The Kansas Classic at Charlene's Meadow



It sounds like it might be wet so bring some rain gear. Had 3" rain today and more on the way.
Charlene said her and the gals have quite a meal planned for Friday evening (Brisket with all the trimmings)
so you don't want to miss out!

Richard Brensing
Charlene's Meadow

Richard, it is going to take more than rain to keep me away. We have had 3.5 inches today.That makes it hard to shell corn but easy for me to get away! Wish I could set a sporter as good as I can set a combine. If we need to do anything to make this thing happen just let me know. I can't wait to track mud into your shop.
I just hope everybody can get down the county road! This morning at 4" plus on the rain and still coming down.
The county came through!! The road has been graded and sanded and will be no problem getting here.
They hauled in 10 semi-loads of sand and looks great. Thanks to Jay Schmidt and the crew for getting this done!!

I have been trying to get more of the guys interested in BR in my area and there will be several coming down to see what Benchrest is all about. Looking foward to seeing everybody!!

Richard Brensing
Where is Charlene's Meadow? If it's in SW Kansas it can't be too far from me but can't remember hearing about it.
40 mi SE of Dodge City. It's just a small private range I have put together mainly for helping other shooters. It does have a great indoor loading area, climate controlled, bathroom, ect

Sometimes it's score depending on the crowd. This is group with moving backers of course.
Working on 300 yd backers this winter. The 600 yd is pretty well done and the 1000 have been cleaning out brush for target frames.
