World Benchrest Championship Results

Steve Lee

Active member
Update 10/4/15
Final results including some name corrections and shooter nationalities are attached to a post I made toward the end of this thread.

Here are the results for day 1 and day 2 in a more reasonable format.

Had to work all day to get this going...didn't do much refereeing today.

Team results will be in another post on this thread since BR Central only allows 6 files per post.



  • WBC13_LV5-100.xls
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  • WBC13_LV5-100.pdf
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  • WBC13_HV5-100.xls
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  • WBC13_HV5-100.pdf
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  • WBC13_DAY2_2Gun.xls
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  • WBC13_DAY2_2Gun.pdf
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I had to resize them due to BR Central file size limits. I re-uploaded with larger images but the BR Central built in image viewer doesn't give you a way to zoom in. If you download the pictures you should be able to view them fine on your computer.

Bottom line USA Team 2 took gold Team 1 took silver and South Africa Team 1 took bronze.
Paul Sullivan (Australia) took individual gold, Tony Boyer took silver and Gene Buys took bronze.

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Steve: Thanks for report. Summarize with u.s. Results would be great! Wish i was there with you. Planned on it but doctor had other views. Jim casey
World Benchrest Championship Day 1 and 2 Team results

Here are the team results for days one and two. They don't have a way to get running two gun team data to me...just gonna have to wait to the end for that.



  • WBC_LV_100_TEAM.pdf
    50 KB · Views: 619
  • WBC_HV_100_TEAM.pdf
    14.9 KB · Views: 563
Thx for the effort, but whatever i do, i cant read the results.

I was thinking that the result would be online here each day?

They will be starting today. You should see them there later this evening if they are not already there. I left Scott with the files to upload but not sure how quick he'll get them up there. We agreed for me to handle uploading to BR Central and he'll handle putting it on the official website.

I edited my first post to this thread to include the first two days in excel and pdf formats.

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Teams Progressive

Here are the team results for days one and two. They don't have a way to get running two gun team data to me...just gonna have to wait to the end for that.

Here is what I worked out so far.

Rob, Sydney


  • WBC13_TEAMS.pdf
    215.2 KB · Views: 726
Day 3 Results

Here are day 3 results. USA Team 1 had a train wreck.



  • WBC13_LV5-200.xls
    51 KB · Views: 385
  • WBC13_LV5-200.pdf
    90.6 KB · Views: 771
  • WBC13_LV_Grand.xls
    43.5 KB · Views: 399
  • WBC13_LV_Grand.pdf
    78.3 KB · Views: 570
  • WBC_LV_200_AGG_TEAM.pdf
    17.5 KB · Views: 602
  • WBC_LV_200_GRAND_TEAM.pdf
    15.5 KB · Views: 736
I noticed at the Nationals that some times it was very difficult to read your competitor number at 200 if the band that held the target tight to the frame was positioned close to the number. Sorry to hear that for Chris' sake. It happens to everyone if you shoot long enough.