

Wake it up and then look out, cause your gonna get mauled.

Stay safe.

Best answer I've read so far.

If you are still in Iraq, you stay safe too...