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  1. P

    C-Bar cleaning solution at the Cactus

    Need 2 quarts, Richard. Was thinking Durward needs a couple too.
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    6 Grinch Sizing Die

    When I ordered my 6 Grendel chamber reamer I ordered a sizer reamer at the same time and just reamed a die blank. Works fine.
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    pumpkin spare parts

    Butch, isn't the mandrel the eccentric part?
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    And let there be light (On Charlene's Meadow)

    Nice job Richard, looks like we can't use the good old "couldn't see what I was doing" excuse.
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    262 or 268 necks for 6mm PPC

    Mike could probably beat all of us with a Chicken Neck!
  6. P

    Does Krieger Still Cryogenic Treat Their Barrels

    The $100 would be peanuts. The funny thing is that ratio of 3 good, 3 junk and 4 okay is almost exactly my experience. Was thinking more like 2 good one's and 5 okay's, the funny thing about the okay barrels is they sometimes will go 400 rounds or so during their life shooting well then the...
  7. P

    Anyone Have a Nielson Neck Turner They Wish to Sell?

    Have had two K&M and their fine if all you want to do is clean up a neck, if you want to remove much material they aren't worth much.
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    Anyone Have a Nielson Neck Turner They Wish to Sell?

    Tried to buy a Nielson Pumpkin Turner a few years ago. There weren't any! So I was talking to a friend of mine that had just bought a bunch of BR stuff out of an estate sale that had a Pumpkin Copy made by Jerry Stiller, so I bought it and use it several times a year. Now I wasn't involved...
  9. P

    I have an 6brx do i need special dies or will 6br dies work??? thanks Seneca

    Without a full length body die, those cases will get tight at the base after several firings. You need a full length body die Harrell makes them. Send them two or three cases and they'll pick a die that will get her done.
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    Lt 30 Bart shoots LT30 in a PPC. Call him.
  11. P


    I've been doing this for a few years now and have to say that allowances have to be made for other peoples personalities. You find a lot of guys in BR that are the salt of the earth and some others that aren't. Gravitate to the one's you like and avoid the one's you don't, it's just like Church.
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    Certainly agree with Richard, shooting with the best shooters around is always fun. Personally I have a friend that is a past Olympic Shooter and Coach that tells me they deliberately trained to expose their weaknesses then picked one of them to try to avoid at each match they went to. In this...
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    The Kansas Classic at Charlene's Meadow

    Richard, is this tomorrow and could you send me a map?
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    The Kansas Classic at Charlene's Meadow

    Where is Charlene's Meadow? If it's in SW Kansas it can't be too far from me but can't remember hearing about it.
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    C-Bar cleaning solution at the Kansas ST shoot

    A humble suggestion Remember to wash your paws pre pee not post pee when using Richards magic elixer, it burns!
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    Rattlesnake WBC Qualifier Raton NM August 18&19

    We can hold Bagget for you, Dennis.
  17. P

    Adjusting 6 PPC Loads During the Day

    That should probably work just fine, except you'll probably need a tuner on the barrel to compensate for vibration differences due to the increase in velocity as temps go up during the day. There are quite a few guys that shoot very well doing what you're thinking about.
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    Raton Match July 21&22

    Looking forward to it!
  19. P

    In your opinion whats killing the group game

    As a relatively new shooter in the sport that was offered help by many strong competitors I would say it's this that stands in the way of growing group shooters. During the time I've been in the game I've seen a few fall by the wayside because they either couldn't find good mentoring or they...
  20. P

    ppc ?

    Leader? Or did you mean Lederer?